DAY3-Daily Note-Chapter3

DAY3-Daily Note-Chapter3

作者: Delephinecho | 来源:发表于2017-12-06 17:10 被阅读0次

Reading Reflection







Guiding Question

During Su Tungpo's lifetime, who were the important people that influenced him and mattered to him from his child and youth period?

    They were his mother, his brother Tseyu and his younger cousin-sister. Su Tungpo grew up under his mother's care and education who were well-educated and considerate. Su also grew up and studied closely  with his younger brother, Su Tseyu, who was of steady, phlegmatic temperatment. Their love, devotion and constant loyalty to each other through all vicissitudes of fortune was a theme song of Su's life. Su's first love was a younger cousin-sister. But they couldn't get married because of their same family name. And Su remembered her all his life.

Words & Expressions

1.  inscription (P23)

There is an incident recorded both in the official biography of the poet in the Sung History and in the long tomb inscription written by the poet's brother.

Inscription: An inscription is writing carved into something made of stone or metal, for example a gravestone or medal.  碑文;题词

e.g. I've always benn impressed by John Keats' inscription which reads: 'Here lies one whose name was written in water.' (此地长眠者,声名水上书)

2. imperial decree (P23)

The scholars were subjected to bodily torture, persecuted, and murdered by imperial decree.


3. auspicious (P24)

However, it The friend, was New Year's Day, and the servants complained at having to remove a corpse on such an auspicious day.

Auspicious: Something that is auspicious indicates that success is likely.  吉祥的

e.g. During Spring Festival, people all wish an auspicious start for the next year.

4. serve the purpose (P25)

They struck it and it gave out a clear metallic tone; they tried using it as an ink slab, and it served the purpose very satisfactorily.

Serve the purpose: 管用;顶用。

这个词组在这一章里出现了两次,还有一次在P26:This labor served Su Tungpo well in the future, for when pleading with the emperor or drafting an edict for him, he was never at a loss to quote historic examples, used by scholars in those times as "cases" are used by lawyers today.

5. pedantic (P28)

This pedantic style may be described as a continual piling up of abstruse phrases and obscure allusions in order to "beautify" one's com- position.

Pedantic: If you think someone is pedantic, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects. 卖弄笔墨学问的,迂腐的

这个单词和后面两个词组都值得积累(abstruse phrases, obscure allusions),其实这种卖弄学问、依靠深奥晦涩的辞藻和暗喻堆砌的文章现在也不少,当时欧阳修批评的文坛风气放到现在也不为过,可惜东坡难再现。


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