词为我用 - debunk

词为我用 - debunk

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-02-19 22:19 被阅读0次


    debunkUK  /ˌdiːˈbʌŋk/ US  /ˌdiːˈbʌŋk/TEM8    GRE

    verb, If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.指出…...的错误,揭穿…...的吹嘘或虚假


    1. When the Labour leader said no, a lowing sound could be heard, the noise of an audience uniting in sceptical rejection of the man before them – a reminder that one of Miliband's greatest errors since 2010 was his failure to debunk the narrative that blames Labour profligacy for the country's fiscal troubles.(The Guardian)

    2. On the Saudi side, the departure of US troops stationed in the country to neighbouring Qatar was meant to debunk jihadi pledges to "remove infidels from the Arabian peninsula".(The Guardian)

    3. As Jonathan Freedland points out in his sharp analysis of how the three leaders fared, perhaps Miliband's true achilles heel in this election is not the SNP, but his failure to debunk the narrative that Labour's profligacy was the reason for the "no money left" note.(The Guardian)

    4. One of the chief tools used to debunk stuff like the fact that US consumers plough through 1,500 single-use plastic water bottles a second and less than 20% are recycled is so-called Life Cycle Assessment.(The Guardian - Opinion)

    5. The Daily Mirror only seems to have repeated the myth on four occasions – less than the Guardian, which has repeated it on six occasions, even though it did eventually debunk the myth in several different articles.(The Guardian - Opinion)

    6. Instead of Woolas-type pronouncements, what we tend to get these days are opportunities to debunk "environmental hysteria" (of the type I'm displaying right now) sponsored by the soft drinks industry.(The Guardian - Opinion)

    7. But, say the authors of this article, for today's middle-aged executive, "midlife is your best and last chance to become the real you". The authors aim to debunk two myths.(The Economist)

    8. Some people have suggested that it is actually written in a form of ancient Ukrainian in which vowels are omitted. Dr Knight has used a statistical-translation program to debunk this theory by showing that the order and frequencies of symbols do not match those in Ukrainian.(The Economist)

    9. This survey will debunk many old myths about it, including the belief that all these economies are highly flexible and well-governed, and that high investment is always a sign of strength.(The Economist)

    10. It lay dormant until early 2014, when he read an essay at BuzzFeed called "2014 Is The Year Of The Viral Debunk" by Charlie Warzel.(The Economist)

    11. He proved that he had run a firm that serves up banner ads to other websites before DoubleClick, the leading online advertising firm, filed for a patent claiming rights to the same technology.Yet BountyQuest could not debunk one of the best-known (and most criticised) patents on the web: Amazon's one-click shopping.(The Economist)

    12. The rage was in vain: voters still walloped Republicans in a referendum on George Bush and Iraq.However, Koch-bashing need not hit its purported targets to work (just as attack ads can do the job, even after fact-checkers debunk them).(The Economist)

    13. Though he once headed the country's official anti-AIDS campaign, he also explained that he took a shower immediately after sex to "minimise" the risk of infection. AIDS activists argue that this sort of talk could seriously undermine efforts to contain the pandemic and to debunk the many myths surrounding the disease.(The Economist)


    debunk claim, myth, notion, theory


    "expose false or nonsensical claims or sentiments," 1923, from de- + bunk (n.2); apparently first used by U.S. novelist William Woodward (1874-1950), in his best-seller "Bunk;" the notion being "to take the bunk out of things." It got a boost from Harold U. Faulkner's "Colonial History Debunked" [Harper's Magazine, December 1925], which article itself quickly was debunked, and the word was in vogue in America in the mid-1920s. Related: Debunked; debunking.


    belie, confound, confute, disconfirm, discredit, disprove, falsify, rebut, refute


    confirm, prove, validate, verify

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          本文标题:词为我用 - debunk
