TKR Chapter 14.

TKR Chapter 14.

作者: Ada_yao | 来源:发表于2016-12-08 12:07 被阅读0次


    Baba never woke up. In his funeral,  many peopel  who had accept baba's help came here , they all missed him and saw him as there hero , just as Amir said :"baba had wrestled bears his whole life , losing his young wife,  raising a son by himeself , leaving his beloved hometown, his watan ,poverty,indignity ,in the end , a bear had come that he couldn't best .But even then , he had lost on his own terms. "  Indeed , it made Amir realize he had to find his own way in the future . After married  Soraya,  Amir gradually know something about her families . General is an alpha male , he almost never respected his wife and always made them feel sad , all the things he did was donning his gray suit and waiting for the free of Afghanistan. But Soraya's mother is a good guy which had been famous in Kabul for her enchanting singing voice. In this chapter,  we can also feel  the discrimination about Soraya, female has little power in their society , luckily,  Amir didn't care about it. They try to have a baby , but failed . In 1989 , Amir published his first novel, he become a worthy novelist.

    Words & Phrases

    No.① winkle

    to make someone leave a place.

    原文:sunlight winkling in their windshields.

    eg. Government critics were winkled out of their positions of influence.

    to get information from someone who does not want to give it to you .

    eg.Candy was very good at winkling out secrets .

    No.② intervene

    to become involved in argument,  fight , or other difficult situation in order to change what happens .

    原文: It might have turned ugly had General Taheri not intervened .

    eg. The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.

    if an event intervenes , it delays or interrupts something else .

    eg. he was just establishing his career when the war intervened .

    if a period of time intervenes , it comes between two events .

    eg. In the six years that intervened , i saw them once .

    No.③ nasty

    原文:The mullah chose an ayat and recited it , casting the other fellow nasty glances .

    指行为,nasty behavior or remarks are extremely unkind and unpleasant

    eg. Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists .

    phrases:nasty to

                   get/turn nasty

    指人,someone who is nasty behaves in an unkind and unpleasant way

    eg. You're a nasty little brute.

    phrases: nasty shock / surprise

                    nasty feeling / suspicion

    指病痛,severe or very painful

    eg. a nasty cut .

    No.④ gravel

    原文: we walked in silence down a winding gravel path lined by a row of low hedges .

    small stones , used to make a surface for paths , roads

    No. ⑤ subside

    原文: he didn't come out until the pain subsided .

    if a feeling , pain , sound etc subsides , it gradually becomes less and then stops

    同义:die down

    if a building or an aera of land subsides , it gradually sinks to a lower level

    eg. After the heavy rains , part of the road subsided.




          本文标题:TKR Chapter 14.
