①If a farmer wished to successes, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production.
Gap. n 缺口,裂口,间隙,缝隙差距。
Consumption. n消耗,挥霍,消费。 Consume. v 消耗,花费,使全神贯注,使着迷 Consume away. 消耗,吃光,烧光。Consumer. n 消费者,顾客,用户。Consuming. a 消费的,消耗的,是人全神贯注的。
②He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.
Store v/n 储藏,储备商店。 复数stars 某类或某用途的货物物品等。Military stars. 军需品。A big department store. 大百货公司。Store away. 储藏 储存。 in store. 储藏, 备用, 等候着。 Out of store. 耗尽 售完。
③He can continue to start himself and his family when if he produces is a surplus.
Surplus n 过剩 剩余。a 过剩的 剩余的。Be surplus to something.相对于……是过剩的 Trade surplus. 贸易顺差。 Surplus population. 人口过剩。
④He must use the this surplus in 3 ways :as seed for sowing as an insurance against the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to replace old agriculture implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to feed the soil.
Unpredictable. 不可预测的。
Commodity 商品,货物,农产品,有用的东西,用品。
Replace. n 将什么放回原处 代替
Implement. n 工具器具。 v 贯彻 执行 实现。
Obtain. v 取得某物 获得 通行 流行存在。
fertilizer n 肥料特指化肥。 a 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的,富有想象力的。
⑤He may also need money to construct irrigation channel and improve his farm in other ways.
Construct. v 构成,建造,建设 构想,创立 解释 说明。 n 构想 概念。Constructive. 建设性的 有帮助的,积极的 肯定的。 Construction 建筑物 建筑 解释 造句。
irrigation 名词 灌溉 冲洗。 IrrIgate. 动词。 灌溉。冲洗。
⑥If no surprise is available, a farmer can not be self, surfficient.
Available. 在手边的。可利用的。可获得的。 Avail. 动词 有助于 有用于。 名词 效用 利益 帮助 avail oneself of something= avail for 利用 Availability. 名词。 利用或获得的可能性。 有效性。
⑦He must either sell some of his property or seek extra funds in the form of loans.
⑧Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low rate of interests, but loans of his kind are not frequently obtainable.
Rate of interest. 利率。
Self sufficient. 自给自足的。
Self restrained. 自我克制的,自我约束的。
Dispose of. 处理掉。
Proportion. 比例。
Precentage. 百分比。
Rate 比率。
Ratio. 比值。