
Anewly improved mobile health unit will soon hit the streets of Toronto to improve services for people who typically face challenges accessing health care.Sherbourne Health Centre's new health bus will resume activity next month and be based inthe Moss Park area. While the health bus program has been running for some 20 years, this is its third bus, and this one can offer better care to more people.

The bus has two clinic spaces with separate entrances, so two clients can be servedat once. And for the first time, it is wheelchair accessible.Anurse practitioner will be on the bus to deliver primary care, such as papsmears, vaccinations, wound care and STI testing, while a mental health counsellor will also be on board to provide on-the-spot crisis care.The bus is also equipped with naloxone kits, which can be used to treat a suspected opioid overdose.

ChantelMarshall, director of urban health programming at Sherbourne Health Centre, said the bus will help divert some patients who don't have access to primary care and so end up in emergency rooms for non-life-threateninghealth ailments."The infrastructure to provide the services is really night and day, compared to ourprevious health bus." Marshall told CBC Toronto on Thursday.
Chantel Marshall是Sherbourne健康中心的城镇健康规划主任,他说,这辆巴士会帮助治疗那些没有条件获取初步治疗的患者,以确保在送入急诊室之前没有生命危险。“对比之前的健康巴士,升级后的健康巴士提供的服务简直是天壤之别。”Marshall在周四的时候对CBC多伦多记者说。

The bus will make scheduled stops that will be listed on the Sherbourne Health Centre website. Typically, the bus stops at shelters and other community agencies to help people who are homeless or under-housed, newcomers to Canada and others who face barriers to care.A program worker on the bus will help patients access complementary care theymight need, from health care to social services.

Volunteer Mike Holton first became homeless 10years ago,when he was released from hospital, his mother had died and he had nowhere to go.The 56-year-old was living in Allan Gardens, and the bus would stop at places, such as shelters and community centres. He was eventually referred to Sherbourne Health, where a housing worker helped him find a home and set him up with treatment for his hepatitis C. After that, he started volunteering on the bus."You're stigmatized, you're labelled, no one wants to talk to you," he said ofbeing homeless. " And these people would. They had people that worked on thebus that had lived experience, and that helped a lot. It broke a lot ofbarriers."
10年前,志愿者Mike Holton第一次成为无家可归的人,当他出院的时候,他母亲去世了,他无处可去。56岁的他住在艾伦花园,健康巴士会停靠在这个位置,最终,他被推荐到Sherbourne健康中心,在那里,一名职员帮他找到了一处住所,并为他的丙型肝炎提供了治疗。之后,他开始在健康巴士上做义工。他说,成为流浪汉会遭受非难,会被贴上标签,没人愿意跟你说话。而在健康巴士上的工作经验,会帮助他们打破许多社会偏见。
Volunteer Christine Halliday, 71, first accessed the bus's services when she was living at the Fred Victor shelter. It would provide her with everything from vitamins to socks.She said the workers at Sherbourne Health got her out of the shelter and into her own apartment."They're very good people here," she said. "They listen to your problems, and they help. They are very understanding."
71岁的志愿者Christine Halliday住在弗雷德维克多的时候,第一次接受了健康巴士的服务---为她提供从维生素到袜子的一切东西。她说,Sherbourne健康中心的工作人员把她带出了避难所,住进了公寓。她说:“他们是很好的人,愿意倾听你的问题,并提供帮助。他们非常善解人意。”
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