Reflections on reading " Western

Reflections on reading " Western

作者: 爱渔爱语 | 来源:发表于2021-01-20 21:16 被阅读0次

    Reflections on reading " Western Hunan under stilted buildings"


    Reading is always profitable。

    Today, I am very glad to receive the latest collection of essays, Xiangxi under the stilted building, written by the famous essayist Mr. Fan Cheng.



    The best way to know and understand a person is to read his articles. In this way, you can hear his true inner voice, understand his knowledge, character, interpersonal communication, outlook on life, values, world outlook, and mental process, and see a person's true nature of life.


    This book is a collection of essays about Western Hunan . Among them, there are not only the description of the unique minority villages and folk customs in Western Hunan, but also the description of the rare animals and plants and famous landscapes in Western Hunan, the recollection of the agricultural culture imprinted by modern civilization, and the remembrance of the influential historical people and objects in various fields in western Hunan. This book is not only a small encyclopedia of Western Hunan knowledge, but also the author's affectionate confession of his life station.

    本书是一部介绍湘西的散文集。其中既有对湘西独具特色的少数民 族村落和民俗风情的描画,也有对湘西珍奇动植物、著名景观的记述; 既有对即将被现代文明吞噬的农耕文化印迹的追忆,也有对湘西各领域 叱咤风云的历史人物的缅怀。本书不仅是一部介绍湘西方方面面知识的 小百科,也是作者对自己生活工作多年的人生驿站的深情告白。

    When I read the article "teacher Wu Zhaolin", I couldn't help laughing because of an intellectual's quick wit.


    When I read this sentence in the postscript, "I always feel that writing is a very sacred thing", which aroused my strong resonance: this kind of cognition has led to many people's fate with literature always coming late. In fact, literature is neither lofty nor mysterious, it is around us, like a shadow, accompanied around. We should also learn from Mao Zedong's military thought of "strategically despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy" in our attitude towards literature. We should boldly contact and practice it, rather than flinch from it and look at it from a distance without playing with it. In this way, many people's literary potential will be buried.

    当我读到后记中的这句话,“总觉得写作是一件十分神圣的事”,引起我的强烈共鸣:这种认知,导致许多人与文学的缘份总是珊珊来迟。其实,文学既不高远也不神秘,它就在我们身边,如影随形,相伴左右。对待文学的态度,也宜借鉴毛泽东的“战略上藐视敌人 ,战术上重视敌人”军事思想,对其大胆接触,大胆实践,而不是望而却步,远观而不亵玩,这样,会埋没许多人的文学潜能的。

    Reading this book, my biggest gain is to understand a truth: the growth of a writer is inseparable from his own persistence and persistence. Only if we stick to it and persevere, will we grow up to be a writer in time.


    Thanks for meeting. On the way to writing, I have another teacher and example to learn from.


    Reader: Zhang Weiming, a contract writer of young writers.com




          本文标题:Reflections on reading " Western
