L5-U2-P4-Dialogue:Improving Pers

L5-U2-P4-Dialogue:Improving Pers

作者: 孔洪波 | 来源:发表于2020-02-26 19:49 被阅读0次

    Improving Personal Image    改善个人形象

    Did you see the beautiful sunset tonight?    你今晚看到美丽的日落了吗?

    It was gorgeous.    真华丽

    No I didn't, but I'm surprised you even noticed such things.    不,我没有,但我很惊讶你竟然注意到这样的事情。

    Really? Why are you surprised?    真的吗?你为什么感到惊讶?

    You are so focused on your work!    你太专注于你的工作了!

    I didn't imagine you had room in your mind for nature.    我想象不出你的头脑里还有大自然的容身之处。

    Really? Well I just don't show it.    真的吗?我只是不表现出来。

    I make a point of it to notice such things as often as I can.    我总是尽可能多地注意这类事情。

    选择:She couldn't imagine: that he had room in his mind for nature.    


    You know, I think you should try to show that side of yourself more often.    你知道,我认为你应该更经常地展示你自己的那一面。

    It will improve your image.    这会改善你的形象。

    So you think my image needs improving?    所以你认为我的形象需要改善?

    Well, it wouldn't hurt to be a little less formal and to smile once in a while.    不那么正式,偶尔微笑一下也无妨。

    You might also improve the way you(r?) dress, maybe with a few more warm colors?你也可以改善你的穿着方式,也许多穿几件暖色调的衣服?

    填空:You know, I think you should try to show that side of yourself more often.  It would improve your image.  So you think my image needs improving? Well, it wouldn't hurt to be a little less formal and to smile once in a while. 

        Which side of himself should he show more often? the side that notices nature他应该更    多地展示自己的哪一面?注意自然的一面

        What wouldn't be hurt? to be a little less formal and to smile more    什么不会受伤?少一点拘 谨,多一点微笑

    I'm afraid I don't know much about fashion design and warm colors.    恐怕我对时装设计和暖色不太了解。

    Do you really think the way we dress influences people?    你真的认为我们的穿着会影响别人吗?

    You must be kidding.    你一定是在开玩笑。

    The first impression you give is based on your appearance and clothes.    你给人的第一印象取决于你的外表和衣着。

    Don't you ever notice the kind of shoes someone is wearing?    你没注意过别人穿的鞋子吗?

    No, I hardly notice.    不,我几乎没注意到。

    填空:The first impression you give is based on your appearance and clothes. 

    跟读:So you think my image needs improving?

                He should show his more sensitive side and be less formal.    


                Don't you ever notice the kind of shoes someone is wearing?    


    阅读:Do you really think the way we dress influences people?    

                She couldn't imagine that he had room in his mind to notice things like sunsets.

            What doesn't  he know much about? fashion design and warm colors    他对什么知之甚少?时装设计和暖色

            She was surprised that he noticed the beautiful sunset    .她惊讶地发现他注意到了美丽的日落。

            He should show his more sensitive side and be less formal.    他应该表现出更敏感的一面,不要太拘谨。

    Well then, that explains why your shoes are always the same.    那么,这就解释了为什么你的鞋子总是一样的了。

    How old the shoes you are wearing now?    你现在穿的鞋子多久了?

    These? I don't know, probably a year or so.    这些吗?我不知道,大概一年左右吧。

    And I bet you've been wearing them almost everyday.   They look like it.   我打赌你几乎每天都戴着它们。它们看起来像。

    That's right.    这是正确的。

    These shoes are comfortable and they weren't expensive.    这双鞋很舒服,也不贵。

    I'll bet yours were expensive.    我敢打赌你的肯定很贵。

    Well, they weren't cheap.    嗯,它们并不便宜。

    I think it's important to dress right. To dress for the occasion and make a good impression.    我认为穿着得体很重要。穿着得体,给人留下好印象。

    选择:What explains why his shoes are always the same:He hardly notices things such as shoes or clothing styles.


            These shoes are comfortable and they weren't expensive.    

             I'll bet yours were expensive.   

            Well, they weren't cheap.  

            I think it's important to dress right. To dress for the occasion and make a good impression.   

        How long has he had the shoes is wearing? about a year.    这双鞋他穿了多久了?大约一年

        To bet on something means to be fairly confident about it.To bet on something.    的意思是对某事相当有信心。

    OK, why don't we go shopping together this weekend?    好吧,这个周末我们一起去逛街怎么样?

    You can be my fashion adviser.    你可以做我的时尚顾问。

    What's it for me?    这对我有什么好处?

    If I like your advice, I'll buy you another pair of shoes.    如果我喜欢你的建议,我再给你买一双鞋。

    How was that?    这是怎么回事?

    OK, but they won't be cheap.    好吧,但它们不会便宜。

    You understand that, right?    你懂的,对吧?

    Of course, but it'll be worth it if you think my new look will improve my image.    当然,但如果你认为我的新造型能改善我的形象,那就值得了。

    I guarantee it.    我保证它。

    With me as an adviser you can't go wrong.    我是你的顾问,你不会出错的。


            what does she ask her to do for him ?    he is fashion advisor.


            He suggests that they go shopping together. 

            If I like your advice, I'll buy you another pair of shoes.  

            Well then, that explains why your shoes are always the same.   



            He should try to show that side of himself that notices the beauty of nature.

            What does he suggest for the weekend? He suggests that they go shopping together.    他建议周末做什么?他建议他们一起去购物。

            She guarantees that his new look will improve his image.    她保证他的新形象会改善他的形象。

            He hardly notices things such as shoes or clothing styles.    他几乎注意不到诸如鞋子或衣服款式之类的东西。



          本文标题:L5-U2-P4-Dialogue:Improving Pers
