2.3 Optimization improvements

2.3 Optimization improvements

作者: wanggs66 | 来源:发表于2020-04-19 18:35 被阅读0次

Cerebro 中可通过optdata 和 optreturn 两个参数来提升参数优化模式下的运行效率;同时多线程运行能比上述两种参数模式提供更好的效率提升。

  • optdatas (default: True)
    If True and optimizing (and the system can preload and use runonce, data preloading will be done only once in the main process to save time and resources.

  • optreturn (default: True)
    If True the optimization results will not be full Strategy objects (and all datas, indicators, observers …) but and object with the following attributes (same as in Strategy):

    • params (or p) the strategy had for the execution

    • analyzers the strategy has executed



      本文标题:2.3 Optimization improvements
