Kotlin Weekly 中文周报 —— 121

Kotlin Weekly 中文周报 —— 121

作者: DoubleThunder | 来源:发表于2018-11-26 18:25 被阅读25次

    1. Playing With Kotlin Coroutines For Best Practices (codinginfinite.com)
      使用 Kotlin Coroutines 的最佳实践
      In this article Ahsen Saeed gives some great examples how to leverage coroutines to improve your codebase.
      在本文中,Ahsen Saeed 给出了一些很好的例子来说明如何利用 coroutines 来改进你的代码库。

    2. Join Kotlin 1.3 Webinars (jetbrains.com)
      加入 Kotlin 1.3 网络研讨会
      JetBrains is hosting two webinars on Kotlin 1.3 this December. Both events aim to explore the most common use cases and the challenges in adopting Coroutines, Kotlin/Native, and Multiplatform Projects.
      JetBrains 今年 12 月在 Kotlin 1.3 举办了两次网络研讨会。这两项活动的目的是探讨最常见的使用情况和在采用 coroutines,kotlin / Native 和多平台项目的挑战。

    3. The advent of Kotlin 2018, week 1 (kotlin-academy.com)
      Kotlin 2018 年的到来,第 1 周
      Marcin Moskala come with an idea for Advent: Every week (since today) he will give one challenge to implement in Kotlin and I will encourage people to solve it and share their solution. Here is the first one - we hope you enjoy it!
      Marcin Moskala 提出了一个新的想法:每周(从今天起)他将在 Kotlin 提出一个挑战,我将鼓励人们解决这个问题并分享他们的解决方案。这里是第一个 - 我们希望你喜欢它!

    4. Destructuring declarations (kotlindevelopment.com)
      Destructuring declarations is a technique for unpacking a class instance into separate variables. This means that you can take an object, and create standalone variables from its class variables, with just a single line of code. Sounds awesome, and indeed it comes with quite a few awesome use cases. Learn about them, and how to avoid dangers.

    5. The magic of Kotlin/Native: Part 1 (medium.com)
      Kotlin/Native: 第 1 部分
      In this post Vivek Singh explains why Kotlin is really write once run everywhere.
      在这篇文章中,VivekSingh 解释了为什么 Kotlin 真的写了一次到处都是。

    6. AutoDisposable for RxJava with Lifecycle Architecture Component (medium.com)
      Lifecycle Architecture 架构组件的 RXJava 的自动销毁
      An article introducing how to create the lifecycle-aware disposable, by using Android Architecture Components.
      本文介绍了如何使用 Android 架构组件来创建生命周期感知的一次性使用。

    7. Auto-generate Kotlin DSL (proandroiddev.com)
      自动生成 Kotlin DSL
      AutoDsl is a library that auto-generates Kotlin DSL using annotation processing, by Juancho Saravia. A neat and interesting approach! We absolutely recommend you to check it out and learn from it.
      autodsl 是一个库,自动生成 kotlin dsl 使用注释处理。一个整洁有趣的方法!我们绝对建议你去检查并从中学习。

    8. Moving forward with Kotlin #2: Inheritance (proandroiddev.com)
      用 Kotlin 的方式向前移动 2:继承
      Second articles in the series by Pablisco, exploring features and techniques which may help developers starting or currently using Kotlin. In this article, dive into the inheritance in Kotlin.
      Pablisco 的系列文章中的第二篇文章,探讨了可能帮助开发人员开始或目前使用 Kotlin 的特性和技术。在这篇文章中,深入到 Kotlin 的继承。

    9. Annotation Processing in Kotlin with Bartek Lipinski (talkingkotlin.com)
      Kotlin 与 BartekLipinski 的注释处理
      In this article, Hadi Hariri chats with Bartek about everything Annotations, including why he decided to use extension functions to overcome some of the issues he's faced.
      在这篇文章中,Hadi Hariri 与 Bartek 谈论了所有的注释,包括为什么他决定使用扩展函数来克服他所面临的一些问题。

    10. Kotlin, Beyond the Basics + Functional Programming (www.youtube.com)
      Kotlin,超越基础 + 功能编程
      Huyen speaks with speaker and GDE, Segun Famisa, about going beyond the basics with Kotlin with Functional Programming.
      Huyen 与 Speaker 和 GDE,Segun Famisa 说,关于超越 Kotlin 的基础与功能编程。

    11. Netflix's componentization architecture with RxJava + Kotlin (www.youtube.com)
      Netflix 的组件化架构与 RXJava+Kotlin
      Netflix's componentization architecture with RxJava + Kotlin by Juliano Moraes.
      Netflix 的组件化架构与 RXJava+Kotlin 由 Juliano Moraes。


    1. Android Weekly - 337
    2. Kotlin Weekly - 121




          本文标题:Kotlin Weekly 中文周报 —— 121
