

作者: 王婷wt | 来源:发表于2017-03-25 21:24 被阅读0次













Sunday, December  11,  2016

An  attempt to  de-mystify the  term "possession"  in five  element acupuncture

There  is much  discussion going  on  in China  at  the moment  around the  term  used in  five element  acupuncture which  in English  we call  “possession”.   I  gather that  the Mandarin  word which  has been  used  to translate  it has  all  the overtones  which the  English word  has.   I  have  always felt  that this  is  an unfortunate  term, but  one  that is  so embedded  in five  element practice  that I  have  been reluctant  to discard  it and  seek another,  less charged  one.   But  now, because  of the  Chinese hesitancy  in continuing  to use  it,  it seems  the right  time  to think  again whether  we need  to change  it  to make  it describe  more accurately  and appropriately  the condition  patients suffer  from.  

I need  first  to define  my understanding  of the  condition itself  before trying  to come  up  with a  suitable new  term  for it.    It will  help  by describing  what is,  in effect,  the very  simple test  we  use to  diagnose it.    Here the  practitioner looks  very closely  straight into  one  of the  patient’s eyes,  and assesses  how the  patient reacts  to this  strongly focussed  look.   In  everyday life  it  is rare  for  us to  stare straight  into somebody’s  eyes in  this  way, unless  in  an aggressive  or very  loving way.    In the  normal course  of events  such an  intense stare  becomes uncomfortable  both for  the person  staring and  for  the person  being stared  it,  so that  both will  try  to break  off this  close eye  contact as  soon  as possible.    As a  diagnostic tool  in  five element  acupuncture, we  are looking  to see  whether the  patient does  not react  as expected,  but instead  continues to  maintain eye  contact without  any apparent  sign of  discomfort.   In  a non-possessed  patient, there  will  be an  almost immediate  movement to  the  eye, a  blink  or a  turning away,  as evidence  of the  natural discomfort  felt at  being stared  at  in this  way.   In  possessed people,  however, this  does  not happen;    the patient  continues to  stare unblinkingly  at the  practitioner.


This is  the  only, I  repeat only,  fail-safe way  to diagnose  this condition.   If  present, it  then requires  a specific  treatment which  will clear  it  if done  properly.   For  the actual  procedure, I  would  refer you  to  my Handbook  of Five  Element Practice  (chapter 7  in  the new  Singing Dragon  Press edition),  which describes  this in detail.  

I have  thought a  great  deal about  what can  cause possession,  and then  why  the term  seems  to me  to  be an  inaccurate and  therefore misleading  description, however  ingrained it  is  in five  element practice.   Most  of  my learning  has come  from observing  my patients,  chief amongst  which is  my experience  of treating  a young  woman many  years ago.    She had  come  for help  to enable  her  to overcome  her inability  to sit  down  and eat  with other  people, having  instead always  to  eat on  her  own.   She  could not  tell  me when  this fear  of eating  with others  had started,  nor could  she think  of  any particular  reason to  explain it.    A few  minutes after  I  had carried  out the  possession treatment,  she said  suddenly:   “When  my mother  went blind  when  I was  6…”   When  I expressed  my amazement  that she  had  not told  me  this before,  she was  surprised to  learn  that she  had  not, adding,  “They took  me  away to  stay  with my  grandmother, and  I  thought my  mother  had died.    That was  when  I started  to refuse  to  eat with  other people.”    I realised  then that  the treatment  had unlocked  a door to  her past  which had  been closed  since her  childhood.   I  have had  similar experiences  with many  other patients,  where the  possession treatment  opened up  some  past history  which was  hindering them  from living  a  full life.


I have  come  to regard  possession as  a  form of  defence mechanism  protecting a  patient from reliving some overpowering  previous experience,  a way  of shutting  themselves off  from continuing  to experience  something that  originally overwhelmed  them.   When  I was  studying many  years ago,  one  of my  tutors told  us  that he  regarded possession  simply as  a  more extreme  form of  obsession, a  condition in  which  the patient  tries to  gain  some control  over something  which has  overwhelmed them,  whilst, in  most cases,  still managing  to lead  an apparently  normal life.    In some  people, however,  such experiences  become so  overpowering that  they cannot  be controlled  and can  lead  to serious  psychological conditions,  such as  schizophrenia.


I do  not  regard possession  as being  the result  of the invasion  of some  external force  which the  term might  seem  to imply.    I see  it instead  as an internal mechanism  which patients  develop to  help  them cope  with  a very  difficult situation  which they  cannot deal  with  in any  other way.    It is  as  though they  put  up a  protective glass  screen behind which they  can  hide themselves  from the  world, but  which  is often  not visible  to those  around them.    My young  patient had  been living  an apparently  normal life,  except with  regard to  her  eating arrangements.   Possession  should always  therefore be  seen  as an  escape route  taken by  those subject  to some  intolerable inner  pain.


It is  not  easy to  think  of a  good replacement  term which  removes the  connection to  other  uses of  the  term which  have  a religious  or mystical  bias.   I  am thinking  this through  carefully, and  the  only alternative  I can  think  of at  the  moment is  the  term “Internal Dragons”.     This  is the  name given  to  one of  the  group of  seven acupuncture  points used  in  this treatment.    I remember  being told  some years  ago that  the seven  points we  use  could be  regarded as  seven dragons  chasing away  seven demons,  an image  I liked.    This may  again come  a  little too  close  to the  concept of  possession as  occurring as  a  result of  some invasion  from outside,  a kind  of take-over  by an  alien force.   However,  we can  think  of demons  in much  the  same way  as  we talk  of  a person  being subject  to the  “demon drink”,  something somebody  brings upon  themselves, not  something which  attacks them  from outside.    

It is  heart-warming to  me  that five  element acupuncture  has such  a  simple and  profound treatment  protocol for  helping restore  to good  health people  suffering from  such dislocation  in their  lives, and  one  which can  break down  the internal  barrier that  life  has forced  them to  place between  themselves and  the  world outside.    I find  the image  of calling  upon kindly  dragons to  fight  the internal  demons which  are trying  to take  control of  our patients’  lives strangely  comforting.


If  I,  and others  around me,  can  think of  a  better term  which satisfies  the Chinese  objections, I  will  pass this  on  in a  future blog.



