看新闻学英语--adaptation plans

看新闻学英语--adaptation plans

作者: 静之随笔 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 03:26 被阅读0次

Rising tides put up to 94 schools at risk of flooding and closures

"New Niwa models show Canterbury, Bay of Plenty and Waikato schools are the most likely to be hit by coastal flooding caused by up to 1 metre of sea level rise."

"The rising tides could create flooding around school buildings and roads, affecting children's ability to get to and from classrooms. Seawater in pipes could cause toilets and sinks to back up, according to Niwa research. Despite this, the Ministry of Education had minimal adaptation plans in place."

back up:支持,备份,拥堵,这里有后退,堵塞的意思

adaptation: 适应

adaptation plans:相适应的计划


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