
1. tag / tæɡ /
n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物
vt. 尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰
vi. 紧随
A tag was attached to each article.
2. nanny / 'næni /
n. 保姆;母山羊
She found a job as a nanny with a wealthy Italian family.
3. asset / ˈæset ; ˋæsɛt /
n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物
You then need to categorize the asset in the next screen.
4. display / dɪ'spleɪ ; dɪˋsple /
n. 显示;炫耀
vt. 显示;表现;陈列
vi. [动] 作炫耀行为
adj. 展览的;陈列用的
Her attention was engaged by the display of the new dress in the ship windows.
5. affluent / ˈæfluənt /
adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的
n. 支流;富人
These are not diseases that travel widely or threaten more affluent groups.
6. prudent / 'pruːd ə nt ; ˋprudṇt /
adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的
He had always been modest and prudent and remained so after he had become famous.
他一直谦虚谨慎, 成名之后仍然如此。
7. justified / 'dʒʌstɪfaɪd 'dʒʌstəfaɪd ; ˋdʒʌstə͵faɪd /
adj. 有正当理由的;合乎情理的;事出有因的
v. 调整(justify的过去分词);证明…正当
In the Chief Constable’s view, the use of force was fully justified.
8. nonetheless / ‚nʌnðə'les /
adv. 尽管如此,但是
The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there.
9. expenditure / ɪk'spendɪtʃə /
n. 支出,花费;经费,消费额
My expenditure is conditioned by my income.
10. elite / eɪ'liːt, ɪ- /
n. 精英;精华;中坚分子
What can you do to help your elite performers?
11. critique / krɪ'tiːk /
n. 批评;评论文章
vt. 批判;评论
Still, she brought a respectful and unwavering critique.
12. snag / snæɡ /
n. 障碍;意外障碍;突出物
vt. 抓住机会;造成阻碍;清除障碍物
vi. 被绊住;形成障碍
It’s an interesting job. The only snag is that it’s not very well paid.
13. brag / bræɡ /
n. 吹牛,自夸
vi. 吹牛,自夸
vt. 吹牛,吹嘘
‘I came out top in the test,’ he bragged.
14. brat / bræt /
n. 乳臭未干的小孩;顽童
But an only child isn’t necessarily a loner, misfit and brat.
15. legitimate / lɪ'dʒɪtɪmɪt /
adj. 合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的
vt. 使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize)
That’s a perfectly legitimate question.
16. ethnic / 'eθnɪk /
adj. 种族的;人种的
The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups.
17. ruthless / 'ruːθləs /
adj. 无情的,残忍的
‘With her acid tongue, she was ruthless with him, ’ said one friend.
18. portray / pɔː'treɪ /
vt. 描绘;扮演
Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
19. exclusive / ɪk'skluːsɪv /
adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的
An exclusive survey of West Point graduates shows that it’s not just money.
20. ostentatious / ‚ɒstən'teɪʃəs, -ten
adj. 招摇的;卖弄的;夸耀的;铺张的;惹人注目的
She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring.
1.We often imagine that the wealthy are unconflictedabout their advantages and eager to display them.
2.They described themselves as “normal” people who worked hard and spent prudently.翻译:他们把自己描述成努力工作,谨慎行事的普通人。
3.Hiding affluence helps wealthy people manage their discomfort with inequality, which makes that inequality impossible to talk honestly about- or change.
4.She says that She was uncomfortable with the inequality between herself and her nanny.
5.Others said that affluence meant never having to worry about money, which many of them ……
分析:“that "引导宾语从句,可以省略,“which ”引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的"others "。
6.They worried about how to raise children who would themselves be ……
分析:疑问词how+不定式作宾语,"who "引导定语从句,做主语。
I interviewed 50 parents with children of different economic backgrounds.They have their own problems. First of all, they worry about the inequity between people. Second, they are bound by moral codes and social standards Third, people in the financial industry are worried about money though they are rich. Most of the people I interviewed had the right values, and they criticized the values that other rich people flaunt and work hard to consume rationally.At the same time,they want their children to be good and accept good education.The ambivalence of the rich acknowledging privilege suggests that the central tension of the American dream is very strong.As for egalitarianism, it is very difficult for the rich as individuals to make any changes,They can only try to be normal. these wealthy people deflect the stigma of wealth. For ordinary people, we should not discuss individual morality but the morality of particular social arrangements.Through correct social morality, promote social development.
1、在H段中Several women talked with mentioned that they would not tell their husbands that they had spoken to me.
3、O段中,we have a prety normal existence .family dinners at home . the kids eat ...we read stories.
4、Q段中,they worried about how to raise children ....rather than entitled brates.
5、I段中、Scott ,who had inherited wealth ...they had recently bought for over $4 million.
6、M段中,During most of the 20th cenyury,the upper class was homogeneous.Nearly all...at the same elite institution.
7、K段中,Others said that affluence meant never having to worry about money.
10、N段中,This class has diversified,...(第一句)