2019-01-10[Stay Sharp]k-means cl

2019-01-10[Stay Sharp]k-means cl

作者: 三千雨点 | 来源:发表于2019-01-10 22:41 被阅读4次

    what is k-means clustering?

    K-means clustering is a method of prototype based clustering, it can group the data into k clusters in which eash data belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.

    Given the input data set D = \left\{ \boldsymbol { x } _ { 1 } , \boldsymbol { x } _ { 2 } , \ldots , \boldsymbol { x } _ { m } \right\}, k-means clustering will partition the n observations into k ( \leqslant m ) set \mathrm { S } = \left\{ S _ { 1 } , S _ { 2 } , \ldots , S _ { k } \right\} so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares.

    \underset { \mathbf { S } } { \arg \min } \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { k } \sum _ { \mathbf { x } \in S _ { i } } \left\| \mathbf { x } - \boldsymbol { \mu } _ { i } \right\| ^ { 2 }
    where u_{i} is the mean of points in S _ { i }.

    clustering steps

    • select k random points as the class center point
    • calculate the distance between each data point and the each class center point, then classify the data point to be in the group whose center point is closest to it.
    • recompute each class center to the mean of all the vectors in the class.
    • repeat the above steps for some iterations or until the centers don't change much between iterations.





          本文标题:2019-01-10[Stay Sharp]k-means cl
