day9 补叙

day9 补叙

作者: 宋文洁bla | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 00:06 被阅读0次

what iwant to say is American's children.

day9 补叙

today our host family invite us to watch our sister' play.The children'play mooved me a lot.

day9 补叙

I can't feel nervous on their face they are confident , dare to face challenges and show themselves to everyone wtih out shy.

They played very well i sigh at myself.Recall when you are five years,if you can have confidence to show yourself?Many people'answer might be no. But American students can.

day9 补叙

it's the difference between China and America in education.I can even say a large distance.

So we have many things to do and change to follow there steps and chase them .


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      本文标题:day9 补叙
