

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-05 08:19 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Okay, so the chef has a girlfriend, and guess who it is. 原来那个厨师有女朋友 猜猜是谁
    All I do is play guessing games with the kids. 我整天都在跟小朋友玩猜谜
    - Please, for my sanity, use your words. - Camille. -为我的精神健康着想 你就直说吧-卡蜜尔
    The beautiful blonde from the gallery? 美术馆的那个金发美女
    Beautiful and genuinely nice, which shouldn't be allowed. 她人美心善 简直没天理
    It's, like, just choose one. 通常只能占一样
    I wish Gabriel had told me he had a girlfriend 加百列早跟我说他有女朋友就好了
    before I thanked him with my mouth. 我就不会用嘴谢他了
    - I thought you just kissed him. - I did. -你不就亲了他吗-对啊
    Your English is as confusing as your French. 你的英语和法语一样难懂
    - Yeah, I feel stupid. In both languages. - Look, French men are flirts. -对 两种语言里我都很笨-法国男人都爱撩
    Just act normal when you see him. 下次见到他 装作无事发生就好
    But I'm trying not to see him. 但我在努力避开他
    Which is kind of impossible when we live in the same building. 只是很难 毕竟我们住在同一栋楼
    I really like him, and I just thought that he… 我真的很喜欢他 我只是以为他…
    - I don't know what I thought. - Oh. Bonjour. -我也不知道我在以为什么-你好
    Un café s'il vous plaît. 请给我一杯咖啡
    j'aime le café, 我想要咖啡
    les fruits 水果
    et un croissant avec le préservatif. 一个牛角包 配安全套
    Okay, there's a vending machine for that in the men's room. 男厕里有台自动贩卖机 去买就行了
    What did I just say? 我刚说了什么
    "Préservatif" doesn't mean preserves. 你刚才把果酱说成安全套了
    You just ordered a croissant with a side of condoms. 你点了一个牛角包 配安全套
    - Oh, my God! No, I don't want that! - She's gonna bareback her breakfast! -天啊 我不是那个意思-她打算"裸吃"
    - See, I can't get anything right. - It's a common mistake. -你瞧 我什么都搞错-这种错误很正常
    They're called faux amis. 这叫"假闺蜜"
    So, "un crayon" isn't "crayon." It's "pencil." 在法语中 "蜡笔"是指"铅笔"
    "Un médecin" isn't "medicine." "药物"是指
    It's "doctor." "医生"
    - Faux amis, is that, like, fake friends? - Yep. -"假闺蜜"是指"假朋友"-没错
    Like you and Camille. 像你和卡蜜尔的关系
    You're gonna be friends with her 你去跟她做朋友
    but just so you can stay close to her hot, hot boyfriend. 这样才能接近她那个帅气的男朋友
    I'm not doing that. And I'm trying to avoid her, too. 我不要 我也在努力避开她
    Oh, good. Look, direct hit coming our way. 祝你好运 她正在朝我们走来
    Incoming! 人来了
    What? Camille! 不会吧 卡蜜尔
    - I'm so happy that we have the same café. - You remember Mindy? -真棒 我们竟然来同一家咖啡馆-你记得明迪吗
    - Yes, of course. - Great. Oh, yay. -当然记得-太好了
    I'm just grabbing some croissants for Gabriel. 我只是来给加百列买牛角包
    I can never get him out of bed in the morning. 每天早上都很难叫他起床
    Aw, sleepyhead. 真贪睡
    - Best kind. - So chic. -那再好不过了-好潮啊
    But may I? 介意我调整一下吗
    Just, yeah. 就这样
    Like, you know, French way. 这是法式系法
    On the side. 把结系在一边
    Let me take a photo of you for your emilyinparis account. 我来为你的"艾米丽在巴黎"拍张照
    Wanna get in? 要合影吗
    - Get in! - Okay. -合影吧-好啊
    Yeah, sure. 好啊
    Okay. 很好
    - Say, "Amies." - Amies. -说你们是"好闺蜜"-好闺蜜
    So cute. 真可爱
    I will follow you so you can tag me. 我关注你吧 这样你就可以标记我了
    - Oh, my God, you have so many followers. - Oh, Emily knows how to make friends. -天啊 你有好多粉丝-艾米丽很会交朋友
    You okay? The scarf too tight? 你还好吗 丝巾太紧了吗
    Bonjour! Check this out. 早上好 快看
    Durée Cosmetics just DM'd me on Instagram. 杜瑞化妆品公司刚在ins上私信我
    They invited me to their influencer lunch today. 邀请我参加今天的网红午宴
    - You? An influencer? - I know. -你是网红-我知道
    They must have mistaken me for someone else. 他们肯定把我认成其他人了
    But I love Durée. 但我很喜欢杜瑞
    They were the first lip gloss I ever bought. 我买的第一支唇蜜就是他家的
    Well, not actually bought. My friend Cindy stole it from Target. 其实不是我买的 我朋友辛迪从塔吉特偷的
    - She's a teacher now. - Sounds right. -她现在是老师-挺好
    It's at… it's at the Hôtel d'Évreux? Is that good? 这是埃夫勒酒店吗 是好地方吗
    No, none of this is good. 不好 这一切都不好
    We don't speak of Durée in this office. They used to be a client. 这个办公室禁止提"杜瑞" 他们曾是我们的客户
    What happened? 后来发生了什么
    We don't speak of it, Emily. 艾米丽 我们什么都不提
    Okay. 好吧
    Sylvie, just curious... 希尔薇 我想知道…
    It is customary to knock, wait for a reply, then enter. 敲门 等待回应才进门 是一种礼仪
    Okay. 好吧
    Busy. 我很忙
    I just noticed you don't have a cosmetics company on your roster. 我刚发现 公司没有一个客户是化妆品公司
    What an illuminating insight. 多么发人深思的见解
    Did you ever have one? 你们以前有过吗
    Bobbi Brown? Laura Mercier? 例如芭比·波朗 罗拉·玛斯亚
    Durée? 杜瑞
    A representative from Hästens Luxury Beds 海丝腾高级床垫公司代表明天会来
    is coming in tomorrow, and I expect you to have great campaign ideas. 希望你能想出一个绝佳的营销方案
    Of course. But can I just go back to the cosmetics question? 没问题 不过可以回到化妆品品牌的问题吗
    - No. - Okay. -不行-好吧
    Bring the Eiffel Tower to bed. 把埃菲尔铁塔搬上床
    For Hästens. That could be the slogan. 这可以作为海丝腾的标语
    They're Swedish, so using a Paris landmark may not... 他们是瑞典品牌 用巴黎地标来做标语可能不…
    No, no, no, no, no. Not the Eiffel Tower. 我不是指巴黎地标"埃菲尔铁塔"
    - The Eiffel Tower. - He means the sex position. -而是"埃菲尔铁塔"-他说的是一种性爱体位
    The woman is on all fours, 女人趴在地上
    and the two men, one in front, one in back, 一个男人在前 另一个男人在后
    and they, uh… 然后他们…
    - How you say "clap"? - High-five. -"高举一只手拍击"怎么说-击掌
    Wait, why do they high-five? 等一下 为什么要击掌
    To make shape. 为了形成一个塔形
    - Eiffel Tower. - Please put your hands down. -这就是"埃菲尔铁塔"-请把手放下
    But then it's only London Bridge. Not as fun. 那就只是伦敦桥了 没那么有趣了
    Yes, that's true. 没错
    Okay, well, I would love to stay 好了 虽然我很想留下来
    and educate you on workplace harassment, 教育你们什么叫职场性骚扰
    but I've got a lunch. 但我要出席一场午宴
    - You're going? - The event that dare not speak its name? -你要去-那个禁忌品牌主办的午宴
    Yes. I just need a one-on-one with Olivia Thompson. 没错 我就想跟奥利维亚·汤普森私下面谈
    Their CMO? 杜瑞公司的营销策划主任
    - You're insane. - Well, they think I'm an influencer. -你疯了-他们觉得我是网红
    Maybe I can influence them to stay at Savoir. 也许我可以影响他们留在萨维尔公司
    Bonjour. I'm Em... 你好 我是艾米…
    Hi, mon amour! 亲爱的
    - Ça va? - Très bien. -最近怎样-很好
    What a cute dog. I love goldens. 这狗狗真可爱 我很喜欢金毛
    Well, you should follow him. It's CashmereGoodBoy on Instagram, 那你应该关注它 "乖孩子克什米尔"
    and he just hit 100,000 followers. 它的粉丝数刚突破十万
    Thank you, my love. Do you have one for Cashmere? 谢谢亲爱的 可以给克什米尔一个吗
    - But of course. - You know he'll get jealous. -没问题-不然它会妒忌的
    Name? 你叫什么名字
    Bonjour. I'm emilyinparis, and I was invited on Instagram. 我帐号是"艾米丽在巴黎" 通过ins受邀
    Everyone was. 这里每个人都是
    can I get a big one like Cashmere? 可以给我个克什米尔拿到的那种大礼包吗
    Let me check. 我看一下
    Not enough followers. 粉丝还不够
    So now, please integrate the products in your social media content. 请将我们的产品植入你的社交媒体内容
    We expect a minimum of five posts. 我们希望你们至少上传五条内容
    With your tiny reach, make it ten. 但你帐号传播率不高 所以至少要十条
    I'm on it. I'll give you quantity and quality. 没问题 我会质量和数量兼具
    Can you point me in the direction of Olivia Thompson? 可以告诉我奥利维亚·汤普森在哪吗
    She's about to speak. 她很快要上台演说了
    Merci. 谢谢
    Next. 下一位
    Thank you all for being here. 感谢你们的到来
    We are thrilled to be sharing 我们很开心
    this season's incredible product range 能跟你们这群红遍全球的网红
    with such global tastemakers. 分享这一季令人惊艳的产品
    Enjoy lunch 请好好享用午餐
    and please remember to tag Durée in your posts 记得在内容里标记杜瑞品牌
    so that we can track your social media impressions. 我们好追踪你们的内容浏览次数
    Have fun. 玩得开心
    Miss Thompson, can I please have a moment? 汤普森小姐 可以跟你说几句话吗
    May I help you, Miss emilyinparis? "艾米丽在巴黎"小姐 需要帮忙吗
    Bonjour again. 又是你
    - I… I'm really here to speak to Olivia. - No, no, no. -我真的很想跟奥利维亚说话-不行
    If you want her attention, I suggest you post. 如果想引起她的注意 我建议你发ins
    Très bien. 很好
    With macadamia butter and jojoba oil, Durée is smudge-proof. 澳洲胡桃黄油加上荷荷巴油 杜瑞化妆品绝不糊
    Even when you're berry hungry. 就算你饿得发"莓"也不糊
    Durée is smudge-proof. 杜瑞化妆品绝不糊
    Even when you're berry hungry. 就算你饿得发"莓"也不糊
    Emilyinparis. 她是"艾米丽在巴黎"
    I like her. She's clever. 我喜欢她 她很聪明
    - She's eating the decor. - Where do we know her from? -她把装饰品吃了-她是什么背景
    I know exactly who she is. 我知道她是谁了
    I was 13 when I first tried Durée's lip gloss. 13岁那年 我第一次用了杜瑞的唇蜜
    Funny story... 有趣的是…
    - Pardon! - Can you give me some space? -不好意思-可以挪过去吗
    Swipe up and enter Durée 往上滑 输入"杜瑞"
    for 20% off my antifungal yoga pants. 购买我的抗菌瑜伽裤 即可打八折
    CeliaSplits. 我是"劈腿妹希莉娅"
    Wow. And ow. 天啊 好痛




