16/30 练习 day9

16/30 练习 day9

作者: 依然如水 | 来源:发表于2018-11-11 00:01 被阅读0次

    17. 世界许多民族都有迎接新春的传统,迎春迎的是对美好未来的希望,迎的是对安宁富足生活的梦想。新的一年,我们期待与各位使节、代表和朋友保持良好沟通与合作,同各有关部门、地方加强相互支持与配合,推动中国与世界各国的友好合作再上新台阶,更好造福中国人民和世界各国人民。

    我翻:So many nations in the world have traditions to welcome the spring festival. We welcome the beautiful hope for the future and the dream for peace and rich life. In the new year, we expect to cooperate and communicate with Excellencies, we wish to work in coordination with departments and local authorities so that the friendly relations between China and other countries in the world will be pushed to a new level and benefit the Chinese people and the people all over the world better. 

    官翻:To celebrate the arrival of spring is a tradition shared by people of many ethnicities around the world. As we celebrate the forthcoming spring, we want to express our hope for a bright future of greater happiness and prosperity. In the new year, we look forward to continued communication and cooperation with you and to mutual support and coordination with other departments and local governments. Let us work together to take China's friendship and cooperation with other countries to a new level and bring more benefits to the Chinese and other peoples. 



    18. 现在,我提议:






    我翻:Now, I propose a toast

    to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to the peaceful development of the world, to the friendship between Chinese and foreign people, to your health and happiness!

    官翻:Now, please join me in a toast:

    To the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, To the peace and development of the world, To the friendship between the Chinese and other peoples, and To the health and happiness of all the distinguished guests present. Cheers!




    1. 翻译文章要注意整体结构。每个段落也要注意整体的布局。而我在翻译过程中仅仅是逐句译,并没有考虑谋篇布局。

    2. 考虑整体,在翻译成英文时候,就要注意词的选用。有些词我用的是动词形式,而原文却是名词形式。要深入研究背后的原因,为什么是这样的结构?

    3. 翻译完应该考虑到是否符合英语国家人的阅读习惯。再读几遍,多加审视和修改。和原文不一样的地方,就是我的薄弱地带,需要多思考,多注意,多积累。



          本文标题:16/30 练习 day9
