1、平台网站英文版设计完成并上线。方便了英文语系的用户使用 BCV 服务,其他语种的产品也在快速进展中。
English website online edition. It is convenient for English language users to use BCV services, and other languages are also developing rapidly.
Daifabao product design and page are all completed, the technology is improving and is expected to be officially launched next week. Start commercial trials.
Yubibao conducted product optimization and completed the product manual. BCV's investors and holders have begun to use Yubibao for hosting tokens.
Adjustment of the backstage management system, consultants, investment institutions and other information, can be reused between projects.
In order to monitor product data and provide better service and product experience, this week, we identified the operating tools that need to be developed and are expected to be launched in the background.
6、技术团队加班加点,仔细测试,如期安全可靠地实现了 BTC、ETH、ERC20、NEO Gas、KCash、DOGE 等多币种的平台上提币功能。
With the efforts of the technical team, carefully tested and achieved the extraction of BTC, ETH, ERC20, NEO Gas, KCash, and DOGE tokens.
All the activities of the candy reward were opened and extracted. With the support of the Dai Bao products, the issuance of the Spring Festival candy benefits has been carried out smoothly and orderly, which has exercised our R & D capability. Also obtained the praise of the user.
2、庆祝 BCV全球首发 AEX ,开展超级福利大派送、充值送、交易送活动。具体活动详情请进入链接产看参与。https://www.aex.com/page/news/notice/2018/0307/ch_197.html
In celebration of BCV listing on AEX,we will be giving away BCV to users who tranding and deposit BCV, starting at 10:00 A.M (GMT+0) on Mar. 7 until Mar. 16. There will also be other large BCV giveaways during the holidays and other special events in the future. Don't miss out!
3、社群成员稳步增长中,本周社群总人数增加2000 人。为给社群成员更加良好的交流体验本周增加 telegram BCV fans 2 群 https://t.me/bcvfans 微信 6 群扫描或识别下方二维码进入(如无法加入请添加微信小秘书微信 bitcv88888 申请入群)。
The total number of members of the community increased by 2000 this week. This week add telegram BCV fans : https://t.me/bcvfans . WeChat Group scan two-dimensional code entry.
4、本周币威联合创始人熊家贵接受媒体采访,展现我们在研发方面的强大的底层技术积累与见解,品途、i黑马、创业邦、投中网、金融界、网易、今日头条、天天快报、产业经济在线等 20 多家媒体报道,具体报道请访问:https://m.pintu360.com/a47434.html
BCV co-founder Jiagui Xiong media interview, show our strong in research and development of the underlying technology accumulation and insights, more than 20 media reports, the specific report, please visit: https://m.pintu360.com/a47434.html
1、为了推动 BCV 产品的应用落地,增强 BCV 的价值和使用场景,具有国内顶级 IT 销售和大数据销售背景的合伙人加入币威团队。
In order to promote the application of BCV products, enhance the value and usage scenarios of BCV, the partner with rich experience in sales will join the BCV.
2、技术岗位本周到场面试 10 余人,前端开发工程师火热招聘中,欢迎项目经验丰富的技术大咖加入。确定了一名 BAT 背景后端研发人员进行进一步面试沟通。
This week, more than 10 people were interviewed for technical positions, and the front-end development engineer was in the process of recruiting. Technical talents with BAT experience are being identified.
Guanghua School of Management interns join in the research and development of financial products. Identify three interns, participate in market operation and improve customer service quality.
Organizing women's day activities and distributing holiday benefits. In order to enhance internal communication and team cohesion, staff internal weekly "BCV weekly" is officially published.