
作者: 津城燕窝Donna | 来源:发表于2018-01-01 09:59 被阅读0次

    when I was at Seatle, Youth is on the theatre in the down town. There is long queue in front of the 鼎泰丰resturant. The fancy clothes are 江南布衣. A was used to be metaphor of variety and romance. Now is just a city.


    Let us first understand the distinction between a religion and a spiritual process. When you belong to any form of organized religion, you’re a believer. When you are on a spiritual path, you’re a seeker.

    Youth you don’t make assumptions about the final destination. Because you have placed at least one foot on the path, you have some understanding of what it is; you can see whether it’s working for you. So, there is still room for your intelligence to function. But if you make conclusions about your destination, there is no room for intelligence; the result is stagnation.



