S01-27Reds and blues .—by宣妈Viver

S01-27Reds and blues .—by宣妈Viver

作者: Viver_421c | 来源:发表于2019-08-10 07:13 被阅读0次

❤On the cover page, you can see 2 football  teams.One is red, one is blue. Let's look at the players ,who is this.It looks like a Wilf, but it's not Wilf. Uh I don't recognize him. Oh, it's Chip. Let's look at the blue team,And it's Biff.she is wearing blue jersey.And also Wilma and other team members.Like Willf here.So I think they're having the games ,And I think they're playing  football, and you can see the title is called reds and blues,so you can also see the red shirts and blue shirts.

❤1,Oh they're so cool. Oh, this is Chip. I think the Chip is the leader of this team.And Chip is hugging himself and also put his foot on the football.I think he is stopping the football and they're going to begin the game.Six players in the team.Who are they sorry, I don't know, I can't recognize them.Just know this one is Chip and is this one Kipper.I think they are all in the team.So let's read, we are all in red.You can also see grass here, this is  a good place for playing football.

❤2-3,Oh,Who is this, this is Wilma,What is wilma doing?She is kicking a ball with one foot.Think she is good at playing it.Five other members are in the team they are cheering.This is Wilf and Biff and three other Numbers.Let's read together, we are all in the blue.

❤4-5,You can see that, now the game is all right.Think it's a fierce game,You can see that the girl is here and she is kicking the ball.And she is running forward  to go.She is using the leg and foot to kick.Look at the jersey of the girl.It's muddy.Let's look at Chip, Chip's shorts is muddy too.I think they're going to kick the football into the goal.And look at the girl, the girl fell down,Can see the blue team,What are they doing?They're standing here,to try to stop the football.Do you think they can stop the football?So let's see the audience.the audienceare exciting.Kipper is exciting too. I think he is cheering.

❤6-7,You can see the members of the football teams.Can you distinguish them from the color of their jerseies.I can't because they're all muddy.Wow,This girl is Biff, Biff is goaling.Look at the body of Biff, the body is bending down.And she is going to fall down on her back.Who is in red, who is in blue, I can no tell.Let's look at the audience ,the audience are all cheering.

❤That is a girl Biff,Biff is holding the football.Also this is Wilf, I don't know maybe this is Wilma.And this is Kipper and now they are all standing with a smiling face.we are all muddy so they are very happy today.

❤Who do you think win the game today?I think is Biff's team,The blue team wins.



      本文标题:S01-27Reds and blues .—by宣妈Viver
