

作者: Editideas | 来源:发表于2019-05-14 10:25 被阅读0次

    摘要总结了论文,有利于对文章要点的提炼。所以,论文摘要就像是对一段感情的总结,如若未曾恋爱,总结得总会差强人意。因此,尽管摘要出现在论文的最前面,但摘要一般应该在文章各主要部分完成后再写。优秀的摘要能有效抓住读者兴趣。开始写作摘要时,可以从Introduction、Material and Method、Results and discussion部分中选择整个句子或关键短语,并把它们按逻辑顺序排列。然后着手修改或添加文字。要做到准确、简洁、清楚地表达论文中心内容。句子之间要上下连贯、前后呼应。句型应力求简单,慎用长句。每句话要表达清楚,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,即不阅读全文,读者也能获得必要的信息。简单地说,首先从一些简单的背景资料开始,用1、2句话解释为什么要做这项研究及与你研究相关的背景特色(背景与目的);其次简述(1、2句话)做了什么(目标/基本方法)。不必详述,但必须注明使用的关键技术,然后清楚地简述主要成果或发现(1、2句话)及重大意义(1、2句话)。最后一句应为研究结论,为什么结果很重要,强调研究的创新和意义。


    -Statement of:

    -The question asked (present verb tense)

    -What was done to answer the question (past verb tense)-research design, population studies, independent and dependent variables.

    -Findings that answer the question (past verb tense)- the most important results and evidence (data)presented in a logical order.

    -The answer to the question (present verb tense).If useful, and where word limit allows, include;

    -One or two sentences of background information (placed at the beginning)

    -An implication or a speculation based on the answer (present verb tense, placed at the end).



    (1)取消不必要的字句,如“It is reported..”,“Extensive investigations show that..”,“The author discusses..”,“This paper concerned with ......”。


    (3)取消或减少背景介绍( background information)。







    Notch signaling is broadly used to regulate cell ate decisions. We have identified a gene, rumi, with a temperature-sepsitiye Notch phenotype.At 28-30℃ rumi clones exhibit a full-blown loss of Notch signaling in all tissues tested. However, at 18℃ only a mild Notch phenotype is evident. In vivo analyses reveal that the target of Rurhi is the extracellular domain of Notch. Notch accumulates intracellularly and at the cell membrane of rumi cells but fails to be properly cleaved, despite normal binding to Delta. Rumi is an endoplasmic reticulum - retained protein with a highly conserved CAP10 domain. Our studies show that Rumi is a protein O-glucosyltransferase, capable of adding glucose to serine residues in Notch EGF repeats with the consensus CI-X-S-X-P-C2 Sequence.These data indicate that by O-glucosylating Notch in the ER, Rumi regulates its folding and/or trafficking and allows signaling at the Membrane.

    Cell ,2018,132:24728



    Manipulation of single spins is essential for spin-baseer qantum information processing.Electrical control instead of magnetic control is particularly appealing for this purpose, because eleetric fiekds are easy to generate locally on-chip. We experimentally realized coherent control of a single-electron spin in a quantum dot using an osciLating electric field generated by a local gate. The electric field induced coherent transitions(Rabi oscillations) between spin-up and spin-down with 90o rotations as fast as-55 nanoseconds. Qur analysis indicated that the electrically induced spin transitions were mediated by the spin-orbit interaction. Taken together with the recently demonstrated coherent exchange of two neighboring spins, our results establish the feasibility of fully electrical manipulation of spin qubits.




    In primates that are highly sexually dimorphic, males yiten reach maturity later than females, and young adult males do not show the size, morphology, and coloration of mature males. Here we describe extehded male development in a hominin species, Paranthropus robustus. Ranking a large sample of facial remains on the basis of dental wear stages reveals a difference in size and robusticity between young adult and old adult males. Combined with estimates of sexual dimorphism, this pattern suggests that male reproductive strategy focused on monopolizing groups of females, in a manner similar to that of silverback gorillas. However, males appear to have borne a substantial cost in the form of high rates of predation.





