Find your Strength

Find your Strength

作者: 麦穗呀 | 来源:发表于2021-01-28 22:49 被阅读0次

    Find your strength


    What is the meaning of our life?

    Maybe you would like to say: Happiness

    Change, New things, Family…

    To be honest, I really agree with all of you.

    But I would like to say: To be the best of yourself. How?

    Find your strength, which is your talent from Lord; Believe you are unique, then practice and practice. You love what you do, you love the people around you and also you know what you can do and deliver them best.

    I ask myself continuely what is my strength, seek my friends help, read some books and do test on line.

    Amazing thing happened,  my strength is same with my thinking~ positive, arranger, includer… Also I will leverage strength in my daily life.

    Here I want to give my appreciate to TJ NO1 TMC, this is a really diversify team and we work together to prepare open day, to learn more, to give feedback sincerely and professionally.

    TJ NO 1



          本文标题:Find your Strength
