看了最新的奇葩说,突然想到以前读过的一篇文章里面写的一段话,Consider for a moment the case of the ninety-year-old man on his deathbed joyous and relieved over the success of his deception. For ninety years he has shielded his evil nature from public observation. For ninety years he has affected courtesy, kindness, and generosity -- suppressing all the malice he knew was within him while he calculatedly and artificially substituted grace and charity. All his life he had been fooling the world into believing he was a good man. This "evil" man will, I predict, be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.一个人如果装一辈子的好人,一辈子做好事,不管他认为自己内心多么邪恶,他就是个好人。如果一个人只是装作爱你,但在装的过程中一直对你好,那么这就是爱。不要去计较有多真实,不要计较能怎么量化,他的行动和你的感受才重要。