Essay 73 Mar 14 ,2017

Essay 73 Mar 14 ,2017

作者: hongwang | 来源:发表于2017-03-14 19:45 被阅读0次

    What like to travel alone very much.

    Take the  pressure off

    to appreciate such beautiful world,

    to enjoy a person's holiday.

    But always can not  find the appropriate time,

    take the package  to go away  chicly.

    There is always  something

    prevent  us to start  a journey.

    Only look at others ' trip  journal,

    watch the scenic pictures friends taken,

    as our souvenirs of tips.

    Full of ups  and  downs  in the  world.

    No one knows exactly what will happen next a second

    and could  not predict that

    when  we would  passed away from this world.

    Couldn't  really  wait until  the last day of our lifes,

    to regret  the procrastinations before?

    Not thinking we will have many chances in the future,

    to carry out what unfinished today.

    No one knows how many next time we will have,

    It is not as much make decision  to do from now

    as make  something  leave  to the future.

    Even if just do it a little  bit everyday,

    That is aslo progress.



          本文标题:Essay 73 Mar 14 ,2017
