It reminds me of writing a story, you have to write a good title, attracting starting, and then the story develops gradually. Here comes the climax of the whole story, the most exciting and important moment of the whole story. This chapter is the climax of the book.
By switching from different scenes like, Tom's investigation, gathering in Tom's home, confession and confrontation among Daisy, Gatsby and Tom, the car accident, Nick guessed the truth, and Gatsby watched for nothing, the author takes us to experience such a dramatic life as if sitting down in a 4D movie theater. I like the the way this author sets out, "drove toward death", "first primal witness" and "watching over nothing" all these elements telling sad stories intentionally.
Gatsby's foot beat a short, restless tattoo and Tom eyed him suddenly.
eye 打量,端详
If you eye someone or something in a particular way, you look at them carefully in that way.
Tom glanced around to see if we mirrored his unbelief. But we were all looking at Gatsby.
你看同样表示“看”的意思,两句话用的词不一样。这里我主要想说一下 "mirror" ,本来名词是指镜子,这里作动词有 reflect 的意思,Tom看了一圈,想要看看我们是不是也“和他一样”不相信盖茨比。
What kind of a row are you trying to cause in my house.
row 严重分歧,纠纷
A row is a serious disagreement between people or organizations
我们知道 row 也有“你坐哪一排”的那个排的意思,但明显这里就不是排,所以对于这种熟悉的小词,我们更应该查查它们不被我们熟知的意思。比如这本书的第一章里有一个词是 minute (分钟)但是明显原文的意思不是分钟,If you say that something is minute, you mean that it is very small. 也就是十分微小的意思。