If you become very good at what you do, there is nothing that can stop you from getting paid more and promoted faster.
THE MARKET PAYS excellent rewards for excellent performance. It pays average rewards for average performance and below-average rewards, failure, and frustration for below-average performance. Your goal should be to become an expert in your chosen field by learning every single detail about how to do your work better and better.
Readall the magazines in your field. Read and study the latest books. Attendcourses and seminars given by experts in your field. Join your industry or trade association, attend every meeting, and get involved with the other top people in your field.
The Lawof Integrative Complexity says that the individual who can integrate and usethe greatest amount of information in any field soon rises to the top of thatfield.
Set agoal for yourself to become the very best in your business or profession. Onesmall detail, insight, or idea can be the turning point in your career. Neverstop looking for it.
Identify the trends in your business. What are the corecompetencies or key skills that you will need to lead your field in the future?Make a plan today to develop those skills and then work on them every day.