My dear friends, Have you hear the saying, ‘Prehistoric power’ or ‘mystic energy’ or ‘full potential’ ?
I guess If you are a sport fan, especially like swimming, you should heard of it; If you care about Chinese Buzzwords, you’ve heard the phrase; If you use wechat, you're sure to see the word often.
The Chinese pronunciation of Prehistoric power is ‘Hong Huang zhi Li’. The word ’ Hong Huang’ first originated from ancient legends. It’s said that when the world came into being, there were several large floods that nearly destroyed the whole world. Therefore the prehistoric power can be understood as the mystical powers that can change the universe.
The word ’ Hong Huang’ was spread widely because it appeared in the Thousand Character Classic, which was written in more than 1 thousand years ago in the Liang dynasty(502-557). This book was in reality a primer. Almost every student of the past dynasties have read this book, and the very first statement in it was about ‘Hong Huang’.
In 2015, The phrase was frequently mentioned in the TV series " The Journey of Flower". It meant the boundless supernatural power and uncontrollable force of God demon in this hit drama.
In August 8 2016, A new Internet meme has emerged afterAn adorable Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui reacted exaggeratedly to her personal best performance in Rio Olympic women's backstroke semi-final. "I've been utilizing prehistoric powers." she told CCTV reporter. "The power" went viral, and often used to describe an extraordinary amount of energy.
Now, when we say that I have been using the prehistoric powers, it can be interpreted as I have tried my best, or I have given my full play, or I’ve spared no effort.
On the other hand, when a person say "I have been unable to control the power ", it means who’s temper, strength, endurance will be activated, just in a funny way.
This ancient word has given birth to new life and new meaning. It has now been widely used with ridicule。
Do you like the word? Have you already applied the word?

洪荒之力的汉语发音是“Hong Huang zhi li”。“洪荒”这个词最初来自古代传说。据说,在世界刚刚形成的远古时期,发生过几次特大洪水,几乎毁灭整个世界。因此,洪荒之力可以理解为改变宇宙的神秘力量。
“洪荒”一词因为《千字文》这本书而在中国广泛流传。《千字文》写于1000多年前的南朝的梁代(502-557)。该书实际上是一本传统的启蒙读物,几乎历朝历代的学生都读过这本书,而这本书的第一句话 “天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒” 就是关于“洪荒”的。