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<P><font color="#00ffff">FDEDE</font></P>
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<p>Fade you star</p>
<p>Fade from my heaven</p>
<p>Fade for the promise</p>
<p>Of forgetting</p>
<p>If i stared and you&aposd</p>
<p>Be shining through</p>
<p>would probably still see you</p>
<p>Farewell my guest</p>
<p>You were the only one</p>
<p>Who saw the door</p>
<p>Might be open</p>
<img src="u=1051264460,1022339110&fm=26&gp=0.jpg">
<p>If i only could have</p>
<p>Told you then</p>
<a name="re">到这一行</a>
<p>That the lock just was broken</p>
<p>There was no place</p>
<p>There was no time</p>
<p>There was no place</p>
<p>There was no time</p>
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