CC3-Facing life with smile

CC3-Facing life with smile

作者: 梦玄志津Wade | 来源:发表于2018-04-03 21:11 被阅读37次
    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking said: "How difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up. "Several days ago, Stephen Hawking, a famous scientist and an extraordinary man, passed away. Maybe he went to another world. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humor inspired people across the world. We can learn a lot of things from him. The one important thing is facing life with smile.

    After graduating from university, many people planned to travel. So did I. My plan was to go home with my parents for a month and then went to Nanjing for travel with my friend.

    My hometown is in a village. When I was home, network signal was very poor, but no WLAN. One night in July, I wanted to chat with my friend to discuss how to travel to Nanjing. But the signal of my cell phone was 2G. Also, it was quite weak. I can't send or receive messages. It seemed that I had been isolated from the world. Did you ever encounter a situation where your cell phone could not connect to the Internet? What should I do?

    After a while, one good idea hit me. I can go to the top of the bungalow outside. The weather was cooler and the signal was 4G on the top of the bungalow. How wonderful it was! Then I was happy to discuss the travel plans with my friend. After an hour or so, I wanted to go to the bedroom to sleep. When I stood up, I felt dizzy and I can't tell where to go. I took the first step toward the edge of the bungalow. Then, as you see, I fell down from the roof. The bungalow is about four meters high. After calculation, I found it took about 1 second falling down to the earth. I was terrified during that time. In the process of falling, I was thinking that I can't just die. I was still a single dog. I hadn't been enrolled in Dalian University of Technology as a postgraduate and so on... My parents felt very scared when hearing the sound of "bang". They knew the situation was terrible. My parents came to me. They found some blood on my head, my arms, my legs, and the cell phone still in my hand. I can still stand up and walk to room. I said to my parents with smile:" Don't worry! I am fine!"

    They took me to the clinic. Because it was too late, the doctor only used iodophor to help me deal with the wound. The next day, I can't walk without help. My parents took me to the hospital. The doctor let me take a CT scan in order to check if there was any more serious injury. Luckily, after the examination, my bones were not injured. But I had to recover in bed for a month. I felt so lucky that I was still alive. I remembered that my classmate's mother fell down from the roof and died by accident several years ago. I must be positive and face life with smile. Although I had to lie on the bed, I smiled to my parents and others. I didn't want them to worry about me. My friend had already travelled to Nanjing and I can't even get up without help. However, during my recovery period, I read some books and learned something useful for me. Keep smiling to the life you may find that everything seems to be as usual, although the situation is not so good.

    Life is fair and life is up and down, twist and turn for everyone. Some people go faster and further, and some people do slower and shorter. What makes the difference? One important factor is attitude. Keep a positive attitude to those that hinder you moving forward. Life is like a mirror. When you facing life with smile and it will smile back.



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