Cordova 工作原理(IOS篇)

Cordova 工作原理(IOS篇)

作者: 神秘老王 | 来源:发表于2017-03-01 17:52 被阅读0次

Cordova 工作原理(IOS篇)

本文基于Cordova 6.2.0



cordova architecture

这是一张基于cordova的hybrid app架构图,官方拿的,之后的工作原理会结合这张图解释,大致就分为web端的JS工作原理以及native端的oc工作原理:

Web App端

  • config.xml
  • cordova.js核心代码分析


  • cordova webview 引擎具体实现
  • 容器初始化以及plugin初始化

Web App


This container has a very crucial file - config.xml file that provides information about the app and specifies parameters affecting how it works, such as whether it responds to orientation shifts.

对于使用cordova cli初始化的web app 在主目录下会存在一个config.xml,其中包含了整个app的一些基本信息:比如appName、app入口文件、白名单、webview初始化的一些配置、plugin信息、图标资源信息

其中web app大致的目录结构可以参考如下:

|-- config.xml
|-- hooks/
|-- merges/
| | |-- android/
| | |-- windows/
| | |-- ios/
|-- www/
|-- platforms/
| |-- android/
| |-- windows/
| |-- ios/
|-- plugins/



function iOSExec() {

var successCallback, failCallback, service, action, actionArgs;
var callbackId = null;
if (typeof arguments[0] !== 'string') {
    successCallback = arguments[0];
    failCallback = arguments[1];
    service = arguments[2];
    action = arguments[3];
    actionArgs = arguments[4];

    // Since we need to maintain backwards compatibility, we have to pass
    // an invalid callbackId even if no callback was provided since plugins
    // will be expecting it. The Cordova.exec() implementation allocates
    // an invalid callbackId and passes it even if no callbacks were given.
    callbackId = 'INVALID';
} else {
    throw new Error('The old format of this exec call has been removed (deprecated since 2.1). Change to: ' +
        'cordova.exec(null, null, \'Service\', \'action\', [ arg1, arg2 ]);'

// If actionArgs is not provided, default to an empty array
actionArgs = actionArgs || [];

// Register the callbacks and add the callbackId to the positional
// arguments if given.
if (successCallback || failCallback) {
    callbackId = service + cordova.callbackId++;
    cordova.callbacks[callbackId] =
        {success:successCallback, fail:failCallback};

actionArgs = massageArgsJsToNative(actionArgs);

var command = [callbackId, service, action, actionArgs];

// Stringify and queue the command. We stringify to command now to
// effectively clone the command arguments in case they are mutated before
// the command is executed.

// If we're in the context of a stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString call,
// then the queue will be flushed when it returns; no need for a poke.
// Also, if there is already a command in the queue, then we've already
// poked the native side, so there is no reason to do so again.
if (!isInContextOfEvalJs && commandQueue.length == 1) {

这是cordova ios中js端的核心执行代码,所有的plugin的执行入口

  • successCallback -- 成功的回调
  • failCallback -- 失败的回调
  • service -- 所调用native plugin的类
  • action -- 所调用native plugin的类下的具体method
  • actionArgs -- 具体参数

注册回调id,构建cordova.callbacks的map,其中key就是callbackId,value就是callBackFunction, 对具体参数做序列化,之后将 callbackId, service, action, actionArgs作为一个数组对象传入 commandQueue 等待native来获取

function pokeNative() {
// CB-5488 - Don't attempt to create iframe before document.body is available.
if (!document.body) {

// Check if they've removed it from the DOM, and put it back if so.
if (execIframe && execIframe.contentWindow) {
    execIframe.contentWindow.location = 'gap://ready';
} else {
    execIframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    execIframe.style.display = 'none';
    execIframe.src = 'gap://ready';
// Use a timer to protect against iframe being unloaded during the poke (CB-7735).
// This makes the bridge ~ 7% slower, but works around the poke getting lost
// when the iframe is removed from the DOM.
// An onunload listener could be used in the case where the iframe has just been
// created, but since unload events fire only once, it doesn't work in the normal
// case of iframe reuse (where unload will have already fired due to the attempted
// navigation of the page).
failSafeTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
    if (commandQueue.length) {
        // CB-10106 - flush the queue on bridge change
        if (!handleBridgeChange()) {
}, 50); // Making this > 0 improves performance (marginally) in the normal case (where it doesn't fire).

js如何来通知native,调用native的方法呢,pokeNative就是提供这么一个方法 ,通过UIWebView相关的UIWebViewDelegate协议的拦截url (IOS7之后引入原生的Javascript Core之后有别的实现方式,这里暂不阐述),对js端发来的request做出响应,cordova使用的方法是创建一个iframe 并且设置iframe的src的方式来进行url的改变,之后所有的请求会根据是否已经存在这个iframe 来 通过改变location 的方式发起请求,避免前端的异步请求会创建多个iframe

nativeCallback nativeEvalAndFetch
iOSExec.nativeCallback = function(callbackId, status, message, keepCallback, debug) {
    return iOSExec.nativeEvalAndFetch(function() {
     var success = status === 0 || status === 1;
        var args = convertMessageToArgsNativeToJs(message);
        function nc2() {
         cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, success, status, args, keepCallback);
         setTimeout(nc2, 0);

iOSExec.nativeEvalAndFetch = function(func) {
// This shouldn't be nested, but better to be safe.
try {
    return iOSExec.nativeFetchMessages();
} finally {

之后分析OC代码的时候会讲到,native这边处理完动作之后的触发回调的统一入口就是 nativeCallBack, 且是以同步的方式来触发native -> js 的callBack

cordova.callbackFromNative: function(callbackId, isSuccess, status, args, keepCallback) {
    try {
        var callback = cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
        if (callback) {
            if (isSuccess && status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {
                callback.success && callback.success.apply(null, args);
            } else if (!isSuccess) {
                callback.fail && callback.fail.apply(null, args);
                Note, this case is intentionally not caught.
                this can happen if isSuccess is true, but callbackStatus is NO_RESULT
                which is used to remove a callback from the list without calling the callbacks
                typically keepCallback is false in this case
            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results
            if (!keepCallback) {
                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
    catch (err) {
        var msg = "Error in " + (isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error") + " callbackId: " + callbackId + " : " + err;
        console && console.log && console.log(msg);
        cordova.fireWindowEvent("cordovacallbackerror", { 'message': msg });
        throw err;

这个就是js这边回调真正执行的地方,根据cordova.callBacks的map以及回调的callBackId 还有状态(success 或者 fail)来执行相应的回调函数,之后根据keepCallback来决定是否将该回调从callBacks的map中移除


cordova webview 引擎具体实现


  • cordovaLib.xcodeproj/Public/CDVViewController
  • cordovaLib.xcodepro/Private/Plugins/CDVUIWebViewEngine/*


  • init --- 初始化程序,
  • loadSettings --- 解析config.xml 将pluginsMap startplugin settings startPage等变量初始化到容器controller中,初始化plugin字典
  • viewDidLoad --- 先loadSettings,之后创建特殊存储空,根据CDVUIWebViewEngine初始化Webview,然后获取appURL加载index.html


  • initWithFrame --- 创建webview
  • pluginInitialize --- 初始化webView中的一系列设置,创建delegate(CDVUIWebViewDelegate)
  • getConmmandInstance --- 获取command的实例

初始化一系列的东西可以自己打个debug 看下源代码的流程下面看几个类的核心源代码


- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView*)theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
NSURL* url = [request URL];
CDVViewController* vc = (CDVViewController*)self.enginePlugin.viewController;

 * Execute any commands queued with cordova.exec() on the JS side.
 * The part of the URL after gap:// is irrelevant.
if ([[url scheme] isEqualToString:@"gap"]) {
    [vc.commandQueue fetchCommandsFromJs];
    // The delegate is called asynchronously in this case, so we don't have to use
    // flushCommandQueueWithDelayedJs (setTimeout(0)) as we do with hash changes.
    [vc.commandQueue executePending];
    return NO;

 * Give plugins the chance to handle the url
BOOL anyPluginsResponded = NO;
BOOL shouldAllowRequest = NO;

for (NSString* pluginName in vc.pluginObjects) {
    CDVPlugin* plugin = [vc.pluginObjects objectForKey:pluginName];
    SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"shouldOverrideLoadWithRequest:navigationType:");
    if ([plugin respondsToSelector:selector]) {
        anyPluginsResponded = YES;
        shouldAllowRequest = (((BOOL (*)(id, SEL, id, int))objc_msgSend)(plugin, selector, request, navigationType));
        if (!shouldAllowRequest) {

if (anyPluginsResponded) {
    return shouldAllowRequest;

 * Handle all other types of urls (tel:, sms:), and requests to load a url in the main webview.
BOOL shouldAllowNavigation = [self defaultResourcePolicyForURL:url];
if (shouldAllowNavigation) {
    return YES;
} else {
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:[NSNotification notificationWithName:CDVPluginHandleOpenURLNotification object:url]];

return NO;

这个就是js通知native的所有入口,所有的js调用native都需要经过这个重新实现了uiwebView中的 UIWebWiewDelegate协议中的 shouldStartLoadWithRequest,对于所有的请求做一个拦截,对于url scheme中带有gap的都会执行 CDVViewController中的commandQueue

- (void)fetchCommandsFromJs
__weak CDVCommandQueue* weakSelf = self;
NSString* js = @"cordova.require('cordova/exec').nativeFetchMessages()";

[_viewController.webViewEngine evaluateJavaScript:js
                                completionHandler:^(id obj, NSError* error) {
    if ((error == nil) && [obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
        NSString* queuedCommandsJSON = (NSString*)obj;
        CDV_EXEC_LOG(@"Exec: Flushed JS->native queue (hadCommands=%d).", [queuedCommandsJSON length] > 0);
        [weakSelf enqueueCommandBatch:queuedCommandsJSON];
        // this has to be called here now, because fetchCommandsFromJs is now async (previously: synchronous)
        [self executePending];

注意:我这里插一句,之前我看到有人说js native通信的用url拦截的方式不优雅,参数放在url中传递很不好之类的,很low,但是我想说的是你是没有看到设计的精髓。cordova中对于参数的传递,管理各个异步的js-native call 以及同步的执行callback。



    本文标题:Cordova 工作原理(IOS篇)
