

作者: 梦回蓝桥 | 来源:发表于2016-12-13 14:17 被阅读855次

    我们首先来看看Core Animation类的继承关系图

    An object that provides basic, single-keyframe animation capabilities for a layer property.
    //关键词:basic, single-keyframe animation(单关键帧,你可以理解成CABasicAnimation是CAKeyframeAnimation的特殊化) 
    You create an instance of CABasicAnimation using the inherited animationWithKeyPath: method, specifying the key path of the property to be animated in the render tree.
    For example, you can animate a layer's scalar (i.e. containing a single value) properties such as its opacity. Listing 1 fades in a layer by animating its opacity from 0 to 1.
    Listing 1 
    Creating an animation to animate opacity
    let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "opacity") 
    animation.fromValue = 0 
    animation.toValue = 1
    Non-scalar properties, such as backgroundColor, can also be animated. Core Animation will interpolate between the fromValue color and the toValue color. The animation created in Listing 2 fades a layer's background color from red to blue.
    //非标量属性,如backgroundColor,也可以是动画。 核心动画将在fromValue颜色和toValue颜色之间进行插值。 清单2中创建的动画会将图层的背景颜色从红色渐变为蓝色
    Listing 2 
    Creating an animation to animate background color.
    let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "backgroundColor")
    animation.fromValue = NSColor.red.cgColor
    animation.toValue = NSColor.blue.cgColor
    If you want to animate the individual(个人) components(组件、元件) of a non-scalar property with different values, you pass the values to toValue and fromValue as arrays. The animation created in Listing 3 moves a layer from (0, 0) to (100, 100).
    //如果要为具有不同值的非标量属性的各个组件设置动画,请将值传递到toValue和fromValue作为数组。 清单3中创建的动画将一个图层从(0,0)移动到(100,100)。
    Listing 3 
    Creating an animation to animate position
    let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "position")
    animation.fromValue = [0, 0]
    animation.toValue = [100, 100]
    The keyPath can access the individual components of a property. For example, the Listing 4 stretches a layer by animating its transform object's x from 1 to 2.
    //keyPath可以访问属性的各个组件。 例如,清单4通过将其变换对象的x从1动画化为2来展开图层。
    Listing 4 
    Creating an animation to animate scale
    let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale.x")
    animation.fromValue = 1
    animation.toValue = 2
    Setting Interpolation Values(设置插值)
    The fromValue, byValue and toValue properties define the values being interpolated between. All are optional, and no more than two should be non-nil. The object type should match the type of the property being animated.
    //fromValue,byValue和toValue属性定义在之间插入的值。 所有都是可选的,不超过两个应该是非零。 对象类型应与要动画的属性的类型匹配
    //注意:不超过两个是非零,byValue是一个相对值,例如,如果指定了`fromValue`等于2,`toValue`等于4,`byValue`等于3,那么Core Animation就不知道结果到底是4(`toValue`)还是5(`fromValue + byValue`)了
    The interpolation values are used as follows:
    Both fromValue and toValue are non-nil. Interpolates between fromValue and toValue.
    //fromValue和toValue都是非零。 插值(也就是动画执行)从fromValue到toValue
    fromValue and byValue are non-nil. Interpolates between fromValue and (fromValue + byValue).
    //fromValue和byValue是非零。 插值(也就是动画执行)从fromValue到fromValue + byValue。
    byValue and toValue are non-nil. Interpolates between (toValue - byValue) and toValue.
    //byValue和toValue是非零。 插值(也就是动画执行)从toValue - byValue到toValue
    fromValue is non-nil. Interpolates between fromValue and the current presentation value of the property.
    toValue is non-nil. Interpolates between the current value of keyPath in the target layer’s presentation layer and toValue.
    byValue is non-nil. Interpolates between the current value of keyPath in the target layer’s presentation layer and that value plus byValue.
    //byValue是非零,当前值->当前值 + byValue
    All properties are nil. Interpolates between the previous value of keyPath in the target layer’s presentation layer and the current value of keyPath in the target layer’s presentation layer.
    Interpolation values
    Defines the value the receiver uses to start interpolation.
    Defines the value the receiver uses to end interpolation.
    Defines the value the receiver uses to perform relative interpolation.




    • opacity (透明度)
    • backgroundColor (背景色)
    • position (位置)
    • transform.scale.x(多种)
    1 opacity

     CABasicAnimation *anima = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
     anima.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0f];
     anima.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.2f];
     anima.duration = 1.0f;
     [_demoView.layer addAnimation:anima forKey:@"opacityAniamtion"];

    2 backgroundColor

    CABasicAnimation *anima = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"backgroundColor"];
    anima.toValue =(id) [UIColor greenColor].CGColor;
    anima.duration = 1.0f;
    [_demoView.layer addAnimation:anima forKey:@"backgroundAnimation"];

    3 position

    CABasicAnimation *anima = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"];
    anima.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-75)];
    anima.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-75)];
    anima.duration = 3.0f;
    //anima.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
    //anima.removedOnCompletion = NO;
    anima.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn];
    [_demoView.layer addAnimation:anima forKey:@"positionAnimation"];

    4 transform

    CABasicAnimation *anima = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.scale"];//同上
    anima.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.0f];
    anima.duration = 3.0f;
    [_demoView.layer addAnimation:anima forKey:@"scaleAnimation"];

    CABasicAnimation *anima = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"];//绕着z轴为矢量,进行旋转(@"transform.rotation.z"==@@"transform.rotation")
    anima.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI];
    anima.duration = 1.0f;
    [_demoView.layer addAnimation:anima forKey:@"rotateAnimation"];



