jQuery 备忘录

jQuery 备忘录

作者: AsianDuckKing | 来源:发表于2017-09-14 22:33 被阅读0次
  • $ dollar sign is just a function, also a javascript object, which is the same as jQuery
  • $() can get an jQuery object, which is an array-like object. You can get the corresponding DOM element by
var obj = $('#item1');
var dom = obj.get(0)

The above code will give you the first DOM element

  • Some typical methods
var element = $('[type=password]'); // Search by property (Using ^ and $ can find the first and last one)
  • About map and filter for an jQuery object.
    If you use the syntax like obj.filter(function(ele){}), the binded 'ele' object will be a Javascript object other than a jQuery object.

  • Using jQuery to modify the DOM tree, you should first get the parent object, then use the append() method; about the append() method, you can pass in a JS DOM object, and jQuery object or a function object
    Example function:

ul.append(function (index, html) {
    return '<li><span>Language - ' + index + '</span></li>';

If you want to modify an element in the same level, you can use the after() and before() method.

  • The following code is not correct(doesn't fulfill our expectation):
 $('#testForm).on('submit', function () {

You should use the following:

$(document).on('ready', function () {
            $('#testForm).on('submit', function () {

And the above code can be simplified as:
which is very popular in the industrial code.

  • About the condition to trigger an event
    When we use codes to trigger an event, the corresponding listener won't work.
    Moreover, you can use the change() (no parameters) to trigger a change event, which is the same as trigger('change');
  • Example of animate()
var div = $('#test-animate');
    opacity: 0.25,
    width: '256px',
    height: '256px'
}, 3000, function () {
    // 恢复至初始状态:
    $(this).css('opacity', '1.0').css('width', '128px').css('height', '128px');
var div = $('#test-animates');
// 动画效果:slideDown - 暂停 - 放大 - 暂停 - 缩小
       width: '256px',
       height: '256px'
   }, 2000)
       width: '128px',
       height: '128px'
   }, 2000);

Alternative choice to animate()(maybe better choice): CSS3's transition

  • $.ajax(url, settings)
    the 'settings' is a Javascript object.
  • Extending the jQuery
$.fn.highlight = function (options) {
    // 合并默认值和用户设定值:
    var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.highlight.defaults, options);
    this.css('backgroundColor', opts.backgroundColor).css('color', opts.color);
    return this;

// 设定默认值:
$.fn.highlight.defaults = {
    color: '#d85030',
    backgroundColor: '#fff8de'
$.fn.external = function () {
    // return返回的each()返回结果,支持链式调用:
    return this.filter('a').each(function () {
        // 注意: each()内部的回调函数的this绑定为DOM本身!
        var a = $(this);
        var url = a.attr('href');
        if (url && (url.indexOf('http://')===0 || url.indexOf('https://')===0)) {
            a.attr('href', '#0')
             .append(' <i class="uk-icon-external-link"></i>')
             .click(function () {
                if(confirm('你确定要前往' + url + '?')) {



      本文标题:jQuery 备忘录
