Don’t Be Beautiful 不要迷恋美貌
They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be.他们说美貌对于女子很重要
But honestly? Forget that. Don’t be beautiful. 真的吗? 别信以为真。不要迷恋美貌。
Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy, be interesting, 有脾气,博学,聪明,机智,风趣
be funny, be adventurous, be crazy, be talented 可爱,敢闯,敢疯,有才能
there are an eternity of other things 这些才是永恒的东西。
to be other than beautiful. 追求美貌以外的东西。
And what is beautiful anyway 什么才是美的东西呢?
but a set of letters strung together to make a word? 一系列个空洞的字母组合出来的词语?
Be your own definition of amazing, always. 自己去给美好定义
That is so much more important than anything beautiful, ever. 这比任何美丽的定义都要重要
Nikita Gill (原作者名字)