流利说-L7-U2-P1 Learning

流利说-L7-U2-P1 Learning

作者: sindy00 | 来源:发表于2021-02-16 08:37 被阅读0次

    Never, Ever Give Up 3(4'35)

    And then there are the crises. Of course there are.

    And the vomiting(吐) starts, the sea water,  you're not well, you're wearing a jellyfish mask for the ultimate(最后的 最终的 最基础的) protection.

    It's difficult to swim in. It's causing abrasions(擦伤出 磨损处) on the inside of the mouth, but the tentacles(触手  影响)  can't get you.

    And the  hypothermia(温度过低) sets in.  The waters' 85 degree, and yet you're losing weight, and using calories.

     And as you come over toward the side of the boat, not allowed to touch it, not allowed to get out, but,

    But Bonnie and her team hands me nutrition and ask me what I'm doing, how I'm all right.

    I am seeing the Taj Mahal(泰姬陵), over here

    I'm in a, you know, a very different state, and I'm thinking, wow, I never thought I'd be running into the Taj Mahal out here.

    It's good gorgeous. I mean, how long did it take them to build that, it's just, you know, so, wow, you know?

    And then we kind of have a cardinal(最重要的 基本的) rule that I never told how far it is. because we don't know how far it is.

    What's going to happen to you, between this point and that point, what's going to happen to the weather and currents and,

    God forbid, you know stung(蜇 疼痛), when you don't think you could be stung in all this armor.

    And Bonnie made a decision coming into that third morning, that I was suffering , and I was hanging on by a thread.

    And she said," come here", And I came close to the boat, she said" look, look out there" And I saw light.

    Because the day is easier than the night, and I thought we were coming into day. and I saw a stream of white light along the horizon.

    And I said," it's going to be morning soon."

    And she said," no, those are lights of Key West."

    It was 15 more hours, which for most swimmers  would be a long time.

    You have no idea how many 15 hours training swims  I have done.

    1. what did Bonnie do to help her carry on when she was close to failure?

    ...She pointed the finish line and gave Nyad hope.

    2. When someone says " God forbid," they are expressing...hope that a certain outcome doesn't happen.

    3. How does the Taj Mahal story helped Nyad speech?

    ... it adds humor.

    So here we go, and I somehow without a decision, went into no counting of strokes and no singing and no quoting Stephen Hawking on the parameters(决定因素) of the universe.

    I just went into thinking about this dream, and "why" and "how".

    And as I said when I turned 60-year, it was't about that concrete, you know, can you do it?

    That's the everyday machinations(阴谋 诡计). That's the discipline, and it's the preparation, and there's a pride in that.

    But I decided to think, as I went along about, you know, the phrase usually is, reaching for the stars, and my case is reaching for the horizon.

    And when you reach for the horizon, as I've proven, you may not get there, but what a tremendous build a character and spirit, that you lay down(放下 制定 规定).

    What a foundation you lay down in reaching for those horizon.

    And now the shore is coming, and there's a little part of me that's sad.

    The epic journey is going to be over.

    So many people come up to me and say," what's next?"

    We love that, that little tracker on the computer, what are you going to do the next one? We just can't wait to follow the next one.

    Well, you know they were just there for 53 hours, and I was  there for years.

    And so there won't be another epic journey in the ocean. but the point is, the point was, that every day our life is epic.

    and I'll tell you, when I walked up onto that beach, staggered up onto that beach,

    And I had, you know, so many times in a very puffed-up(气纯嘘嘘的) ego(自我价值感 自我) way, rehearsed(排练 排演 背诵)  what I would say...on the beach.

    When Bonnie thought that the back of my throat was swelling up,

    and she brought the medical team over to our boat to say, " you know, she's really beginning  that  trouble breathing,

    another 12, 24 hours in the salt water... the whole thing, and I just thought, in my hallucinatory(换觉的 引起幻觉的) moment, that I heard the word," tracheotomy(气管切除)"

    and Bonnie said the doctor aren't worry about not breathing,

    If she can't talk when she gets to the shore, she's gonna to be pissed off(生气 滚开).

    1. how was Nyad when she finished her Journey?

    ...She wasn't in good condition.

    2. To reach for the stars mans too...aim for something difficult to achieve.

    3. 听 复述

    A 15-hour swim is like a regular training swim for her but quite difficult for others.

    4. If she can't talk when she gets to the shore, she's gonna to be pissed off.



          本文标题:流利说-L7-U2-P1 Learning
