

作者: 小声音大世界 | 来源:发表于2022-03-26 00:37 被阅读0次

Technology has become predominant over everyone's lives in the past 20 years.

People now have smartphone smart TV, everything is smart

With people has.A cell phone on June twenty four seven. It is impossible to not check your social media sites and see what your. Friends, classmates and family are up to, and we love it.

Staying in touch is so much easier now. Reaches a click of a button. We can see cute animal pictures. Recipe radios and every photos are best friends. Have ever posted.

But with that great power comes great responsibility. And sometimes it can cause anxiety.

Let's be clear, it's not that actor sites that can call. That and fire t feeling. It's the addiction to checking the site.

I mean, I can put my phone down whenever right. The way. I just want to see. Who that new girl Erin is dating now.

It's hard not to get some. Enter the social media sinkhole.

It's so easy to say to ourselves one more screw. While putting off responsibility like. Homework. Working in a log in screen. Female dog and doing desserts.

Unfortunately, The harder it is. To get back out.

When you finally in a situation. Where you can't Check or update your social media. Like when you forget your phone or. You are in. And important lesson. You feel anxious.


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