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作者: 浅墨入画 | 来源:发表于2022-12-09 19:19 被阅读0次
    • RACScheduler:信号调度器,是一个线性执行队列,rac中的信号可以在RACScheduler上执行任务、发送结果,底层用GCD封装的
    • RACObserve:是一个宏定义,是使用了原生的 KVO响应式编程 相结合的产物;不是所有的property都可以被RACObserve,该property必须支持KVO,比如NSURLCachecurrentDiskUsage就不能被RACObserve
    • RACSubscriber:是一个协议类,订阅者,发送信号
    • RACDisposable:它可以帮助我们取消订阅,在信号发送完毕,失败都可以,就类似通知结束后销毁通知一样效果
    • RACSubject:信号提供者,可以自己充当信号,自己可以发送信号,拥有RACSignal和RACSubscriber两者功能。



    - (void)racBase{
        RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable * _Nullable(id<RACSubscriber>  _Nonnull subscriber) {
            // block调用时刻:每当有订阅者订阅信号,就会调用block。
            [subscriber sendNext:@"Hello World"];
            RACDisposable *disposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                // 销毁信号
            return disposable;
        // 订阅信号,才会激活信号.
        [signal subscribeNext:^(id  _Nullable x) {
            NSLog(@"x == %@",x);
    // 打印日志
    2022-12-07 22:58:46.445311+0800 001---RAC底层分析[58542:4644847] x == Hello World
    2022-12-07 22:58:46.445532+0800 001---RAC底层分析[58542:4644847] 开始销毁
    • 查看订阅信号subscribeNext源码
    <!-- RAC源码 -->
    // 查看订阅信号subscribeNext源码
    - (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock {
        NSCParameterAssert(nextBlock != NULL);
        RACSubscriber *o = [RACSubscriber subscriberWithNext:nextBlock error:NULL completed:NULL];
        return [self subscribe:o];
    #pragma mark Managing Subscribers
    // 查看subscribe源码
    // 重点: RAC 精髓
    - (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber {
        NSCParameterAssert(subscriber != nil);
        RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
        // 多态 --- 厉害之处:RAC流程的三个主要元素这里全部具备,并且都进行了保存,就可以随时随地复用
        /** RACPassthroughSubscriber
         * subscriber 订阅者  --- RACSubscriber传进来
         * signal 信号
         * disposable 销毁者
        subscriber = [[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable];
        if (self.didSubscribe != NULL) {
            // 多线程--cpu--自己跑了
            RACDisposable *schedulingDisposable = [RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler schedule:^{
                RACDisposable *innerDisposable = self.didSubscribe(subscriber);
                [disposable addDisposable:innerDisposable];
            [disposable addDisposable:schedulingDisposable];
        return disposable;

    通过- (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber源码,我们发现RAC的精髓是保存了RAC流程中的三个核心元素,于是就可以随时随地复用。


    <!-- 生命全局调度者 -->
    @interface ViewController ()
    @property (nonatomic, strong) id<RACSubscriber> kcSubscriber;
    <!-- 全局调度者接收 -->
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable * _Nullable(id<RACSubscriber>  _Nonnull subscriber) {
            self.kcSubscriber = subscriber;
            // block调用时刻:每当有订阅者订阅信号,就会调用block。
            RACDisposable *disposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                // 销毁信号
            return disposable;
        // 订阅错误信号
        [signal subscribeError:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
            NSLog(@"%@", error);
    <!-- 页面创建的按钮点击事件 -->
    - (IBAction)didClickBtnClickTwo:(id)sender {
        // 发送错误信号
        NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:10088 userInfo:@{@"LGError":@"hhaha "}];
        [self.kcSubscriber sendError:error];
    // 点击按钮发送信号,查看打印日志
    2022-12-07 23:08:08.072170+0800 001---RAC底层分析[58665:4653906] 开始销毁
    2022-12-07 23:08:08.072417+0800 001---RAC底层分析[58665:4653906] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=10088 "(null)" UserInfo={LGError=hhaha }
    // 也可以使用kcSubscriber发送完成信号 以及 普通信号
    - (IBAction)didClickBtnClickOne:(id)sender {
        [self.kcSubscriber sendNext:@"RAC"];
    - (IBAction)didClickBtnClickThree:(id)sender {
        // 发送完成信号
        [self.kcSubscriber sendCompleted];

    通过该案例我们能够得出- (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber源码对subscriber的封装,以便二次利用,不用重复代码。

    • 继续查看源码[[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable];
    - (instancetype)initWithSubscriber:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber signal:(RACSignal *)signal disposable:(RACCompoundDisposable *)disposable {
        NSCParameterAssert(subscriber != nil);
        self = [super init];
        // 保存了RAC核心三要素
        _innerSubscriber = subscriber;
        _signal = signal;
        _disposable = disposable;
        [self.innerSubscriber didSubscribeWithDisposable:self.disposable];
        return self;


    • 查看sendError:sendCompleted源码
    - (void)sendError:(NSError *)error {
        // 如果被销毁,直接return;下面就不会再发送错误信号
        if (self.disposable.disposed) return;
            RACSIGNAL_ERROR(cleanedSignalDescription(self.signal), cleanedDTraceString(self.innerSubscriber.description), cleanedDTraceString(error.description));
        [self.innerSubscriber sendError:error];
    - (void)sendCompleted {
        if (self.disposable.disposed) return;
            RACSIGNAL_COMPLETED(cleanedSignalDescription(self.signal), cleanedDTraceString(self.innerSubscriber.description));
        [self.innerSubscriber sendCompleted];
    • 查看sendNext源码,我们发现也会判断是否销毁
    - (void)sendNext:(id)value {
        if (self.disposable.disposed) return;
            RACSIGNAL_NEXT(cleanedSignalDescription(self.signal), cleanedDTraceString(self.innerSubscriber.description), cleanedDTraceString([value description]));
        // 真正的订阅  RACSubscriber
        [self.innerSubscriber sendNext:value];
    • 查看sendNextsendErrorsendCompleted源码
    #pragma mark RACSubscriber
    - (void)sendNext:(id)value {
        // 同步锁
        @synchronized (self) {
            void (^nextBlock)(id) = [self.next copy];
            if (nextBlock == nil) return;
    - (void)sendError:(NSError *)e {
        @synchronized (self) {
            // 深浅拷贝
            // SDK -- 不能侵入外部参数值,所以这里进行深copy
            void (^errorBlock)(NSError *) = [self.error copy];
            // 上一行虽然拿到了错误block,但是这里会直接销毁
            [self.disposable dispose];
            if (errorBlock == nil) return;
    - (void)sendCompleted {
        @synchronized (self) {
            void (^completedBlock)(void) = [self.completed copy];
            [self.disposable dispose];
            if (completedBlock == nil) return;
    - (void)didSubscribeWithDisposable:(RACCompoundDisposable *)otherDisposable {
        if (otherDisposable.disposed) return;
        RACCompoundDisposable *selfDisposable = self.disposable;
        [selfDisposable addDisposable:otherDisposable]; // 添加对象
        // If this subscription terminates, purge its disposable to avoid unbounded
        // memory growth.
        [otherDisposable addDisposable:[RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            [selfDisposable removeDisposable:otherDisposable];


    • RAC中也有一个dealloc析构函数,当ViewController销毁的时候,就会触发RAC销毁
    // 添加@weakify(self),防止RAC循环引用,导致ViewController不能销毁
    RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable * _Nullable(id<RACSubscriber>  _Nonnull subscriber) {
        self.kcSubscriber = subscriber;
            // block调用时刻:每当有订阅者订阅信号,就会调用block。
            RACDisposable *disposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                // 销毁信号
            return disposable;
    // RAC销毁
    - (void)dealloc {
        [self.disposable dispose];

    小结: 订阅者保存了所有RAC的元素

    • RAC signal subscribe dispose,可以随时订阅信号以及发送信号
    • 发送错误信号完成信号会自动销毁,sendNext会随着页面生命周期调用dealloc销毁。


    继续查看RAC中的源码精髓- (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber方法,来了解RACScheduler调度者的底层原理

    #pragma mark Managing Subscribers
    // 重点: RAC 精髓
    - (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber {
        NSCParameterAssert(subscriber != nil);
        RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
        subscriber = [[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable];
        if (self.didSubscribe != NULL) {
            // 调度者的核心就是多线程
            // 多线程--依赖于cpu--内部自己运行跑了,完全不需要外部介入
            // 这里不需要完全依靠cpu,要依赖于自己,更加自由
            // schedule 回调就是对当前线程判断,进行调度,看调度是在主线程还是在子线程
            RACDisposable *schedulingDisposable = [RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler schedule:^{
                // block回调回来执行到这里
                RACDisposable *innerDisposable = self.didSubscribe(subscriber);
                [disposable addDisposable:innerDisposable];
            [disposable addDisposable:schedulingDisposable];
        return disposable;
    // RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler 生成一个订阅调度者
    + (RACScheduler *)subscriptionScheduler {
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        static RACScheduler *subscriptionScheduler;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            // 生成一个单例对象,RACSubscriptionScheduler 订阅调度者
            subscriptionScheduler = [[RACSubscriptionScheduler alloc] init];
        return subscriptionScheduler;
    // schedule回调
    - (RACDisposable *)schedule:(void (^)(void))block {
        // 断言
        NSCParameterAssert(block != NULL);
        // 当前Scheduler不为空,直接回调block;因为当前一直是在主线程,从没有切换到子线程操作过
        if (RACScheduler.currentScheduler == nil) return [self.backgroundScheduler schedule:block];
        return nil;
    + (RACScheduler *)currentScheduler {
        // RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey 自定义的键值对
        // 当前线程字典
        RACScheduler *scheduler = NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey];
        if (scheduler != nil) return scheduler;
        // 自定义键值为空,设置成默认主线程
        // 如果用户没有操作过线程,RAC就会认为当前就是主线程
        if ([self.class isOnMainThread]) return RACScheduler.mainThreadScheduler;
        return nil;



    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        // 创建全局并发队列
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{
            RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable * _Nullable(id<RACSubscriber>  _Nonnull subscriber) {
                // 3:发送信号
                [subscriber sendNext:@"Hello World"];
                // 4:销毁
                // return self.dis; 销毁回调
                return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            // 2: 订阅信号
            [signal subscribeNext:^(id  _Nullable x) {


    @interface RACSubscriptionScheduler ()
    // A private background scheduler on which to subscribe if the +currentScheduler
    // is unknown.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) RACScheduler *backgroundScheduler;
    @implementation RACSubscriptionScheduler
    #pragma mark Lifecycle
    - (instancetype)init {
        self = [super initWithName:@"org.reactivecocoa.ReactiveObjC.RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler"];
        // RACSubscriptionScheduler 订阅调度者在初始化的时候就会创建后台调度者
        _backgroundScheduler = [RACScheduler scheduler];
        return self;
    <!-- 查看[RACScheduler scheduler];类方法 -->
    + (RACScheduler *)scheduler {
        // 优先级越高,被GCD调度的机会就越大,越优先执行
        return [self schedulerWithPriority:RACSchedulerPriorityDefault];
    + (RACScheduler *)schedulerWithPriority:(RACSchedulerPriority)priority {
        return [self schedulerWithPriority:priority name:@"org.reactivecocoa.ReactiveObjC.RACScheduler.backgroundScheduler"];
    + (RACScheduler *)schedulerWithPriority:(RACSchedulerPriority)priority name:(NSString *)name {
        // 全局并发队列
        // 如果在子线程操作,并且没有指定子线程,就会开启一条全局子线程,其实就是对GCD的底层封装
        return [[RACTargetQueueScheduler alloc] initWithName:name targetQueue:dispatch_get_global_queue(priority, 0)];
    - (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)name targetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)targetQueue {
        NSCParameterAssert(targetQueue != NULL);
        if (name == nil) {
            name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"org.reactivecocoa.ReactiveObjC.RACTargetQueueScheduler(%s)", dispatch_queue_get_label(targetQueue)];
        // 指定队列去执行
        dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create(name.UTF8String, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
        if (queue == NULL) return nil;
        dispatch_set_target_queue(queue, targetQueue);
        return [super initWithName:name queue:queue];


    查看[self.backgroundScheduler schedule:block];方法源码

    - (RACDisposable *)schedule:(void (^)(void))block {
        NSCParameterAssert(block != NULL);
        RACDisposable *disposable = [[RACDisposable alloc] init];
        dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
            if (disposable.disposed) return;
            [self performAsCurrentScheduler:block];
        return disposable;
    - (void)performAsCurrentScheduler:(void (^)(void))block {
        NSCParameterAssert(block != NULL);
        // If we're using a concurrent queue, we could end up in here concurrently,
        // in which case we *don't* want to clear the current scheduler immediately
        // after our block is done executing, but only *after* all our concurrent
        // invocations are done.
        RACScheduler *previousScheduler = RACScheduler.currentScheduler;
        // KVC --  backGround
        // RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey对应的值就是 创建的后台调度者
        NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey] = self;
        // autoreleasepool的作用:使用的地方 1. 大量临时变量 2. 自定义线程 3. 执行非UI操作
        // 当前是调度一些线程中的东西,并且也不是在进行UI操作,所以这里使用autoreleasepool
        // 使用的第二个作用,延迟其生命周期,防止析构释放
        @autoreleasepool {
        if (previousScheduler != nil) {
            NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey] = previousScheduler;
        } else {
            // 移除防止KVC找不到
            [NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary removeObjectForKey:RACSchedulerCurrentSchedulerKey];




    • 前面我们学习了sendNext会随着页面生命周期销毁,我们接着这一块继续看源码
    - (instancetype)init {
        self = [super init];
        RACDisposable *selfDisposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            @synchronized (self) {
                self.next = nil;
                self.error = nil;
                self.completed = nil;
        // RACCompoundDisposable 复合销毁者,里面有很多个 单个销毁者
        // 原因是 随着这一次的销毁,里面需要销毁的东西有很多,就构成了 复合销毁者
        _disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
        [_disposable addDisposable:selfDisposable];
        return self;
    - (void)dealloc {
        // 单个销毁者
        [self.disposable dispose];
    • 继续跟进源码,分析addDisposable方法
    // 所有销毁者 +
    // 该方法主要作用:就是往数组中添加单个销毁者
    - (void)addDisposable:(RACDisposable *)disposable {
        NSCParameterAssert(disposable != self);
        if (disposable == nil || disposable.disposed) return;
        BOOL shouldDispose = NO;
        // 加锁的原因:防止线程不安全 。读写操作必须添加一个锁保证线程安全
            // 往数组添加值
            if (_disposed) {
                shouldDispose = YES;
            } else {
                // 性能调试 得出  RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount = 2
                // RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount 这个值是2
                #if RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount; i++) {
                    if (_inlineDisposables[i] == nil) {
                        // 数组中添加单个销毁者
                        _inlineDisposables[i] = disposable;
                        goto foundSlot;
                // 如果 RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount 不是等于2 就会执行下面的代码
                if (_disposables == NULL) _disposables = RACCreateDisposablesArray();
                CFArrayAppendValue(_disposables, (__bridge void *)disposable);
                    RACCOMPOUNDDISPOSABLE_ADDED(self.description.UTF8String, disposable.description.UTF8String, CFArrayGetCount(_disposables) + RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount);
            #if RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount
        // Performed outside of the lock in case the compound disposable is used
        // recursively.
        // 数组数量超过2就销毁,腾出空间让数组添加
        if (shouldDispose) [disposable dispose];
    • addDisposable方法的核心就是[disposable dispose];,下面继续跟进分析RACCompoundDisposabledispose
    - (void)dispose {
        #if RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount
        RACDisposable *inlineCopy[RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount];
        CFArrayRef remainingDisposables = NULL;
        // 锁
            _disposed = YES;
            #if RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount
            // 把所有的容器置空
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount; i++) {
                // 完全拷贝/部分拷贝 的区别,自己下去了解学习
                inlineCopy[i] = _inlineDisposables[i];
                _inlineDisposables[i] = nil;
            remainingDisposables = _disposables;
            // 这时整个数组为NULL
            _disposables = NULL;
        #if RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount
        // Dispose outside of the lock in case the compound disposable is used
        // recursively.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < RACCompoundDisposableInlineCount; i++) {
            // dispose 瞬间销毁 ---> while 耗时
            [inlineCopy[i] dispose];
        if (remainingDisposables == NULL) return;
        CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(remainingDisposables);
        // 所有符合式的容器 去调用 disposeEach 这个函数
        // disposeEach函数就是 遍历去销毁
        CFArrayApplyFunction(remainingDisposables, CFRangeMake(0, count), &disposeEach, NULL);
    • 上面我们了解了复合式销毁,下面查看disposeEach函数,了解单个销毁
    // 外面 --> 用compund - 有值 数组
    // 数组 --> dispose --- 销毁对象
    static void disposeEach(const void *value, void *context) {
        RACDisposable *disposable = (__bridge id)value;
        [disposable dispose];
    - (void)dispose {
        void (^disposeBlock)(void) = NULL;
        while (YES) {
            // 临时变量
            // _disposeBlock 就是 我们使用信号时的销毁回调
            /* [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                // 销毁信号
            }]; */
            void *blockPtr = _disposeBlock;
            // 防止内存偏移 因为多线程操作 很可以出现线程把性能的内存地址比较差 销毁 进行偏移
            // A B C 表示OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier函数的三个参数
            // A VS C 参数是否相等?(比较的是内存地址)
            // 如果相等的话 ---> 就把NULL给到_disposeBlock地址空间进行销毁  --> 整个函数会返回YES
            // 没有匹配上,整个函数返回NO,找不到就死循环
            // OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier函数的作用就是 必须找到
            if (OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(blockPtr, NULL, &_disposeBlock)) {
                // 一直找 ---> disposable --
                // 包括自身也进行销毁
                if (blockPtr != (__bridge void *)self) {
                    disposeBlock = CFBridgingRelease(blockPtr);
        if (disposeBlock != nil) disposeBlock();
    // 析构的时候会再次把_disposeBlock地址空间置为NULL,以防止之前没有销毁掉
    - (void)dealloc {
        if (_disposeBlock == NULL || _disposeBlock == (__bridge void *)self) return;
        _disposeBlock = NULL;



    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        // 1:创建信号
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{
            RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable * _Nullable(id<RACSubscriber>  _Nonnull subscriber) {
                // 3:发送信号
                [subscriber sendNext:@"Hello World"];
                // 4:销毁
                // return self.dis; 销毁回调
                return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            // 2: 订阅信号
            RACDisposable *disp = [signal subscribeNext:^(id  _Nullable x) {
            [disp dispose];
    // 打印日志
    2022-12-09 22:36:19.796853+0800 001---RAC底层分析[13481:553240] 来了,请求网络
    2022-12-09 22:36:19.797013+0800 001---RAC底层分析[13481:553240] 我们销毁了



    self.name = @"hello world";
    [RACObserve(self, name) subscribeNext:^(id  _Nullable x) {
    • 查看RACObserve方法,发现是一个宏定义,_RACObserve是一个内部的宏定义
    #define RACObserve(TARGET, KEYPATH) _RACObserve(TARGET, KEYPATH)
    //  \代表换行符号
    #define _RACObserve(TARGET, KEYPATH) \
    ({ \
        __weak id target_ = (TARGET); \
        [target_ rac_valuesForKeyPath:@keypath(TARGET, KEYPATH) observer:self]; \
    // 我们发现 rac_valuesForKeyPath 返回的是RACSignal,有了signal就可以进行订阅信号 [signal subscribeNext:]
    - (RACSignal *)rac_valuesForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath observer:(__weak NSObject *)observer;
    // Swift builds with OS_OBJECT_HAVE_OBJC_SUPPORT=0 for Playgrounds and LLDB :(
    - (RACSignal *)rac_valuesForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath observer:(NSObject *)observer;
    • 查看rac_valuesForKeyPath方法的实现,其中核心方法是rac_valuesAndChangesForKeyPath
    - (RACSignal *)rac_valuesForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath observer:(__weak NSObject *)observer {
        // rac_valuesAndChangesForKeyPath 值发生改变的观察
        return [[[self
            rac_valuesAndChangesForKeyPath:keyPath options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial observer:observer]
            map:^(RACTuple *value) {
                // -map: because it doesn't require the block trampoline that -reduceEach: uses
                return value[0];
            setNameWithFormat:@"RACObserve(%@, %@)", RACDescription(self), keyPath];
    • 查看rac_valuesAndChangesForKeyPath源码实现,其中的核心是看他怎么进行block回传的
    - (RACSignal *)rac_valuesAndChangesForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options observer:(__weak NSObject *)weakObserver {
        NSObject *strongObserver = weakObserver;
        keyPath = [keyPath copy];
        NSRecursiveLock *objectLock = [[NSRecursiveLock alloc] init];
        objectLock.name = @"org.reactivecocoa.ReactiveObjC.NSObjectRACPropertySubscribing";
        __weak NSObject *weakSelf = self;
        RACSignal *deallocSignal = [[RACSignal
                // 发生销毁的时候就会有 销毁信号rac_willDeallocSignal
                strongObserver.rac_willDeallocSignal ?: [RACSignal never]
                // Forces deallocation to wait if the object variables are currently
                // being read on another thread.
                [objectLock lock];
                @onExit {
                    [objectLock unlock];
        return [[[RACSignal
            createSignal:^ RACDisposable * (id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
                // Hold onto the lock the whole time we're setting up the KVO
                // observation, because any resurrection that might be caused by our
                // retaining below must be balanced out by the time -dealloc returns
                // (if another thread is waiting on the lock above).
                [objectLock lock];
                @onExit {
                    [objectLock unlock];
                __strong NSObject *observer __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) = weakObserver;
                __strong NSObject *self __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) = weakSelf;
                if (self == nil) {
                    [subscriber sendCompleted];
                    return nil;
                // KVO --- value -- block()
                // KVO --- 发现有值发生改变 - 调用block
                // 值发生改变,就会触发RAC中 KVO的回调 subscribeNext:^{}
                return [self rac_observeKeyPath:keyPath options:options observer:observer block:^(id value, NSDictionary *change, BOOL causedByDealloc, BOOL affectedOnlyLastComponent) {
                    [subscriber sendNext:RACTuplePack(value, change)];
            setNameWithFormat:@"%@ -rac_valueAndChangesForKeyPath: %@ options: %lu observer: %@", RACDescription(self), keyPath, (unsigned long)options, RACDescription(strongObserver)];
    • 继续跟进源码中的rac_observeKeyPath:方法,其核心是RACKVOTrampoline信息反弹对象
    - (RACDisposable *)rac_observeKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options observer:(__weak NSObject *)weakObserver block:(void (^)(id, NSDictionary *, BOOL, BOOL))block {
        NSCParameterAssert(block != nil);
        NSCParameterAssert(keyPath.rac_keyPathComponents.count > 0);
        keyPath = [keyPath copy];
        NSObject *strongObserver = weakObserver;
        // KVO -- key -- person.dog.name
        // KVO 能观察键值 还能观察路由 比如可以观察 Dog.name
        NSArray *keyPathComponents = keyPath.rac_keyPathComponents;
        BOOL keyPathHasOneComponent = (keyPathComponents.count == 1);
        NSString *keyPathHead = keyPathComponents[0];
        NSString *keyPathTail = keyPath.rac_keyPathByDeletingFirstKeyPathComponent;
        // KVO中创建了很多的变量等信息,这些东西都需要销毁,于是创建了复合式销毁对象
        RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
        // The disposable that groups all disposal necessary to clean up the callbacks
        // added to the value of the first key path component.
        RACSerialDisposable *firstComponentSerialDisposable = [RACSerialDisposable serialDisposableWithDisposable:[RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]];
        RACCompoundDisposable * (^firstComponentDisposable)(void) = ^{
            return (RACCompoundDisposable *)firstComponentSerialDisposable.disposable;
        // RACCompoundDisposable dispoable
        [disposable addDisposable:firstComponentSerialDisposable];
        BOOL shouldAddDeallocObserver = NO;
        // 这里self 就是外部调用者的对象 self,这里是拿到self的属性列表
        objc_property_t property = class_getProperty(object_getClass(self), keyPathHead.UTF8String);
        if (property != NULL) {
            rac_propertyAttributes *attributes = rac_copyPropertyAttributes(property);
            if (attributes != NULL) {
                @onExit {
                BOOL isObject = attributes->objectClass != nil || strstr(attributes->type, @encode(id)) == attributes->type;
                BOOL isProtocol = attributes->objectClass == NSClassFromString(@"Protocol");
                BOOL isBlock = strcmp(attributes->type, @encode(void(^)())) == 0;
                BOOL isWeak = attributes->weak;
                // If this property isn't actually an object (or is a Class object),
                // no point in observing the deallocation of the wrapper returned by
                // KVC.
                // If this property is an object, but not declared `weak`, we
                // don't need to watch for it spontaneously being set to nil.
                // Attempting to observe non-weak properties will result in
                // broken behavior for dynamic getters, so don't even try.
                shouldAddDeallocObserver = isObject && isWeak && !isBlock && !isProtocol;
        // Adds the callback block to the value's deallocation. Also adds the logic to
        // clean up the callback to the firstComponentDisposable.
        void (^addDeallocObserverToPropertyValue)(NSObject *) = ^(NSObject *value) {
            if (!shouldAddDeallocObserver) return;
            // If a key path value is the observer, commonly when a key path begins
            // with "self", we prevent deallocation triggered callbacks for any such key
            // path components. Thus, the observer's deallocation is not considered a
            // change to the key path.
            if (value == weakObserver) return;
            NSDictionary *change = @{
                NSKeyValueChangeKindKey: @(NSKeyValueChangeSetting),
                NSKeyValueChangeNewKey: NSNull.null,
            RACCompoundDisposable *valueDisposable = value.rac_deallocDisposable;
            RACDisposable *deallocDisposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                block(nil, change, YES, keyPathHasOneComponent);
            [valueDisposable addDisposable:deallocDisposable];
            [firstComponentDisposable() addDisposable:[RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
                [valueDisposable removeDisposable:deallocDisposable];
        // Adds the callback block to the remaining path components on the value. Also
        // adds the logic to clean up the callbacks to the firstComponentDisposable.
        void (^addObserverToValue)(NSObject *) = ^(NSObject *value) {
            RACDisposable *observerDisposable = [value rac_observeKeyPath:keyPathTail options:(options & ~NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial) observer:weakObserver block:block];
            [firstComponentDisposable() addDisposable:observerDisposable];
        // Observe only the first key path component, when the value changes clean up
        // the callbacks on the old value, add callbacks to the new value and call the
        // callback block as needed.
        // Note this does not use NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial so this only
        // handles changes to the value, callbacks to the initial value must be added
        // separately.
        NSKeyValueObservingOptions trampolineOptions = (options | NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior) & ~NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial;
        // RACKVOTrampoline 表示所有信息的反弹
        // KVO: info 面向对象
        RACKVOTrampoline *trampoline = [[RACKVOTrampoline alloc] initWithTarget:self observer:strongObserver keyPath:keyPathHead options:trampolineOptions block:^(id trampolineTarget, id trampolineObserver, NSDictionary *change) {
            // If this is a prior notification, clean up all the callbacks added to the
            // previous value and call the callback block. Everything else is deferred
            // until after we get the notification after the change.
            if ([change[NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey] boolValue]) {
                [firstComponentDisposable() dispose];
                if ((options & NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior) != 0) {
                    block([trampolineTarget valueForKeyPath:keyPath], change, NO, keyPathHasOneComponent);
            // From here the notification is not prior.
            NSObject *value = [trampolineTarget valueForKey:keyPathHead];
            // If the value has changed but is nil, there is no need to add callbacks to
            // it, just call the callback block.
            if (value == nil) {
                block(nil, change, NO, keyPathHasOneComponent);
            // From here the notification is not prior and the value is not nil.
            // Create a new firstComponentDisposable while getting rid of the old one at
            // the same time, in case this is being called concurrently.
            RACDisposable *oldFirstComponentDisposable = [firstComponentSerialDisposable swapInDisposable:[RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]];
            [oldFirstComponentDisposable dispose];
            // If there are no further key path components, there is no need to add the
            // other callbacks, just call the callback block with the value itself.
            if (keyPathHasOneComponent) {
                block(value, change, NO, keyPathHasOneComponent);
            // The value has changed, is not nil, and there are more key path components
            // to consider. Add the callbacks to the value for the remaining key path
            // components and call the callback block with the current value of the full
            // key path.
            block([value valueForKeyPath:keyPathTail], change, NO, keyPathHasOneComponent);
        // Stop the KVO observation when this one is disposed of.
        [disposable addDisposable:trampoline];
        // Add the callbacks to the initial value if needed.
        NSObject *value = [self valueForKey:keyPathHead];
        if (value != nil) {
            if (!keyPathHasOneComponent) {
        // Call the block with the initial value if needed.
        if ((options & NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial) != 0) {
            id initialValue = [self valueForKeyPath:keyPath];
            NSDictionary *initialChange = @{
                NSKeyValueChangeKindKey: @(NSKeyValueChangeSetting),
                NSKeyValueChangeNewKey: initialValue ?: NSNull.null,
            block(initialValue, initialChange, NO, keyPathHasOneComponent);
        RACCompoundDisposable *observerDisposable = strongObserver.rac_deallocDisposable;
        RACCompoundDisposable *selfDisposable = self.rac_deallocDisposable;
        // Dispose of this observation if the receiver or the observer deallocate.
        [observerDisposable addDisposable:disposable];
        [selfDisposable addDisposable:disposable];
        return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
            [disposable dispose];
            [observerDisposable removeDisposable:disposable];
            [selfDisposable removeDisposable:disposable];
    • 跟进[[RACKVOTrampoline alloc] initWithTarget...方法
    - (instancetype)initWithTarget:(__weak NSObject *)target observer:(__weak NSObject *)observer keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(RACKVOBlock)block {
        NSCParameterAssert(keyPath != nil);
        NSCParameterAssert(block != nil);
        NSObject *strongTarget = target;
        if (strongTarget == nil) return nil;
        self = [super init];
        // 属性保存法
        _keyPath = [keyPath copy];
        _block = [block copy];
        _weakTarget = target;
        _unsafeTarget = strongTarget;
        _observer = observer;
        // 移交代理 --- 观察对象
        // VC ---> person dog (一个VC里面有很多个对象)
        [RACKVOProxy.sharedProxy addObserver:self forContext:(__bridge void *)self];
        [strongTarget addObserver:RACKVOProxy.sharedProxy forKeyPath:self.keyPath options:options context:(__bridge void *)self];
        [strongTarget.rac_deallocDisposable addDisposable:self];
        [self.observer.rac_deallocDisposable addDisposable:self];
        return self;
    • 继续跟进[RACKVOProxy.sharedProxy addObserver...方法
      核心是RACKVOProxy移交代理 、trampolines漫游表
    // RACKVOProxy 最主要是创建trampolines漫游表 并且把监听到的值 扔给漫游表
    // trampolines漫游表 将 监听的值 返回回去
    // RACKVOProxy添加监听观察者
    - (void)addObserver:(__weak NSObject *)observer forContext:(void *)context {
        NSValue *valueContext = [NSValue valueWithPointer:context];
        dispatch_sync(self.queue, ^{
            [self.trampolines setObject:observer forKey:valueContext];
    // RACKVOProxy的初始化 使用了DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL串行队列 确保顺序不会错乱
    // _trampolines保证了漫游表是一一对应的
    - (instancetype)init {
        self = [super init];
        // name dog
        // name person
        _queue = dispatch_queue_create("org.reactivecocoa.ReactiveObjC.RACKVOProxy", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
        _trampolines = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable];
        return self;
    // RACKVOProxy发现值发生改变
    // name age ---> vlaue --> 观察对象 dog person
    - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
        NSValue *valueContext = [NSValue valueWithPointer:context];
        __block NSObject *trueObserver;
        dispatch_sync(self.queue, ^{
            trueObserver = [self.trampolines objectForKey:valueContext];
        if (trueObserver != nil) {
           // 将所有的值 都会返回到 RACKVOTrampoline 漫游表里面去
            [trueObserver observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
    • RACKVOTrampoline漫游表
    - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
        if (context != (__bridge void *)self) {
            [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
        RACKVOBlock block;
        id observer;
        id target;
        // 面向对象 的化整为零
        @synchronized (self) {
            block = self.block;
            observer = self.observer;
            target = self.weakTarget;
        if (block == nil || target == nil) return;
        block(target, observer, change);
    • RACKVOProxy移除观察者,其实就是在RACKVOTrampoline的析构deallocdispose里面进行移除了
    - (void)dealloc {
        [self dispose];
    #pragma mark Observation
    - (void)dispose {
        NSObject *target;
        NSObject *observer;
        @synchronized (self) {
            _block = nil;
            // The target should still exist at this point, because we still need to
            // tear down its KVO observation. Therefore, we can use the unsafe
            // reference (and need to, because the weak one will have been zeroed by
            // now).
            target = self.unsafeTarget;
            observer = self.observer;
            _unsafeTarget = nil;
            _observer = nil;
        // coupsdis
        [target.rac_deallocDisposable removeDisposable:self];
        [observer.rac_deallocDisposable removeDisposable:self];
        [target removeObserver:RACKVOProxy.sharedProxy forKeyPath:self.keyPath context:(__bridge void *)self];
        [RACKVOProxy.sharedProxy removeObserver:self forContext:(__bridge void *)self];



