

作者: 汤普森 | 来源:发表于2018-06-23 16:00 被阅读0次


 'The Old Man and the Sea” and 'The Outsiders'

'The House on Mango street’ and 'Charlotte’s Web'

'To Kill A Mocking bird'


There are more work hours and that makes the worker more tired and stressful.

That means you have to work in overtime and that means they have less time with their family and also the salary is not very high but the rent of a house is very expensive.

Everyday I have to spend nine hours on my phone and my family has slept and because I have no time to play with my kids...and also my salary is not very high but the charging money is too high.

Yes...my company will pay me three times.

My company's employee really have to do work in overtime. And they have to do a lot of work to get a promotion. I think I should make a balance between work and life.

I only have 8-9  hours of being at home.

I wish during the weekend that I could have two days to stay with my family.

I can travel to the other cities with my family.

Also, in one day I just need to work 8-9 hours per day.


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