作者: Exap | 来源:发表于2022-08-14 13:34 被阅读0次

what does a call  cold  welcome refer to?

on wednesday evening we to the town hall

it was the last day of the year and a large crowd of the people had gether on under the town hall clock

it was would strated strike twelve and in twenty minutes's time.

twelve in twenty minutes time. 20分钟后12点

ten o'clock in five minutes time 5分钟后10点

fifty minutes passed and then at five to twelth, the clock stoped.

at five minute to twelth 再过五分钟到十二点

the big minute hand did not move

we waited and waited but nothing happened

suddenly someone shawded shouted

it's two minutes passed past twelve

the clock's has stop

i looked at my watch

it was true

the big clock refused to welcome the new year

at that moment everbody began to laugh and sing.


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