2018-03-27 开胃学习.Net 系列 - MVC 总结

2018-03-27 开胃学习.Net 系列 - MVC 总结

作者: Kaiweio | 来源:发表于2018-03-28 03:09 被阅读77次

    当前,MVC作为一种主流框架,被广泛运用,如JAVA Web开发,.NET ASP,NET MVC




    EF and MVC Versioning

    As of Visual Studio 2017, two varieties of web projects:

    ASP.NET Web Application

    • Entity Framework 6 (or less)
    • MVC 5 (or less), Web API 2

    ASP.NET Core Web Application

    • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac)
    • Entity Framework 7
    • MVC 6 & Web API combined (no distinction)

    More on Core 1.0

    Main features:

    • “No compile” development
    • Cloud-optimized 云优化
    • Modular (NuGet) 模块化
    • Host agnostic (Open Web Interface for .NET ̶OWIN)
    • No distinction between web application and web services Web应用程序和Web服务之间没有区别
    • Open source
    • Lightweight HTTP request pipeline
    • Side-by-side versioning

    MVC 与 Web Forms 比较

    • Web Forms page life cycle does not apply
    • MVC Page life cycle different and simpler
    • Webform 每个页面由三部分组成:前端代码(Default.aspx),后台代码(Default.aspx.cs)和设计器(Default.aspx.designer.cs);
    • Multiple forms on a page supported支持多页表单
    • No server controls
    • No view state 视图状态 (since there are no server controls)
    • UI decoupled from the business logic 用户界面与业务逻辑分离
    • Many views for the same data 针对相同数据的许多视图
    • One view and many ways to process the data 一种视图和许多方法来处理数据
    • Higher degree of control over output 对产出的更高程度的控制
    • 更容易测试和执行测试驱动的开发
    • WebForm不利于前后端分离,MVC前后端分离
    • WebForm中,一般是UI+BLL+DAL+Utility+Webservice模式,而在MVC中,一般采用SOA+WebAPI+DAL+Model+MQ+AOP+Docker模式

    MVC Example

    MVC 全过程
    • Controller alive only when request is alive
    • Controller 会失效,下一次request进来时,我们将会有一个新的controller
    • Routing 机制会不断地发送参数 params,上面的case就是config出Account Controller,然后得出involved的action,上图案例是login action
    • Login 是个Method。去查看Controller File,最后会有Login这个选项。这里要使用Database query,data come back,data 会进入一个business logic,生成新的 View
    • 这个新生成的View会进入一个 Razor View Engine, 这个Razor View Engine和 ASPS Markup 类似
      • ASP.NET页面由标记(Markup)和代码(Codebehind)文件组成
      • Aspx Markup 是一些普通的 Html 和一些特殊的Xml tag Server Control
      • Server Control 会渲染自己的Html
    • 这里最主要的区别就是没有Server Control, Webform 到达 浏览器就是纯html


    MVC Example
    主要是在Action ForgotPassword 里面还包含了另外一个Action EmailVerifier。这里做了一个Redirection,redirect到同一个Controller的另外一个Action。实际上,我们还可以Redirect到另外一个Controller的Action里,而且可以Redirect到 more than one Controller。

    Web Forms vs. MVC Lifecycle

    Webform 需要很熟悉Page Lifecycle发生了什么
    MVC 使用过程则不需要太清楚 Lifecycle中的内容

    MVC Lifecycle

    When a request is received, it is routed to the UrlRoutingModule object and then to the MvcHandler HTTP handler. The MvcHandler HTTP handler determines which controller to invoke by adding the suffix "Controller" to the controller value in the URL to determine the type name of the controller that will handle the request. The action value in the URL determines which action method to call.
    当接收到一个请求时,它被路由到UrlRoutingModule对象,然后发送到MvcHandler HTTP处理程序。MvcHandler HTTP处理程序通过向URL中的控制器值添加后缀“控制器”来确定要调用哪个控制器,以确定控制器的类型名称,该控制器将处理请求。URL中的操作值决定调用哪个操作方法。


    1. UrlRoutingModule
    2. RouteTable apply 之后,RouteHandler 自动生成
    3. Controller object created by controller factory, factory里有MvcHandler,ProcessRequest()
    4. Controller.Execute()
    5. ActionInvoker
      这里有个pre action filter method
    1. ActionMethod()
    2. ActionResult
    3. ActionResult.ExecuteResult()



    Routing tell us which controller and action should execute in response to an HTTP request

    The process of mapping URLs to controllers is called routing.

    URL patterns for routes in MVC applications typically include {controller} and {action} placeholders.

    When a request is received, it is routed to the UrlRoutingModule object and then to the MvcHandler HTTP handler. The MvcHandler HTTP handler determines which controller to invoke by adding the suffix "Controller" to the controller value in the URL to determine the type name of the controller that will handle the request. The action value in the URL determines which action method to call.
    当接收到一个请求时,它被路由到UrlRoutingModule对象,然后发送到MvcHandler HTTP处理程序。MvcHandler HTTP处理程序通过向URL中的控制器值添加后缀“控制器”来确定要调用哪个控制器,以确定控制器的类型名称,该控制器将处理请求。URL中的操作值决定调用哪个操作方法。

    For example, a URL that includes the URL path /Products is mapped to a controller named ProductsController. The value in the action parameter is the name of the action method that is called. A URL that includes the URL path /Products/show would result in a call to the Showmethod of the ProductsController class.
    例如,一个包含URL路径 /产品 的URL映射到一个名为ProductsController的控制器。action参数中的值是调用的操作方法的名称。一个包含URL路径 /产品/show 的URL会导致对ProductsController类的Showmethod的调用。

    Route Registration


        public class RouteConfig
            public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
                    name: "Default",
                    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                    // routing pattern
                    defaults: new { controller = "Department", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
                    // If nothing specified in the URL, these are the assumed values (will invoke HomeController)


    即以下这些URL都会定位到HomeController.Index()方法,返回Index View视图。

    • index 是一个特殊的URL, 表明了大多数的服务器
    • id 在这里是optional的,也可以设置成Required
    • 可以只输入一个controller 名,但是不写action 名,就默认了是index action

    If you adopt the MVC convention of implementing controllers by creating classes that derive from the ControllerBase class and giving them names that end with "Controller", you do not need to manually add routes in an MVC application. The preconfigured routes will invoke the action methods that you implement in the controller classes.

    If you want to add custom routes in an MVC application, you use the MapRoute(RouteCollection, String, String) method instead of the MapPageRoute(String, String, String) method.

    The following example shows the code that creates default MVC routes in the Global.asax file, as defined in the Visual Studio project template for MVC applications.
    下面的例子展示了在全局中创建默认MVC路由的代码。asax文件,正如在Visual Studio项目模板中定义的MVC应用程序。


    所有的controller 都源于 Controller 类

    • 这里返回了一个View function。在MVC project里,会有一个叫View的folder 默认存在。
    • 在View folder里还有一个Home folder,在这个folder里会查找一个Index file,返回。
    • 可以specify 任何View。
    • Controller name is significant: used for routing
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    namespace MVCControllerDemo.Controllers
        public class ControllerDemoController : Controller
            // GET: /ControllerDemo/
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View();

    Controller Actions


    控制器动作(具体的action)返回的结果叫做控制器动作结果,动作结果是控制器返回给浏览器请求的内容。ASP.NET MVC框架支持六种标准类型的动作结果。

    • Action都是Method,但是并非所有Method都是Action

    • Action 以Controller类的方法来实现

    • 但是如果我们想写一个Method,例如 HelperMethod,不可以看作是一个Action,使用[NonAction]属性 作为annotation

    • Action 应该是需要 public,而不可以是private的

    • Action 不能像普通方法那样“重载” 参考

      1. 不允许使用不同参数的同名方法,也就是不能overload
      2. 除了区分GET和POST(需要annotation注释)。可以写同名的Action去处理GET和POST
      3. 在C#里,重载是可以的
    • Controller 通常返回ActionResult或Task <ActionResult>类型

    • 使用model binder将action参数绑定data

    • 参数值可能来自各种来源:
      1.Form values
      2.Querystring parameters

    • 注意返回的是一个 async Task<ActionResult>
    • await block the IO bound computation, free up the thread of CPU of other thing while waiting the result return.
    • 在method的最开始,有一些annotation
    • [HttpPost] 属性是handle POST 而不是GET,不一定需要些GET
    • [AllowAnoymous]
    • [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] 确保不是为了欺骗服务器
    • return View(model) 把model传给View
    • RedirectToAction 这里我们redirect到其他的action,controller

    Action Results

    通常在 ASP.NET MVC项目中创建一个 Controller的时候, Index()方法默认的返回类型都是 ActionResult,ActionResult实际上是一个抽象类,因此实际返回的类型是该抽象类的子类

    1. ViewResult - 呈现网页,表示 HTML的页面内容(视图)
    2. PartialViewResult - 呈现分部视图(PartialView)
    3. RedirectResult - 重定向到另一个操作方法(重定向)
    4. ContentResult - 返回用户定义的内容(内容)
    5. JavaScriptResult - 返回在客户端上运行的JavaScript(JavaScript)
    6. FileResult - 返回二进制输出(File)
    7. HttpNotFoundResult - 表示资源未找到(HttpNotFound)
    8. EmptyResult - 返回没有结果

    上述的Controller,可以invoke database,可以invoke business logic。但是,不应该把业务逻辑放在controller里。



    Typically an instance of an Entity Framework class, but could be an instance of any class
    Can be adorned with data annotations (e.g. for validation)

    • MVC会对这些作出处理


    • Responsible for rendering the user interface (e.g. HTML)
    • Rendering performed by the Razor View Engine
    • Razor view files end in .cshtml (C#) or .vbhtml (Visual Basic)
      1.Reflects the embedded programming language
    • Similar to Web Forms view engine
      1.Web Forms: HTML with embedded ASPX markup
      2.Razor: HTML with embedded C#
      3.Elegant, minimal syntax
    • @ is a key transition character in Razor
    • More on Razor later!

    • 每次进入这个循环,都会生成这个html。方法是DisplayFor,后面传入参数
    • 这个是html helper
    • EditorforDisplayFor
    • ActionLink(),第一个是内容,然后是action,最后是参数

    1.ASP.NET MVC页面基本被放在Views文件夹下;
    2.利用APS.NET MVC模板生成框架,Views文件夹下的默认页面为.cshtml页面;
    3.ASP.NET MVC默认页面为Razor格式的页面,因此默认页面为.cshtml页面;
    4.ASP.NET MVC中,支持WebForm页面,即.aspx页面;
    5.ASP.NET MVC中,支持静态html页面;

    2.默认约定:在Controllers新增一个控制器,就会默认地在Views文件夹下新增一个视图问价,用来存放该控制器添加的视图,如上图中增加Home控制器, 在Views下就自动新增加Home文件,用来存放是Home控制器视图;

    Razor View

    • 这里有个Html.BeginForm。而不是用常用的form

    View Models

    • 限制:只能将一个Model传递给View
    • 但有时我们想传不止一个模型,或者特定于View的信息
    • 办法:
      1.创建一个View Model Class,其唯一目的是存储的view-specific data
      2.在controller中,创建view model并 populate the fields填充字段
      3.Pass the view model to the view the same way as before.
      4.Never use the View Model for a Entity Framework
      5.View models should never be used for business logic.

    • Display

    Passing Data


    From controller to view during 传递数据 during the same HTTP request方法:

    • Pass the model directly to the view:
    • ViewBag:动态输入Dynamically typed
    • ViewData:强类型 Strongly typed
    • ViewBag和ViewData属性是同一份数据的不同表现形式,二者的不同之处在于前者是一个动态对象,可以为其指定任意属性(动态属性名将作为数据字典的Key)
    • Useful when there are multiple models
    • 存储在键/值对中Stored in key/value pairs
    • 存储在ViewBag中的对象在取出时必须转换为原始类型

    From controller to controller传递数据 typically through a redirect:

    • TempData
    • Key/value pairs
    • Objects stored in TempData must be cast
    • Store data in TempData before a call to RedirectToAction.

    Partial Views

    A partial view is a regular view (with .cshtml extension) that renders part of a web page.

    • Good for “packaging up” a logical grouping of HTML, typically for reuse
    • Can be used to render headers, footers, and body separately (for example)
      To display a partial view, call the helper method Html.Partial or Html.RenderPartial
    • Partial returns a string
    • RenderPartial writes directly to the Response object
    • By default, partial views are expected to be in the folder: \Views\Shared\


    Routing - 深入理解Asp.net MVC路由
    Routing - ASP.NET MVC-轻松理解Routing(路由)
    理解 ASP.NET MVC系列之二:URL Routing机制:RouteTable
    理解 ASP.NET MVC系列之一:ASP.NET MVC基于MVC设计模式
    理解 Asp.Net MVC的Controller(控制器)
    理解 ASP.NET MVC 中的 Controllers and Actions
    理解 ASP.NET MVC 中的 ActionResult

    ASP.NET MVC Model Binding 模型绑定
    entity-framework - 在MVVM和 Entity Framework 中,POCO类的含义



        本文标题:2018-03-27 开胃学习.Net 系列 - MVC 总结
