The Office-S04E03

The Office-S04E03

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-06-09 05:37 被阅读0次

    blech: used to express disgust or distaste. "blech, I feel like vomiting"

    riddle: 1. 谜语 2. 筛子

    single someone out: to treat or to speak about (someone or something in a group) in a way that is different from the way one treats or speaks about others The coach singled out the players who played poorly.

    sharpie: 1. a sharp-prowed, flat-bottomed New England sailboat, with one or two masts each rigged with a triangular sail. 2. a dishonest and cunning person, especially a cheat. (剧里应该不是这两个意思)

    I was wondering if you could sign my cast.

    cast: an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold. "bronze casts of the sculpture" "Casts are usually worn for one to two months." 打石膏的工夫平常为一到两个月。

    earthling: an inhabitant(居民) of the earth (used especially in science fiction by members of alien species). "this was perfectly normal earthling behavior"

    on an unrelated note: means that the speaker or writer is switching to a completely different topic. It is usually used humorously, as in: "Yeah, that's what happened. On a completely unrelated note, there are dogs in France." I could also be used sarcastically, to indicate a connection to the previous topic. "So she broke up with him? On a *completely* unrelated note, I saw him with another girl last night."

    brain child: an idea or invention which is considered to be a particular person's creation. "the statue is the brainchild of a local landscape artist"

    web cam: a video camera that inputs to a computer connected to the Internet, so that its images can be viewed by Internet users.

    pipsqueak: a person considered to be insignificant, especially because they are small or young. "I was damned if a nineteen-year-old pipsqueak with spots was going to make me feel loathsome"

    mercy killing: the killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease, typically by the administration of large doses of painkilling drugs. "should the law allow mercy killing to be available?"

    prone to: likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or unwelcome. "years of logging had left the mountains prone to mudslides"

    Apple's apple is flying at 30,000 feet: (引用网友猜测)I think he says Apple's Apple as in it is what it is a super company. While DM is a mere paper company so it is what it is. He looks up to apple and innovates and makes a website.

    The 30,000-Foot View – Though not the only use or misuse of this phrase, “the 30,000-foot view” is often uttered by pompous managers who believe they see the big picture that the rest of us are somehow missing. We get it, okay, you want us to believe you’re considering every outcome of a particular decision. The origins of this phrase, which is meant to describe the view from a commercial airplane (flying at 30,000 feet), have become so misunderstood that we often hear our colleagues refer to everything from the 5,000-foot view to the 100,000-foot view – clearly different views. The AskTheManager replacement phrase leaders should use: The Big Picture (we know this is also clichéd, but at least everyone will understand the meaning).

    lost in the weeds: in the weeds. (idiomatic) Immersed or entangled in details or complexities. (idiomatic, restaurant slang, of a cook or server) Overwhelmed with diners' orders.

    beauty contest: 1. a competition for a prize given to the woman judged the most beautiful. 2. a contest between rival institutions or political candidates that depends heavily on presentation.

    viral marketing: 病毒营销,又称病毒式营销、病毒性营销、基因营销或核爆式营销,是一种营销方式,通常以社交网络和各种媒体管道发布不寻常的消息来吸引大众对品牌、产品或活动的关注。其中当前最流行的病毒内容形式是网络爆红短片。

    guerilla: /ɡəˈrilə/ 游击队

    kudos 荣誉


    pelt: attack (someone) by repeatedly hurling things at them. "two little boys pelted him with rotten apples"

    hurl: throw (an object) with great force. "rioters hurled a brick through the windshield of a car"

    booster seat: an extra seat or cushion placed on an existing seat for a small child to sit on.

    weigh you down: be heavy and cumbersome to someone. "my waders and fishing gear weighed me down"

    carb up: To consume a large amount of carbohydrates, ostensibly for energy; generally a practice of athletes, especially runners and swimmers. Let's have a spaghetti feed to carb up before the big meet.

    pull on a prank on: To carry out a trick, deception, or practical joke (against someone).It turns out that the supposed alien visitors that people had been seeing were just a bunch of teenagerspulling a prank on the town.

    reams: 500 (formerly 480) sheets of paper. a large quantity of something, typically paper or writing on paper. "reams of paper have been used to debate these questions"

    IM tone

    IM: short for instant message.

    You tell me:  (in response to a question) I don't know!

    plaque 牌匾

    in lieu of: in place of; instead of: "He gave us an IOU in lieu of cash."

    carbs chide

    chide: scold or rebuke. "she chided him for not replying to her letters"

    horn 喇叭

    beep: a short usually high-pitched sound (as from a horn or an electronic device) that serves as a signal or warning.

    lay off: give up or stop doing something. "I laid off smoking for seven years"

    fight it out: settle a dispute by fighting or competing aggressively. "they fought it out with a tug-of-war"

    assorted cutlery 各种餐具


    If you scoop a person or thing somewhere, you put your hands or arms under or round them and quickly move them there. Michael knelt next to her and scooped her into his arms. [ VERB noun preposition/adverb]

    prong: each of two or more projecting pointed parts at the end of a fork.


    goody: something attractive or desirable, especially something tasty or pleasant to eat.

    lead (sales lead): A sales lead is a person or business who may eventually become a client. Sales lead also refers to the data that identifies an entity as a potential buyer of a product or service. Businesses gain access to sales leads through advertising, trade shows, direct mailings, third parties, and other marketing efforts.

    take off ???下班??

    ride roller coaster (注意是ride)

    battered: injured by repeated blows or punishment. "he finished the day battered and bruised"

    withdraw from consideration

    nemesis 复仇者

    whop: hit hard. "Smith whopped him on the nose"

    recipient 接受者

    notary 公证人

    notarized letter

    fix up with someone: Fix someone up is defined as to arrange a date or a meeting for someone. An example of fix someone up is when your cousin sets up a blind date for you with a guy she knows from work.

    get back to you: I'll get back to you: I'll let you know, I'll respond to you soon. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. As soon as I know the answer, I will ring you. He hasn't gotten back to me yet: He hasn't replied to me yet, I haven't yet received an answer from him.

    fake someone out: fake out. To deceive, mislead, or trick someone, usually by doing something unexpected. A noun or pronoun can be used between "fake" and "out." The defender faked me out and then went around me to score an easy goal.

    killer party ???

    streamer 飘带

    orchid 兰花

    confetti 五彩纸屑

    go-go dancers: 艳舞舞者是受雇在夜总会或其他播放音乐的场所娱乐人群的舞者。艳舞起源于1960年代初,据某些说法,当时纽约市薄荷厅的妇女开始起床跳舞。

    mingle ???

    get thrown out the window: to stop using or thinking about (something) We can throw that idea out the window.

    putt-putt golf: minigolf

    half-off coupon 半价券

    accountability: the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility. "their lack of accountability has corroded public respect"

    count-through ???

    pull the rug out from under somebody

    accomplices 共犯

    hemp 大麻

    crappy: of extremely poor quality.

    weed: Marijuana的另一种说法

    knock it off: used to tell someone to stop doing something that one finds annoying or foolish.

    snot-nose: snot-nosed - dirty with nasal discharge; "a snotty nose"; "a house full of snot-nosed kids" snotty.

    punk: in poor or bad condition. "I felt too punk to eat"

    hotshot: an important or exceptionally able person. "these three hotshots decide what's what at the firm"

    hold accountable for 

    hostage 人质

    throw in something: 1. include something, typically at no extra cost, with something that is being sold or offered. "they cut the price by $100 and threw in an AC adaptor" 2. make a remark casually as an interjection in a conversation. "he threw in a sensible remark about funding"

    ransom 赎金

    wave ???

    be all over it: to be very involved or interested in something: Anything to do with Buddhism and I'm all over it. If this drug was a magical cure, the drug companies would be all over it.

    take that: exclaimed when hitting someone or taking decisive action against them.

    jokester: a person fond of making or telling jokes. "he was an outgoing, fun-loving kid, the family jokester"

    minor 较小的

    itched 发痒的

    repulse someone 排斥某人

    back down: withdraw a claim or assertion in the face of opposition. "the contenders backed down from their original pledge"

    shout-out: a message of congratulation, support, or appreciation. "a special shout-out to Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Gandolfini, and Robert DeNiro for being such kick-ass cinematic mobsters"

    break up phone: If you say that someone is breaking up when you are speaking to them on a mobile phone, you mean that you can only hear parts of what they are saying because the signal is interrupted. The line's gone; I think you're breaking up.(断线)

    remburse 报销

    toast 1. 祝酒 2. 烤面包

    felony charge 重罪指控

    take a chance on someone or something: to gamble that something good might happen or that someone might do well; to take a risk that something would go wrong or that someone would do badly.



          本文标题:The Office-S04E03
