

作者: 你似故人来 | 来源:发表于2017-06-10 15:43 被阅读0次

    After  looking  at  the  small  video" find  your  greatness", I was impressed by it. I consulted the background knowledge about it  after class.

    This advertisement is an inspirational advertisement by Nike  during London Olympic Games. It focuses on the fighting spirit of athletes and encourages people to be the best of themselves.

    Here are my three ideas about it.

    First and foremost,we can learn a kind of fighting spirit from it. This fighting spirit can be regarded as living your greatness.I don't think there is a universally applicable standard for judging a man's greatness. Judging whether a man is great or not, we should look at him in a comprehensive way. Some people did not make a great contribution to society or not for the benefit of many people, but their spirit will bring us inspiration. For instance, some people struggle to save other people' lives regardless of personal danger,and some disabled people do things that ordinary people cannot do.These people are also great.

    So  ordinary person, each of us, can find our greatness. As the saying goes:"no gold is pure,no man is perfect." Everyone is not perfect. Though you do something very badly, you  do quite wonderfully in other ways.  Believe in yourself. The things that other  people  can do also can be done by yourself through the effort. If you can't be a tree, go and do the grass; If you can't do the sea,go and do the stream; If you can't do the sun, go and do the stars. To sum up in a word: do your best. Your enemy is yourself.

    Second,  it  is about  advertising. This advertisement  producted  by the heat of the Olympics. It  tells us that  advertising design even business can be done with the current social hot spots.  This  kind  of  advertisement    not  only  can  attach  customers'  attention, but  also  may let  more  people concern  about  the  great  social  events  in  some  way.

    Finally,each  of  us  should have  a  right  understanding  of the Olympic spirit. The Olympic spirit  refers to everyone should enjoy the possibility of sports, without any form of discrimination, and embody the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. Now many people have forgotten the spirit of the Olympics,and they lay too much stress on success and gold medals. So I think  that  we  should  value the spirit of participation and be  willing  to see  athletes do their best of themselves  and put  their whole heart into  doing  sports instead of caring about winning and losing only.

    In a way, everyone should find your greatness.



