

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2019-08-09 15:24 被阅读0次

Love, Death + Robots,中文字幕,2019

Sonnie's Edge

1 have a peep 瞄一眼

2 I won't press you further. 我不逼你了

3 That fear is my edge. 恐惧是我的优势

Three Robots

1. Check this out. 快来瞧

2. Sorry for the wait. 抱歉让你久等

3. You'll be sorry. 你会后悔的

4 I'm glad you asked. 你问的好

5. poison the water, kill the land and choke the sky 环境问题

The Witness

1 I'm on my way there. 我在路上了


1 You be careful there. 万事小心

2 Knock it off. 别吵了

3 Can you hold? 您能挡住吗? 坚持得住吗?

4. We're not gonna make it. 我们完蛋了

5 Save yourself. 保命要紧

6 a true friend 真朋友

Sucker of Souls

1. Copy that.收到

2. pussy 猫

3. C4 塑胶炸药

When the Yogurt Took Over

1. a dairy product 乳制品

2 deviate from the plan 背离计划

Beyond the Aquila Rift

1. Check this out. 瞧这个

2. Roger that. 收到

3. In the flesh 活生生的,本人

4. It's written in the stars. 命中注定

5 That's all that matters. 这个才重要

6. I do care for you. 我真的在乎你

Good Hunting

1 piss off 滚

2 I'm stuck in the human form. 我困在这具人体里

3 I bewitch man for money. 妓女的话

4 send sb into a rage 把某人惹恼

The Dump

1 The world comes to you. 世界向你走来


1. We don't belong here. 这里不适合我们

2. At ease. 稍息

3. I want him alive. 给我活捉他

4. You wanna try it? 你敢试试吗?

5. Back off. 一边去

Helping Hand

1. Listen up. 听着

2 You read? 听到吗?=Do you read me?= Do you hear me?

3 Funny to ask. 这么问真好笑

Fish Night

1 Shit happens. 糟心事、倒霉

2 give sb a lift 让某人搭车

3 try to put this on me 把责任推到我头上

4 The radiator is dead. 散热器完蛋了

Lucky 13

1 Get down. 趴下

2 We're good to go. 准备就绪

3 top of the line 最高级,最好的

Zima Blue

1. Shall we take a little walk? 我们来散步吧

2 I'm going home. 我回家了(回到原点)


1. rookie 菜鸟

2 Mission accomplished. 任务完成

Ice Age

Alternate Histories

1.death scenario 死亡场景

2 Now it's your time to make history. 该你来创造历史了

The Secret War

1. Stop your whining. 别抱怨了

2 I'm working on it. 我正在努力呢

3. Are we done? 我们搞定了吗?

4 fall back 撤退

Personal Review

Of the 18 shorts, "The Witness" strikes me most. Its story evolves from an infinite loop of killing and being killed into a curse of doom. The thrill of it all boils down to one simple line: nothing is going to change no matter what. The depicted sin city is swarming with desperate youth, hands full of guns and money, needing an escape. Such scenarios exemplify the dark world that is eording values underpinning humanity. 



