LinearLayout 源码分析总结

LinearLayout 源码分析总结

作者: wan7451 | 来源:发表于2019-09-21 17:50 被阅读0次

    LinearLayout 主要是水平或者垂直排列子View,所以在调用三大方法时都是分为水平或者垂直方向的。

        protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                measureVertical(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
            } else {
                measureHorizontal(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
        protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                layoutVertical(l, t, r, b);
            } else {
                layoutHorizontal(l, t, r, b);

    一般ViewGroup是不会做绘制操作的,LinearLayout因为有分割线 divider 的属性,所以会在 onDraw() 中绘制分割线。

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            if (mDivider == null) {
            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
            } else {


    1. 通过 mTotalLength 计算所有childView 占用的高度,(高度为wrap_content时用于计算LinearLayout的高度), 最后根据LinearLayout的高度计算出剩余空间,用于weight属性分配剩余空间
    2. 使用 maxWidth 记录 childView 最大的宽度,用于计算LinearLayout的宽度
    3. 第一次循环,如果childView的属性 height=0,weight>0;LinearLayout 的 heightMode 为固定大小
    final boolean useExcessSpace = lp.height == 0 && lp.weight > 0;
    if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && useExcessSpace) {


    1. 第一次循环,除了3这种情况的childView,所有的childView都会measure 一次
    final int usedHeight = totalWeight == 0 ? mTotalLength : 0;
    measureChildBeforeLayout(child, i, widthMeasureSpec, 0,
                            heightMeasureSpec, usedHeight);
    1. 第二次循环,设置 measureWithLargestChild="true" 属性 并且高度为 warp_content ,则会进入第二次循环,用最大 childView 的高度 * childView 个数 再次计算 mTotalLength,防止LinearLayout高度出现问题。
    if (useLargestChild &&  (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)) {
      mTotalLength = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        mTotalLength = Math.max(totalLength, totalLength + largestChildHeight + lp.topMargin +
           lp.bottomMargin + getNextLocationOffset(child)); 
    1. 根据 mTotalLength 与 LinearLayout的高度,计算出剩余空间,第三次循环会weight >0 的 childView 会调用 measure 计算大小

    2. 高度为 wrap_content 时,因为没有剩余空间,进入不到第三次循环,所有这个情况 weight 属性无效。

    3. android:measureWithLargestChild="true" 属性需要weight属性配合使用,不然只会增加 LinearLayout的高度。
      代码只会进入第二个循环,用最大childView 的大小计算 LinearLayout的高度,但不会进入第三个循环来重新设置childView的大小。

    float childExtra = lp.weight;
    if (childExtra > 0) {
    1. 最后,当LinearLayout 宽度为wrap_content, childView 高度为 match_parent, LinearLayout 会最后再次 measure 宽度为match_parent 的childView,所以开发中要避免这种情况。

    2. 当LinearLayout 宽度为wrap_content,childView 的宽度,一个为 wrap_content ,一个为 match_parent,以wrap_content 为准

    if (!allFillParent && widthMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
      maxWidth = alternativeMaxWidth; //wrap_content view的宽度
    1. android:measureWithLargestChild="true" 与 divider 属性冲突,因为第二次循环没有记录 divider 高度,在展示时会出现问题


    onLayout() 主要用于确认View展示的位置,一般有父容器确认,所以这个方法主要用于确认childView 展示的位置。

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {

    确认位置其实只要知道左上角位置即可,width,height 在measure 过程已经获得。

    child.layout(left, top, left + width, top + height);

    所以主要的逻辑是获取到 top left。

    1. 根据 LinearLayout 的 gravity属性 获取 childTop
    switch (majorGravity) {
      case Gravity.BOTTOM:
          // mTotalLength contains the padding already
          childTop = mPaddingTop + bottom - top - mTotalLength;
          // mTotalLength contains the padding already
      case Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL:
          childTop = mPaddingTop + (bottom - top - mTotalLength) / 2;
      case Gravity.TOP:
          childTop = mPaddingTop;
    1. 根据 childView 的 layout_garvity 属性获得 left
    switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
        case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
            childLeft = paddingLeft + ((childSpace - childWidth) / 2)
                    + lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin;
        case Gravity.RIGHT:
            childLeft = childRight - childWidth - lp.rightMargin;
        case Gravity.LEFT:
            childLeft = paddingLeft + lp.leftMargin;
    1. 就能确定 childView 的位置了
    childTop += lp.topMargin;
    setChildFrame(child, childLeft, childTop + getLocationOffset(child),
                            childWidth, childHeight);


    void drawDividersVertical(Canvas canvas) {
        final int count = getVirtualChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
            if (child != null && child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(i)) {
                    final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                    final int top = child.getTop() - lp.topMargin - mDividerHeight;
                    drawHorizontalDivider(canvas, top);
        if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(count)) {
            final View child = getLastNonGoneChild();
            int bottom = 0;
            if (child == null) {
                bottom = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - mDividerHeight;
            } else {
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                bottom = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin;
            drawHorizontalDivider(canvas, bottom);


    void measureVertical(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        mTotalLength = 0;     // 所有 childView 的高度和 + 本身的 padding,注意:它和 LinearLayout 本身的高度是不同的
        int maxWidth = 0;     // 所有 childView 中宽度的最大值
        int childState = 0;
        int alternativeMaxWidth = 0;  // 所有 layout_weight <= 0 的 childView 中宽度的最大值  用于获取最大款第
        int weightedMaxWidth = 0;     // 所有 layout_weight >0 的 childView 中宽度的最大值     用于获取最大款第
        boolean allFillParent = true;  //是否 layout_width 全是 matchParent
        float totalWeight = 0;        // 所有 childView 的 weight 之和
        final int count = getVirtualChildCount();  //getCount()
        final int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
        final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
        boolean matchWidth = false;       //是否填充 LinearLayout,最后 measure一次child判断使用
        boolean skippedMeasure = false;   //是否跳过Measure过程
        final int baselineChildIndex = mBaselineAlignedChildIndex;
        final boolean useLargestChild = mUseLargestChild;  //可以通过 xml 属性 android:measureWithLargestChild 设置的
        int largestChildHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int consumedExcessSpace = 0;    //使用的剩余空间
        int nonSkippedChildCount = 0;   // 没有跳过的 childView 个数,用于分割线的逻辑
        // See how tall everyone is. Also remember max width.
        // 看看每个 View 有多高,记录最大宽度
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);   //getChildAt()
            if (child == null) {
                mTotalLength += measureNullChild(i);   //0
            if (child.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
               i += getChildrenSkipCount(child, i);   //0
            nonSkippedChildCount++;     // 没有跳过的 childView 个数
            if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(i)) {    //是否有分割线
                mTotalLength += mDividerHeight;   //加上分割线高度
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            totalWeight += lp.weight;   //计算总权重 totalWeight
            final boolean useExcessSpace = lp.height == 0 && lp.weight > 0;  //是否使用剩余空间
            //LinearLayout 的高度是固定的,child 的  lp.height == 0 && lp.weight > 0,跳过 else
            //步骤 skippedMeasure=true
            if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && useExcessSpace) {
                // Optimization: don't bother measuring children who are only
                // laid out using excess space. These views will get measured
                // later if we have space to distribute.
                final int totalLength = mTotalLength;
                mTotalLength = Math.max(totalLength, totalLength + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
                skippedMeasure = true;
            } else {
                if (useExcessSpace) {
                    // The heightMode is either UNSPECIFIED or AT_MOST, and
                    // this child is only laid out using excess space. Measure
                    // using WRAP_CONTENT so that we can find out the view's
                    // optimal height. We'll restore the original height of 0
                    // after measurement.
                    //heightMode 是 UNSPECIFIED or AT_MOST, childView 只使用剩余空间
                    //使用WRAP_CONTENT进行测量,以便找出视图的最佳高度。测量后恢复原来高度 0
                    lp.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
                // Determine how big this child would like to be. If this or
                // previous children have given a weight, then we allow it to
                // use all available space (and we will shrink things later
                // if needed).
                final int usedHeight = totalWeight == 0 ? mTotalLength : 0;
                //计算 childView 高度
                measureChildBeforeLayout(child, i, widthMeasureSpec, 0,
                        heightMeasureSpec, usedHeight);
                final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
                if (useExcessSpace) {
                    // Restore the original height and record how much space
                    // we've allocated to excess-only children so that we can
                    // match the behavior of EXACTLY measurement.
                    //恢复原来的高度,并记录我们分配给 excess-only children 的空间大小,以便我们能够准确地匹配测量的行为。
                    lp.height = 0;
                    consumedExcessSpace += childHeight;
                final int totalLength = mTotalLength;
                mTotalLength = Math.max(totalLength, totalLength + childHeight + lp.topMargin +
                       lp.bottomMargin + getNextLocationOffset(child));    //getNextLocationOffset() 0
                if (useLargestChild) {
                    largestChildHeight = Math.max(childHeight, largestChildHeight); //最大childHeight
             * If applicable, compute the additional offset to the child's baseline
             * we'll need later when asked {@link #getBaseline}.
            if ((baselineChildIndex >= 0) && (baselineChildIndex == i + 1)) {
               mBaselineChildTop = mTotalLength;
            // if we are trying to use a child index for our baseline, the above
            // book keeping only works if there are no children above it with
            // weight.  fail fast to aid the developer.
            if (i < baselineChildIndex && lp.weight > 0) {
                throw new RuntimeException("A child of LinearLayout with index "
                        + "less than mBaselineAlignedChildIndex has weight > 0, which "
                        + "won't work.  Either remove the weight, or don't set "
                        + "mBaselineAlignedChildIndex.");
            boolean matchWidthLocally = false;
            if (widthMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // The width of the linear layout will scale, and at least one
                // child said it wanted to match our width. Set a flag
                // indicating that we need to remeasure at least that view when
                // we know our width.
                // 线性布局的宽度会缩放,并且至少有一个孩子说它想要匹配我们的宽度。
                // 设置一个标志,表明当我们知道宽度时,至少需要重新测量该视图。
                //LinearLayout 的宽度是 WRAP_CONTENT
                matchWidth = true;
                matchWidthLocally = true;
            final int margin = lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin;
            final int measuredWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth() + margin;
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, measuredWidth);
            childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, child.getMeasuredState());
            allFillParent = allFillParent && lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
            if (lp.weight > 0) {
                 * Widths of weighted Views are bogus if we end up
                 * remeasuring, so keep them separate.
                weightedMaxWidth = Math.max(weightedMaxWidth,
                        matchWidthLocally ? margin : measuredWidth);
            } else {
                alternativeMaxWidth = Math.max(alternativeMaxWidth,
                        matchWidthLocally ? margin : measuredWidth);
            i += getChildrenSkipCount(child, i);   //0
        }//第一次循环结束 获得 alternative  weightedMaxWidth  maxWidth  matchWidth largestChildHeight
        if (nonSkippedChildCount > 0 && hasDividerBeforeChildAt(count)) {
            mTotalLength += mDividerHeight;
        //useLargestChild 属性指定
        //所以接下来根据 largestChildHeight 重新计算高度
        if (useLargestChild &&
                (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)) {
            mTotalLength = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
                if (child == null) {
                    mTotalLength += measureNullChild(i);
                if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) {
                    i += getChildrenSkipCount(child, i);
                final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)
                // Account for negative margins
                // 负 margins
                final int totalLength = mTotalLength;
                mTotalLength = Math.max(totalLength, totalLength + largestChildHeight +
                        lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin + getNextLocationOffset(child));
        }//第二个循环 useLargestChild   使用 largestChildHeight 计算 mTotalLength
        // Add in our padding
        mTotalLength += mPaddingTop + mPaddingBottom;
        int heightSize = mTotalLength;
        // Check against our minimum height
        //检查 最低高度
        heightSize = Math.max(heightSize, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());  //(mBackground == null) ? mMinHeight : max(mMinHeight, mBackground.getMinimumHeight());
        // Reconcile our calculated size with the heightMeasureSpec
        int heightSizeAndState = resolveSizeAndState(heightSize, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
        // 通过 heightMeasureSpec,调整 heightSize 的大小,具体的过程需要
        // 看一下 resolveSizeAndState() 方法的实现
        // 经过调整之后就是 LinearLayout 的大小了
        heightSize = heightSizeAndState & MEASURED_SIZE_MASK;
        // Either expand children with weight to take up available space or
        // shrink them if they extend beyond our current bounds. If we skipped
        // measurement on any children, we need to measure them now.
        // 重新计算有 weight 属性的 childView 大小,
        // 如果还有可用的空间,则扩展 childView,计算其大小
        // 如果 childView 超出了 LinearLayout 的边界,则收缩 childView
        int remainingExcess = heightSize - mTotalLength
                + (mAllowInconsistentMeasurement ? 0 : consumedExcessSpace); //剩余空间
        if (skippedMeasure
                || ((sRemeasureWeightedChildren || remainingExcess != 0) && totalWeight > 0.0f)) {
            //// 根据 mWeightSum 计算得到 remainingWeightSum,mWeightSum 是通过
            // `android:weightSum` 属性设置的,totalWeight 是通过第一次 for 循环计算得到的
            float remainingWeightSum = mWeightSum > 0.0f ? mWeightSum : totalWeight;
            mTotalLength = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
                if (child == null || child.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                final float childWeight = lp.weight;
                // 这是设置了 weight 的情况下,最重要的一行代码
                // remainingExcess 剩余高度 * ( childView 的 weight / remainingWeightSum)
                // share 便是此 childView 通过这个公式计算得到的高度,
                // 并重新计算剩余高度 remainingExcess 和剩余权重总和 remainingWeightSum
                if (childWeight > 0) {
                    final int share = (int) (childWeight * remainingExcess / remainingWeightSum);
                    remainingExcess -= share;
                    remainingWeightSum -= childWeight;
                    final int childHeight;
                    if (mUseLargestChild && heightMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
                        childHeight = largestChildHeight;
                    } else if (lp.height == 0 && (!mAllowInconsistentMeasurement
                            || heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)) {
                        // This child needs to be laid out from scratch using
                        // only its share of excess space.
                        childHeight = share;
                    } else {
                        // This child had some intrinsic height to which we
                        // need to add its share of excess space.
                        childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight() + share;
                    final int childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                            Math.max(0, childHeight), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                    final int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec,
                            mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin,
                    child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
                    // Child may now not fit in vertical dimension.
                    childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, child.getMeasuredState()
                            & (MEASURED_STATE_MASK>>MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT));
                } //child measure
                final int margin =  lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin;
                final int measuredWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth() + margin;
                maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, measuredWidth);
                boolean matchWidthLocally = widthMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY &&
                        lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
                alternativeMaxWidth = Math.max(alternativeMaxWidth,
                        matchWidthLocally ? margin : measuredWidth);
                allFillParent = allFillParent && lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
                final int totalLength = mTotalLength;
                mTotalLength = Math.max(totalLength, totalLength + child.getMeasuredHeight() +
                        lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin + getNextLocationOffset(child));
            // Add in our padding
            mTotalLength += mPaddingTop + mPaddingBottom;
            // TODO: Should we recompute the heightSpec based on the new total length?
        } else {
            alternativeMaxWidth = Math.max(alternativeMaxWidth,
            // We have no limit, so make all weighted views as tall as the largest child.
            // Children will have already been measured once.
            if (useLargestChild && heightMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
                    if (child == null || child.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
                    final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp =
                            (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                    float childExtra = lp.weight;
                    if (childExtra > 0) {
        if (!allFillParent && widthMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
            maxWidth = alternativeMaxWidth;
        maxWidth += mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight;
        // Check against our minimum width
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
        setMeasuredDimension(resolveSizeAndState(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec, childState),
        if (matchWidth) {
            forceUniformWidth(count, heightMeasureSpec);
     *  再次计算宽度
    private void forceUniformWidth(int count, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        // Pretend that the linear layout has an exact size.
        int uniformMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getMeasuredWidth(),
        for (int i = 0; i< count; ++i) {
           final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
           if (child != null && child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
               LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = ((LinearLayout.LayoutParams)child.getLayoutParams());
               if (lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                   // Temporarily force children to reuse their old measured height
                   // FIXME: this may not be right for something like wrapping text?
                   int oldHeight = lp.height;
                   lp.height = child.getMeasuredHeight();
                   // Remeasue with new dimensions
                   measureChildWithMargins(child, uniformMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
                   lp.height = oldHeight;
    void layoutVertical(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        final int paddingLeft = mPaddingLeft;
        int childTop;
        int childLeft;
        // Where right end of child should go
        final int width = right - left;
        int childRight = width - mPaddingRight;
        // Space available for child
        int childSpace = width - paddingLeft - mPaddingRight;
        final int count = getVirtualChildCount();
        final int majorGravity = mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
        final int minorGravity = mGravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
        switch (majorGravity) {
           case Gravity.BOTTOM:
               // mTotalLength contains the padding already
               childTop = mPaddingTop + bottom - top - mTotalLength;
               // mTotalLength contains the padding already
           case Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL:
               childTop = mPaddingTop + (bottom - top - mTotalLength) / 2;
           case Gravity.TOP:
               childTop = mPaddingTop;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
            if (child == null) {
                childTop += measureNullChild(i);
            } else if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
                final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
                final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp =
                        (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                int gravity = lp.gravity;
                if (gravity < 0) {
                    gravity = minorGravity;
                final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
                final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(gravity, layoutDirection);
                switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
                        childLeft = paddingLeft + ((childSpace - childWidth) / 2)
                                + lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
                        childLeft = childRight - childWidth - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.LEFT:
                        childLeft = paddingLeft + lp.leftMargin;
                if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(i)) {
                    childTop += mDividerHeight;
                childTop += lp.topMargin;
                setChildFrame(child, childLeft, childTop + getLocationOffset(child),
                        childWidth, childHeight);
                childTop += childHeight + lp.bottomMargin + getNextLocationOffset(child);
                i += getChildrenSkipCount(child, i);
    void drawDividersVertical(Canvas canvas) {
        final int count = getVirtualChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
            if (child != null && child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(i)) {
                    final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                    final int top = child.getTop() - lp.topMargin - mDividerHeight;
                    drawHorizontalDivider(canvas, top);
        if (hasDividerBeforeChildAt(count)) {
            final View child = getLastNonGoneChild();
            int bottom = 0;
            if (child == null) {
                bottom = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - mDividerHeight;
            } else {
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                bottom = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin;
            drawHorizontalDivider(canvas, bottom);



          本文标题:LinearLayout 源码分析总结
