

作者: f66522a6d471 | 来源:发表于2019-06-24 22:25 被阅读0次

Ads showing bad female drivers and inept dads 无能的爹banned in UK crackdown 禁止

① Depictions of girls as less academic than boys, men being belittled 轻视for "unmanly" behaviour, and an array of 一系列other cliched 陈腐的portrayals have been consigned 打发to history in British commercials as new rules come into effect 开始生效banning gender stereotypes 模式化in advertising. ② The changes, which came into effect last week, ban companies from using depictions of gender "that are likely to cause harm, or serious or widespread offense.冒犯"③ Broadcast, online and print advertising are all affected by the guidelines, which will force advertisers to discard dated 陈旧的and stereotypical portrayals of men and women.④ The new regulations will affect things like commercials that show a man with his feet up 歇着while a woman cleans; a man or woman failing at a task because of their gender; suggestions that a person's physique 体格has held them back from romantic or social success.⑤ Also under fire 批判will be ads that play on 利用stereotypical ideas of gender, such as men being more "daring" or women being more "caring."


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