【Using English】26 - Mediterranea

【Using English】26 - Mediterranea

作者: 二手认知 | 来源:发表于2018-06-26 20:07 被阅读12次

来源: http://patient.info/health/mediterranean-diet

The Mediterranean Diet is rich in vegetables, fruit, peas and beans (legumes) and grains. It also contains moderate amounts of chicken and fish. There is little red meat and most fat is unsaturated and comes from olive oil and nuts. Having a small amount of red wine has been shown to increase the health benefits.

In combination with moderate exercise and not smoking, the Mediterranean Diet offers a scientifically researched, affordable, balanced and health-promoting lifestyle choice.

Mediterranean 地中海

pea 豌豆

grain 谷物

moderate 中等的

unsaturated 不饱和的

olive 橄榄

affordable 实惠的

health-promoting 促进健康的

地中海饮食中富含蔬菜,水果,豌豆和豆类(豆类)和谷物。 它还含有适量的鸡肉和鱼肉。 红肉少,大部分脂肪不饱和,来自橄榄油和坚果。 有少量的红酒已被证明可以增加健康益处。


The health benefits

The typical Western diet is high in animal fats, sugar and preservatives but low in fruit and vegetables. Scientific research has shown that this food combination is partially responsible for triggering many chronic diseases and cancers.

Research has also shown that following a Mediterranean diet can reduce the chance of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, some cancers, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

It can also be useful for people wishing to lose weight as it is rich in fruit and vegetables and lower in sugars and saturated fats than a typical Western diet.

Switching from a Western to a Mediterranean diet represents a healthy lifestyle choice. It can reduce the risk of a premature death and increase the chance of a healthy retirement, free from long-term medication.

preservative 防腐剂

chronic 慢性的

diabete 糖尿病

obesity 肥胖

Alzheimer's disease 老年痴呆症

premature death 过早死亡

retirement 退休


典型的西方饮食中动物脂肪,糖和防腐剂含量较高,但水果和蔬菜含量较低。 科学研究表明,这种食物组合是引发许多慢性疾病和癌症的部分原因。



从西方转向地中海饮食代表了健康的生活方式选择。 它可以减少过早死亡的风险,增加健康退休的机会,避免长期用药。

The Mediterranean Diet

The term 'Mediterranean Diet' describes a specific mix of dietary food ingredients, shown to promote health and long life in people from many countries, including the UK and USA.

The word Mediterranean refers to the origins of the diet, rather than to specific foods such as Greek or Italian foods.

Using a wide range of fruits and vegetables gives the body maximum access to sources of vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients. There are individual foods within the Mediterranean Diet which are particularly beneficial to health, such as olive oil, garlic and some fruits and vegetables but overall it is the combination of foods within a healthy lifestyle which is linked to improved health.

The overuse of salt in flavouring Western-style meals and fast foods has been linked with increased blood pressure. The healthy alternative is to replace the excess salt with herbs and also garlic, as Mediterranean people have done for many years. This can also add new flavours to quite simple pasta, rice dishes and stews.




trace nutrient 微量营养素

garlic 大蒜

alternative 替代品

excess 过量的

herbs 草本植物

stews 炖菜






General principles

The Mediterranean Diet is not about quick fix superfoods. Nor is it a strict list of what you should not eat. Rather, the Mediterranean Diet is a formula for healthy day-to-day eating over the long term. Here's a quick guide for those who would like to try it:

Maximise your intake of vegetables, peas and beans (legumes), fruits and wholegrain cereals.

Limit your red meat intake - fish and poultry are healthier substitutes.

Where possible, use mono-unsaturated olive oil or rapeseed oil in place of animal fat such as butter or lard.

Limit your intake of highly processed fast foods and ready meals, which may be high in salt and saturated fat.

Eat no more than moderate amounts of dairy products and preferably low-fat ones.

Do not add salt to your food at the table - there is already plenty in the food.

Snack on fruit, dried fruit and unsalted nuts rather than cakes, crisps and biscuits.

Drink (red) wine during meals but no more than two small glasses per day.

Water is the best 'non-alcoholic beverage' (as opposed to sugary drinks), although health benefits have also been claimed for various teas and coffee.



substitute 替代品

rapeseed oil 菜籽油

lard  猪油

dairy 乳制品

preferably 优选

Snack 小吃

biscuit 饼干

non-alcoholic beverage非酒精饮料





限制你的红肉摄入量 - 鱼和家禽是健康的替代品。




不要在桌上添加盐 - 食物中已经有很多。




Mediterranean Diet ingredients


Vegetables and fruits

The World Health Organization (WHO) - and the UK Government's Change4Life campaign - recommend we eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This guidance is partly based on research into the Mediterranean Diet. Other governments recommend higher levels of fruit and vegetables, such as seven or even ten portions daily.

A wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits is an important part of the Mediterranean Diet. Tinned, dried and frozen fruit or vegetables are also valuable in the diet.

They are high in fibre, antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

They help to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancers and bowel problems.


five portions五份

antioxidant 抗氧化剂

bowel 肠子


世界卫生组织(WHO) - 和英国政府的Change4Life活动 - 建议我们每天吃五份水果和蔬菜。 这一指导部分基于对地中海饮食的研究。 其他政府建议水果和蔬菜的含量较高,例如每日七至十份。

各种各样的新鲜蔬菜和水果是地中海饮食的重要组成部分。 镀锡,干燥和冷冻水果或蔬菜在饮食中也很有价值。




Cereals should be wholegrain where possible, such as wholemeal bread or brown rice or pasta.

Examples are wheat, barley, oats, millet, corn and rice. They are found in cereal flakes, pasta, bread, couscous and crackers.

They provide carbohydrate, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

They help to reduce bowel problems, including cancers; they help to lower cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

cereals 谷物

brown rice 糙米

barley 大麦

oats 燕麦

millet 小米

corn 玉米

cracker 饼干

carbohydrate 碳水化合物

cholesterol 胆固醇



例如小麦,大麦,燕麦,小米,玉米和大米。 他们被发现在麦片,面食,面包,蒸粗麦粉和饼干。


它们有助于减少肠道问题,包括癌症; 它们有助于降低胆固醇,从而降低心脏病的风险。


Various types of fish are important in the Mediterranean Diet. White fish such as cod, plaice, haddock, hake and halibut are a good source of protein which is low in fat.

Shellfish such as prawns, crab, lobster and mussels contain protein and some trace minerals

Oily fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D. Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and dementia; they are also thought to be helpful for brain development and in the treatment of depression.

Note: some oily fish contain low levels of toxic heavy metals. Pregnant women and those trying for a baby should limit their intake of tuna, shark and swordfish.


plaice 鲽鱼

haddock 黑线鳕鱼

halibut 比目鱼

Shellfish 贝类

prawns 对虾

dementia 痴呆

depression 萧条

tuna 金枪鱼

swordfish 旗鱼

各种类型的鱼在地中海饮食中很重要。 白色鱼类如鳕鱼,pla鱼,黑线鳕,鳕鱼和比目鱼是低脂肪蛋白质的良好来源。


油性鱼类还含有ω-3脂肪酸和维生素A和D.欧米茄-3脂肪酸可能降低心脏病,某些癌症和痴呆症的风险; 它们也被认为有助于脑发育和抑郁症的治疗。

注意:一些油性鱼类含有低水平的有毒重金属。 孕妇和正在怀孕的人应限制金枪鱼,鲨鱼和剑鱼的摄入量。


These are vegetables which grow in pods. They include peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and peanuts. They form quite an important part of the Mediterranean Diet and are a useful base for soups and stews, as well as being found in hummus and eaten on their own - for example, as baked beans.

They provide protein, carbohydrate, fibre and vitamins. They are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

pods 豆荚

这些是豆荚中生长的蔬菜。 它们包括豌豆,豆类,扁豆,鹰嘴豆和花生。 它们构成地中海饮食的重要组成部分,是汤和炖菜的有用基地,也可以在鹰嘴豆泥中找到并自己吃 - 例如烤豆。

他们提供蛋白质,碳水化合物,纤维和维生素。 它们与心脏病的风险降低有关。

Fats and oils

When cooking Mediterranean-style meals, mono-unsaturated oils are used to replace saturated animal fats, such as butter and lard. Olive oil is the traditional oil used in the Mediterranean region but rapeseed oil produced in the UK has similar uses and benefits.

Healthier mono-unsaturated oils are also found in olives, nuts, seeds and avocados.

Vegetables can be roasted with small amounts of olive oil. Olive oil is often used in dressings for salads. You can also dip bread into it as an alternative to using butter.

Overall, although typical Western and Mediterranean diets can have a similar total fat content, the Mediterranean Diet is high in health-protective mono-unsaturated fat. However, consuming too much fat of any type can contribute to obesity.

dip 蘸


烹饪地中海风味餐时,使用单不饱和油替代饱和动物脂肪,如黄油和猪油。 橄榄油是地中海地区使用的传统油,但在英国生产的油菜籽油具有类似的用途和好处。


蔬菜可以用少量的橄榄油烤制。 橄榄油通常用于沙拉酱。 您也可以将面包浸入其中,作为使用黄油的替代品。

总的来说,虽然典型的西方和地中海饮食可以具有相似的总脂肪含量,但地中海饮食具有高健康保护性的单不饱和脂肪。 但是,摄入过多的脂肪会导致肥胖。

Nuts and seeds

Nuts such as almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, cashews and Brazil nuts, and also seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and poppy, provide protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, as well as being high in 'good' unsaturated fats.

Try to avoid salted nuts, as salt can raise blood pressure. As with all high-fat foods, consuming too much can contribute to obesity.

almonds 杏仁

chestnuts 板栗

walnuts 核桃

cashews 腰果



尽量避免盐渍坚果,因为盐可以提高血压。 与所有高脂肪食物一样,摄入过多会导致肥胖。

White meat

Lean chicken, turkey and other poultry is high in protein, vitamins and minerals. It is best to remove the skin and any visible fat.

When white meat is served in processed foods such as pies, burgers and fried chicken it is generally much higher in animal fat and so is not a healthy choice.

pie 馅饼


瘦鸡肉,火鸡和其他家禽蛋白质,维生素和矿物质含量高。 最好去除皮肤和任何可见的脂肪。


Foods to eat in smaller quantities


Wine, particularly red wine, is often consumed as part of a traditional Mediterranean diet. It contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory chemicals and can help to protect against heart disease.

However, alcohol in excess is not healthy and current health guidelines for men and women recommend no more than two small glasses of wine daily, preferably with a couple of alcohol-free days during the week. Wine is also quite high in calories and can therefore contribute to obesity.

Pregnant women should not drink any alcohol.



葡萄酒,尤其是红葡萄酒,通常作为传统地中海饮食的一部分而被消费。 它含有抗氧化剂和抗炎化学物质,可以帮助预防心脏病。

然而,过量饮酒并不健康,目前的男性和女性健康指南建议每天不要超过两杯小酒,最好是在一周内饮用几杯酒。 葡萄酒的卡路里也很高,因此可能会导致肥胖。


Dairy produce

Milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter and cream are consumed in smaller quantities in a Mediterranean diet than in a Western diet.

Dairy products contain protein, vitamins A and B12 and calcium. However, some are also high in saturated fat, especially cream and butter. Choosing lower-fat cheeses such as cottage cheese, mozzarella or feta rather than cream cheese or cheddar will reduce your saturated fat intake. Choosing semi-skimmed or skimmed milk rather than full-cream milk is also a lower fat option.


cottage cheese 干酪

mozzarella 无盐干酪

semi-skimmed 半脱脂



乳制品含有蛋白质,维生素A和B12以及钙。 但是,有些人的饱和脂肪含量也很高,特别是奶油和黄油。 选择低脂奶酪,如奶酪,马苏里拉奶酪或羊乳酪而不是奶油芝士或切达干酪,会降低饱和脂肪摄入量。 选择半脱脂或脱脂牛奶而不是全脂牛奶也是一种较低脂肪的选择。

Red meat

Red meat such as beef, pork or lamb is eaten in smaller quantities in the Mediterranean Diet than in the Western diet. Meat is high in protein, vitamins and minerals (especially iron) but tends to be higher in fat (particulary saturated fat) compared with the fat content of poultry.

When found in processed foods such as pies and sausages, it is likely to be higher in fat and lower in nutritional value.

Red meat can form part of a healthy diet but it may be better to keep it as a treat, such as Sunday dinner, or to make it into a stew or casserole with lots of vegetables. In this way, you are consuming less red meat overall.



sausage 香肠

casserole 砂锅


红肉如牛肉,猪肉或羊肉在地中海饮食中的食用量要少于西方饮食。 肉类蛋白质,维生素和矿物质(特别是铁)含量高,但与脂肪含量相比,脂肪含量更高(特别是饱和脂肪)。


红肉可以成为健康饮食的一部分,但最好保留它作为一种食物,例如星期天晚餐,或者将它制成炖菜或用大量蔬菜制成的砂锅。 通过这种方式,整体消耗的红肉就更少了。


Potatoes can be a healthy choice, depending on the cooking method. They contain fibre, vitamins B and C and potassium. However, they also contain a lot of starch which is rapidly converted to glucose. High available starch content can be associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Potatoes do not have the same health benefits as other vegetables so are listed separately.

Simpler cooking methods such as boiling, baking or mashing (without butter) are healthier choices than chips, roast potatoes or crisps.






取决于烹饪方法,土豆可以是健康的选择。 它们含有纤维,维生素B和C以及钾。 但是,它们也含有大量迅速转化为葡萄糖的淀粉。 高可用淀粉含量可能与2型糖尿病风险增加有关。 马铃薯与其他蔬菜没有相同的健康益处,因此单独列出。


Sweets and desserts

Sweet foods such as cakes, biscuits and sweets should only be eaten in small quantities, perhaps as an occasional treat. As well as sugar which is a major contributor to type 2 diabetes and tooth decay, they often contain high levels of saturated fat.

They may have some nutritional value. For example, milk-based desserts contain calcium, and many desserts contain fruit, although supermarket desserts rarely contain enough fruit to count as a portion. However, in general, sweet foods should be eaten only in small quantities.




甜食如蛋糕,饼干和糖果只能少量食用,也许偶尔可以享用。 除了糖是造成2型糖尿病和龋齿的主要原因之外,它们通常含有高水平的饱和脂肪。

他们可能有一些营养价值。 例如,基于牛奶的甜点含有钙,许多甜点含有水果,但超市的甜点很少含有足够的水果作为一部分。 但是,一般来说,甜食应少量食用。

Adopting a strict Mediterranean diet

Scientific research has shown that the closer we can get to the ideal Mediterranean diet, outlined in the pyramid chart below, the greater the health advantage. The benefits of adopting the whole dietary pattern are greater than the health-giving properties of each type of food.

pyramid 金字塔


科学研究表明,我们越接近理想的地中海饮食,在下面的金字塔图中概述,健康优势越大。 采用整个膳食模式的好处大于每种食物的健康给予特性。

A guide to portions or servings described in the pyramid is as follows:

Vegetables: a cup of raw leafy vegetables or half a cup of other vegetables.

Potatoes: 100 g.

Legumes: one cup (100 g) of cooked dry beans.

Nuts: 30 g. Eat as a snack or sprinkle on food for added taste.

Fruit: one apple, banana, one orange, 200 g of melon or watermelon, 30 g of grapes.

Meat: 60 g of cooked lean meat or fish.

Grains: half a cup (50-60 g) of cooked pasta or rice; one slice of bread (25 g).

Dairy: one cup of milk or yoghurt; 30 g of cheese.

Eggs: one egg.

Wine: 125 ml glass of average-strength red wine.







坚果:30克。 作为零食吃,或洒在食物上,增加口感。



谷物:半杯(50-60克)煮熟的意大利面或米饭; 一片面包(25克)。

乳制品:一杯牛奶或酸奶; 30克奶酪。



In summary

The strict Mediterranean Diet has been assessed and found to contain all the essential nutrients required for normal health. It also avoids excessive consumption of ingredients linked to ill health.

excessive 过多


严格的地中海饮食已经过评估并被发现含有正常健康所需的所有必需营养素。 它也避免了过度食用与健康不良有关的成分。



      本文标题:【Using English】26 - Mediterranea
