What's wrong?Does your tummy hurt? What's wrong with sb/s...
'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong' —— Murphy's La...
It's hard to say who's right and who's wrong in the emoti...
最近对一些小事压抑火气 是斤斤计较的倒退 还是事事认真的成长 不知道 逃不掉
Yesterday all thing became mess,I didn't even predict tha...
我的心中仿佛有个囚笼,把自己困在当中。一点点的外界风雨,就会让我内心风雨飘摇。我要自由。 昨晚一晚未眠。昨天下午脑...
I don’t know what happened to me? Experienced a great exc...
How to describe your current situation? How to describe y...
it's surprisingly wrong, i can't believe this, why it's l...
本文标题:it's wrong!