《装腔指南》 P207:第三章
真酷(Real Deal )
我不知道这些品质对我来说有多重要,直到我编辑了这个真逼格部分,它包含了这个星球上最酷的25件事。直到后来,我才能够通读我的文章条目,挑出一些共同的主题。也许可以把它们称为“九种最酷逼格”,与通常的九种品质相比较。这一节我要摒弃公允客观的面具。《教父》(The Godfather)中有一个场景,迈克尔·考利昂(Michael Corleone)将自己为父亲报仇的决定描述为“纯粹的生意”而非“私人恩怨”。这一部分正好相反。这绝对是个人喜好。
• Courage
• Tenacity
• Kindness
• Mystique
• Eccentricity
• Physicality
• A capacity for solitude
• The lack of self-consciousness
• Indifference to fame and reputation
I didn’t know that these qualities were important to me until I had compiled this Real Deal section, which consists of the 25 coolest things on the planet, in my opinion. It was only afterwards that I was able to read back through my entries and pick out some common themes. You might call them the NINE REFINING QUALITIES OF COOL, for comparison with our Nine Defining Qualities. In this section I’m abandoning my mask of objectivity. There’s a scene in The Godfather when Michael Corleone describes his decision to avenge an attempt on his father’s life as not ‘personal’ but ‘strictly business’. This section is the opposite. It’s strictly personal.