2017-06-18 Osho DevaEkin神圣的单纯
The love that pertains to the human dimension is not really love; it is just a deep urge to fill oneself with the other's being, to put somebody else in front of your zero so you become meaningful. A woman alone feels nothing; moving with the husband, see the woman -- she is moving with a figure, the zero is moving with a figure.
A man alone feels empty; moving with a woman he feels somebody. A husband is somebody! A bachelor is nobody.
We go on finding somehow, with something, to block this experience of nothingness.
No, human love is not really love. It is just a trick to deceive. The real love is something beyond human. And the real love is something which has nothing to do with filling the inner space -- just the contrary. It has something to do with sharing the inner space. You don't go like a beggar to the other; you go like an emperor.
You don't go to beg; you go to share. And remember these two words. If you are begging something from somebody, then it is not love. If you are sharing, then it is love.
Sharing is in a way beyond human beings, and yet in a way within human capacity. Sharing is the bridge which joins the human to the Divine. That's why love is the bridge which joins the human to the Divine.
So don't try to find a friend, a girlfriend, somebody to fill your inner space. No. Find someone to share with. Don't find a figure -- one, two, three -- don't find a figure. Find somebody who is also like a zero.
When two zeros meet, there is love. When two emptinesses meet, there is love. And remember: when two zeros meet, there are not two zeros -- there is only one zero. Zero plus zero plus zero -- you can go on putting as many zeros as you want, but it always comes to one zero.
The total is never more than one zero.
But only when you completely disappear and two are not two and a non-duality exists, and the personalities are no more clashing, personalities have been dropped -- then love happens. That love has the quality of timelessness.
That love has the quality of prayer. That love is God.