I received a long message from one of my best friends,Chu. she was writing a summary of her 2017, she wrote sth about me in March, " I don't like her, I love her" . That's sweet~, Chu made me wanna write sth about my 24 as well, I'm not as good as her, just want to write down the things important to me so that I won't forget in the future.
I got schlumberger's offer on 25th. Working in SLB was my dream in university, I didn't apply for it after I got bachelor's degree, I chose to study in Australia with scholarship coz I thought I'm good enough to work in Australia, but I was overconfident about the oil industry. I applied for PTE in SLB China coz I wanna do geological interpretation, but they only need FE. what is FE? what is wireline? what is logging? I had no idet but I got the offer,the first offer in my life.
I got my driver's license this month coz SLB needs it. I never thought get one coz family drive for me and I don't wanna kill people. It was the first bad memory of this year, I almost killed a guy while I was driving, cannot stop crying in that morning, I promised never drive... sorry.
March in Beijing. 100 days, lived in an apartment with my Chu, we shared one double-sized bed, shopped together, slept together, and I cooked on weekends, luckily I still like guys haha. I worked as an English teacher for kids, and I pretty sure I want a daughter from that time, coz that would be the best gift for my husband, although I was always single... anyway, it was a good memory with my beloved Chu.
July is hot, especially in Abu Dhabi. The only friend is chunlu, the hardest thing is logging at the beginning. I'll never forget the shit named Harith who yelled at me, never never call me Yuan please... My school life changed after we began to play badminton, thanks my chunlu for inviting them, mukesh, guapi, Hadjar and Neil. Lin said, I cannot believe Yami is the popular girl, but Yami only likes him, have to say thankyou to nia, we had a cute hardworking and gossip Indonesian team, ildo is my favorite, chunlu and me are his Chinese GFs haha.
I hated the school at the beginning but maybe I was the only one cried at last.
it was a good memory for me, but I think Lin was wrong...
17th September. Just want to mark down the date. Neil downloaded wechat coz my whatsapp didn't work,I sent a 5.20 red pocket to him, he asked me:
why did you pay me?!?!
My worst December. I logged less than 10 jobs in the last three and half months. mainly FMI and MSCT. Chunlu and Neil BO in this month and I'm going to do BO job in early January. Logging is sooo tired, stressful, no sleep,no weekends,no BF... you have to quit...
In Tianjin, I lost all cards and cash, dad cheated on mom, uncle died,I'm turning 25,it was a sad month.
hope everything will be better , hope the to do list come true and the people I love are always there for me in the next year.
will I laugh at me when I check this summary at the end of next year? have no idea what I am writing...
by Yami 12.30 00:00AM