React/Taro - Event notification

React/Taro - Event notification

作者: 凸大愚若智凸 | 来源:发表于2021-03-29 23:05 被阅读0次

    Event is an essential part of modern app design, even in micro-app.
    Here below is an example of how to use Event for notifying, i.e. after deletion of a list item, how to notify the list to refresh.

    Global data sharing

    As mentioned in another article, we have useModel for global data sharing and operator functions for data manipulating accordingly. So a simple way to "notify" an event is to define an indicator and a toggle function to change the indicator.

    • Define global indicator and function
    export default () => {
      const [ refresh, { toggle: forceUpdate } ] = useToggle() // from `ahooks`
      return {
    • In List page, add refresh as a dependency of the request, something like:
    // from `ahooks`
    const list = useRequest(() => {
      // data request here ...
    }, {
      refreshDeps: [ refresh, ... ]
    • In user action, call forceUpdate to toggle value of refresh, hence the request will be resent.
    // No matter below code is executed in the same page as or different page from list page,
    // the list will be refreshed.
    handleDelete({...}).then(() => forceUpdate())


    We can use events from Taro, a handy way is to use Taro.eventCenter directly.

    • Define your event & handler, name event to EVT_DELETE and handler to forceUpdate as above
    • Define a hook name useEvent to wrap the logic
      • Register and Unregister events when enter/exit respectively. A tricky way to avoid repeatedly register
        same event & handler is to cancel first then reigster. (off -> on)
    • In List page, add refresh as a dependency of the request (same as above), something like:
    // from `ahooks`
    const list = useRequest(() => {
      // data request here ...
    }, {
      refreshDeps: [ refresh, ... ]
    • In user action, call forceUpdate to toggle value of refresh, hence the request will be resent.
    // No matter below code is executed in the same page as or different page from list page,
    // the list will be refreshed.
    handleDelete({...}).then(() => Taro.eventCenter.trigger(EVT_DELETE))

    Complete code sample of useEvent is as below:

    export function useEvent(evts?: string[]) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
      const events = useMemo(() => evts || [], [])
      const { refresh, forceUpdate } = useModel('ui')
      useEffect(() => {
        if (evts) {
          console.log('Register for events:', events)
          events.forEach(event => {
            // Avoid repeatedly registration, first cancel then register
            // Same logic as:
            // If the event & handler has been registered before, skip it;
            // otherwise register the event & handler
            Taro.eventCenter.off(event, forceUpdate)
            Taro.eventCenter.on(event, forceUpdate)
          return () => {
            console.log('Unregister for events:', events)
            events.forEach(event => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
      }, [])
      const notifyAdd = useCallback(() => Taro.eventCenter.trigger(EVT_CLIENT_CREATE), [])
      const notifyUpdate = useCallback(() => Taro.eventCenter.trigger(EVT_CLIENT_UPDATE), [])
      const notifyRemove = useCallback(() => Taro.eventCenter.trigger(EVT_CLIENT_DELETE), [])
      return {

    Event way is a little bit complicated then global data way, but the good part is that, Event way is more flexible. It's able to register many events for different purpose, or register one event with many handlers so when one event happened they'll all take actions.

    Whatever way you take, pay attention for repeatedly registration. In some cases it might be harmless, but in other cases could cause side effects. For example, if we use register same event & handler several times, and the handler, in our case, is to toggle value of refresh, so the value of refresh will be toggled several times hence the list will be refreshed several times, .etc



          本文标题:React/Taro - Event notification
