Can the market be predicted ? 市场

Can the market be predicted ? 市场

作者: Peihan | 来源:发表于2017-10-21 17:26 被阅读0次

01 The most pervasive prediction market tool is "futures market." 预言市场的工具早就存在,也就是行之有年的期货市场

Blockchain developers favor topics on prediction markets very much. There are already some projects listed on exchanges, such as Gnosis, Augur...etc.

前一阵子广受区块链技术开发者追捧的一个主题是“预言市场”,相关的项目有Gnosis, Augur...等。

I would like to give a brief analysis on whether prediction market tools can be disruptive innovation for our future or not, and whether these projects are good investments.


Actually, the concept of prediction market has long been known by people, which is the existence of "futures market". The public often have misunderstanding about futures market, perceiving this tool as purely speculative due to its highly leveraged and highly uncertain characteristics.



To clarify this misunderstanding, you have to know the initiative of the innovation of futures. At first, futures got the same function as insurance. People buy futures contract to give themselves a protection from uncertainty. Regardless of whether the markets goes up or down, they can always keep their future cashflow fixed.

For example, electronic car companies such as Tesla might have the need for aluminum futures because the core material of its production is aluminum, and Tesla wouldn't be happy to see their raw material cost fluctuate too much with the market.





02 Futures market enables more specific expressions about future economic event 期货的本质,是让交易者表达对未来的不同看法

It's common that people share different opinions on future events, and the futures market provides a platform for people to act on their opinion and make profits.

The futures market wouldn't exist if people share the same expectation about the future. In other words, as long as there is disagreement, there is a futures market.



03 What composites a futures contract 期货合约的组成

A standard futures contract involve three main parties: buyer, seller, and the intermediary (which is often the exchange. ) The intermediary takes the responsibility of ensuring the execution of the contract despite any default from the buyer or the seller.



04 How prediction market works? 预测市场是如何运作的?

Participants in the market may choose to buy or sell contracts in which the provisions of profit/loss is conditioned on future events. The price of a contract could be calculated as the expected value of that future event.


For example, if I buy a contract predicting the result of US presidential election, I can get rewards if I bet on Trump's winning.


All results are automatically executed by smart contracts. 在区块链的预测市场中,所有的合约都透过智能合约来完成。

05 The pros and cons of a prediction market 预测市场的利与弊

Pros <利>

A prediction market, in essence, is a vehicle for aggregating information about the expected outcome of a future event.

The advocates of prediction market believe that, highly liquid prediction markets are remarkably accurate in assessing the likelihood of future events. Probability drawn from these markets can effectively approximate more sophisticated actuarial estimates that require highly specialized training.


Cons <弊>

If you bet on independent events which are uncorrelated to you behavior, you will try hard to do research and analysis because you are a stakeholder of this event and you want to be more accurate on your prediction .

Instead, if you can make a future event happen or not happen, you can manipulate the result and make profits on the result. Imagine you initiate a contract gambling whether a terrorist attack could happen to a certain area, the most likely consequence is that you attract terrorists to attack this area.

道德风险:在预测市场中,人们下注、博弈, 以利益绑定的形式来保证数据的准确性。



05 Projects comparison 预测市场项目比较

The decision arbitrary lies on REP token holders, which has nature limitations as long as the business scales up.

Augur 的事件仲裁机制是由REP持币者共同投票决定的,REP持币者等于是Augur平台的维护者。或许在早期,这机制是可行的,但ㄧ旦合约数量规模化后,普通人力是决不可能负担这些。

Gnosis uses a default centralized intermediary to determine the results.

Gnosis 使用ㄧ个默认的中心化信息中介(Oracle)来判定预测事件的结果。优点是能够将预测事件的判定自动化,提升运作效率。


Bodhi apples both a centralized intermediary and a final arbitrary right by BOT toke holders.

Bodhi 自称结合了Augur和Gnosis的优点,致力于创建新ㄧ代预测市场平台。不过它的事件结果也是由第三方信息中介(Oracle)判定,比较不同的是,当信息中介失效或错误时,Bodhi代币持有者可行使投票权,进行最终裁决。

Gnosis creates two types of token: GNO and WIZ. WIZ is pegged to $1 USD. WIZ can only be created via activating the utility of Gnosis tokens (GNO) and can be used to pay platform fees.

The total amount of GNO is fixed. GNO is the generator for WIZ. By "locking" GNO tokens, users can receive certain amount of WIZ (which is run by smart contract). Once users execute the contract, 30% of their WIZ will be distributed for immediate use, and the remaining 70% will be distributed proportionally over the locked duration.

在代币设计上,Gnosis创建了WIZ币作为交易费用,WIZ币和美元挂钩,ㄧ单位WIZ锚定1 USD。GNO代币持有者锁定代币,并获配WIZ。

Bodhi的代币叫BOT, Bodhi平台允许用户使用BOT和QTUM币参与押注,并预计未来开放所有代币都能进行押注。



06 预言市场工具从科学的角度该如何实现?

Every prediction tool can be rooted back in data science and statistics. The most ideal way is the use of “ base rate”. In probability and statistics, base rate generally refers to the (base) class probabilities unconditioned on featural evidence, frequently also known as prior probabilities.



07 小結

Business in such area is highly supervised and regulated because of the potential suspicion about market manipulation.


In insurance industry, insurers will do the investigation before they sign the contracts with the insured.


But in a decentralized world, there should be coding written to filter out unethical and illegal contracts.

在去中心化的世界,具有道德风险的合约应该要被制止。大部分白皮书并没有针对这层风险提出说明,而Delphy 白皮书提出了”事件过滤器”机制,用户创建好的event 会进入ㄧ个临时的event pool,系统同时会有ㄧ个event filter, 用来对违法的事件(比如对某国领导人的暗杀、恐攻...等)进行过滤。可惜的是,Delphy对于event filter的运作机制并没有更深一层的说明。



    本文标题:Can the market be predicted ? 市场
